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HTDC's avatar

Why is there such a negative attitude towards women having sex during ther period? Does this relate to a general disgust of menstruation itself?

Asked by HTDC (3978points) January 13th, 2010

A question that was asked previously on Fluther made me wonder why people look down upon this and why some may even be ashamed or disgusted by it.

For example, the other day I answered a question about blow jobs with this, which didn’t get the most positive response needless to say it was very personally attacking and somewhat threatening, which then gets multiple Great Answers.

However a similar question about oral sex and sex in general but with a woman during that time of month was answered with this and received very positive feedback, more than 30+ Great Answers.

Both our answers were addressing the same issue of quality on Fluther yet when one of the questions involves sex with a menstruating woman it gets an entirely different reaction.

Isn’t this a little hypocritical and does it show the negative attitudes towards women and having sex during that time of month but also to menstruation in general?

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