What would you do if an angel came down to you and revealed that you are in fact Satan?
Let’s say he reveals that you, Satan, had been banished to Earth by God and erased your memory, to live among humans for whatever reasons. To further compound this, he waves his hands and you grow 2 pairs of black, scorched feathery wings on your back, and also all your memories of your past existence as Satan suddenly return. How would you proceed from there on and how would your further existence in the world be characterised?
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43 Answers
Ask myslef “what on earth have I been smoking?”
Well, since I don’t buy into any of it, that’s a little tough, but my first instinct says full scale war with god for daring to take such liberties with me in the first place. Guess what I remember would have a dramatic bit of influence too but since I can’t know what those memories would be till I had them, I’ll stick with my gut.
I would apologize for all the shit I caused.
Oh come on. Do you mean LEATHERY wings? Why would they be scorched?
Satan, according to lore was called Lucifer, which meant “Light Bearer”. He was known as the morning star and was said to be among the most beautiful of all the angels.
Why do you think that evil is necessarily ugly? Do you not think it would be more difficult to detect and resist if it were appealing? I’m utterly no good with hypothetical questions. I guess I’d high tail it up to heaven as fast as I could, fall on my face and beg forgiveness.
“HA” you say. “No you wouldn’t, you’d be Satan, and evil and stuff.” To which I say, “Ok, then how the hell, (No pun intended) should I know what I would do? Evil has its own agenda, and I don’t have a clue what it is.”
@Sampson Well you would think he would say something to you to. I mean if he didn’t like what you were doing, he should have spoken up.
I’d ask it “where the fuck are my powers then?”
I’d be very excited about my black long wings. As long as I don’t grow horns and whatnot.
And I would be wondering why “god” is still alive.
@Tink1113 you could just try to fight god, that would be awesome to put on youtube.
Pfft happened alreadt.
I’m curious why it told me.
I would quickly proceed to jump off a cliff, remember that I had wings, then decide to drown myself in the sea below.
I’d go back to bed. The end of times can wait. I’d probably get some Borderlands in too. I love that game.
After that maybe I’d go to Chipotle. I love their burritos.
I’d eat, go to sleep, and hope the hangover isn’t too bad in the morning.
I’d require some proof. I don’t feel Satan-ish…
I’d take about a week and do some evil, (chicks booze and candy), and then straighten my life out once and for all. holy cripes…I do sex booze and candy everyday…
@TheLoneMonk , yeah, but the wings, they GOTTA be a chick magnet. Once the smell of scorched feathers goes away!
Well the memory loss would explain my CHRONIC atheism. The horns too.
I know, I’d be hellboy!
I’d be good satan. I’d turn good. Do the wings work? I’d fly, fly, fly
Well it’s quite obvious that God is actually Satan.
It’s funny you should ask this. This very thing has happened to me. I had a little extra bounce in my step on my mail route that day.
I’d remind the angel that I don’t believe in angels.
@davidk 0100110001001111010011000010000001000111011100100110010101100001011101000010000001100001011011100111001101110111011001010111001000100001
I would try to atone tfor my sins and win my way back into heaven….I’m still an angel right?...Or I would try to get back to a normal life..and figure out what powers I have
I’d lay off my crack pipe for a while…
I’d continue raising hell. I’d just step it up a bit.
Obviously someone slipped me something crazy if I’m talking to angels and growing wings and shit, so I can’t be accountable for my actions. I’d just do some crazy stuff and hope that whatever drug they gave me wears off…
I’d show the really evil people (child molesters, murderers, neoconservatives, etc.) the meaning of the word SMITE.
i’d say pleased to meet you, glad you guessed my name…whooh oooh….whooh oooh
I’ve been thinking about a career change for quite a while. Where do I apply to get a new job as a guardian angel? I’ve heard they got a special department handling motorcyclists. Do you think I’m qualified?
Tell you what I’d do… I’d pop in the TV and point out Simon Cowell.
We’d laugh at his mistake I’d maybe make them coffee and swap numbers then point him towards the x factor.
Most of you don’t know what the x factor is… Just imagine American Idol, but a bit more shrill. If that’s possible.
It’s coming soon… And forever.
I guess I would be going on a date with Anna Nicole Smith.
I’d start flyin’ around going, check me out I’m an anime character!
I’d try out my cool new Satanic voice and scare the shit out of people.
I guess the first thing I’d do is fuck that angel up in a real bad hurtful kinda way and say “Hey! Remember you used to be my Bitch. And guess what! Now you are again… Bitch!”
If you look at the bible stories about Satan, he’s not such a bad guy. He seems to want people to think for themselves, “eat from the tree of knowledge” and so forth. He tried to talk Christ out of having himself tortured and murdered, and bet that Job was sane and not brainwashed by “God”.
If I turned out to be Satan, I’d be proud of myself and pissed at God for punishing me for no good reason. I’d also look up the best plastic surgeon because I would have access to a great deal of money and have my wings fixed up and maybe a little liposuction.
I’d think,
“BUMMER! this angel dude is more powerful than me…...”
But then I’d think,
“I’M IMMORTAL!......yey…..anyone for sex and the blood of a slaughtered lamb?”
Wow! I would sure be shocked. I know I have my flaws but I didn’t think I qualified as evil.
Who says that Satan is necessarily evil?
He could be the good guy, and leader of a resistance movement against the tyrant god.
History is written by the victor. If there was a Satan, it’s likely that he was no better or worse than “god”. The only difference is that Satan lost the war.
Imagine how history would look if Hitler won instead of Roosevelt.
I’d start fucking people up at a massive rate. Call my buddies: Death, Despair, Destruction and Dismemberment and have a party….and then shoot fire out of my dick. I’d call it a satisfying day. :)
@Only138 lol. I wanna come to that party
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