Will you tell me something great that happened to you today? Part III.
Asked by
augustlan (
January 14th, 2010
New year, new great stuff! In keeping with this great question which was taking forever to load, won’t you share something lovely with us?
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293 Answers
I went to school! And I learned, which is the important part.
Luckily it’s a new day. Yesterday was shitty… nothing went right. Here’s hoping today is better!
I found a buddy to have fun with. I think in some groups it’s called friends with benefits. In gay culture we call them fuck buddies.
It’s casual. It’s fun. All participants know nothing serious will ever come of it. It’s light.
And it’s hot.
I worked on finding a shop I can live in for a new woodworking shop. Not much luck but I tried. Failure is still progress. I scored a big 18’ pizza for 5 bucks from a friend at the local pizza shop, they sell stuff cheap right before they close. And I played with my kitten for about 30 minutes. I love her.
I made french onion soup with my daughter that turned out good so we had a healthy supper.
Someone told me they loved me, I continued breathing, and I wrote another 3,000 words of my novel. All reasons to celebrate, in my opinion.
@johnpowell Wow! An eighteen-foot pizza for $5? That’s got to be some kind of record! LOL
I enjoyed the three yoga classes I took in San Fran last Sunday so much, I created a Facebook event and invited a few friends to go this Sunday. So far, there are 13 of us carpooling in!
Be nice in my thread, JP. Hmpf. :/
Well… monday I made a special angel wing flight to atlanta, and while there I had a late lunch with a good friend… tuesday I was one of thousands who took off their pants in nyc subway and streets… later that night I went to a jazz jam on 8th street… wednesday I went to chelsea piers gymnastics to work on my tumbling etc. then I bowled a couple of games, after lunch I met my flamenco guitar instructor for about an hour, after getting dressed at home I met some friends at bubbles in tribeca for some drinks, got too drunk came home and took a nap after checking my e-mails and fluther. Later on I went to a club because a fav DJ was spinning. Today I took a baking class at the french culinary institute in NYC… I did an hour at the art students league on 57th street… (I like the thursday class) this is my life, always taking some class or other… slow week but this way I don’t dwell on being single.
I talked to my nephew, and he made me laugh. We share dark humor. I finished a document at work that I have been working on for months. I appreciated the leadership in the department; they are good people. Had really great pad thai for dinner at a restaurant I had only been to once before.
Today I had lunch with a Federal Court Judge, who says there’s no such thing as a free lunch?
I drove my new car to work for the first time. So much fun but I was so uptight the whole time and I swear every SOB on the road was out to crash into me! lol
I was appointing acting manager of my team at work.
I ate Chinese food with my SO at our favourite Chinese restaurant in town (and let him drive!)
Wow, this is really nice @augustlan – reflecting the day and putting it into words makes me realise how special it was. So often we are living so “go go go” that it is nice to stop and really think about it, reminisce and appreciate it for what it was.
I went to the hospital with my best friend and was there for her ultrasound and we found out she’s having a baby girl! :D
Well, nothing that great today, but yesterday I got offered a temporary job for 3 or 4 months. Better than nothing and something more I can put on my CV.
@Tomfafa sounds an amazing way to live…so much variation!
@Tomfafa No, you’d know about if you did! It is 11am, no time for sleeping.
I had a beer with the one friend I have that I can go out with without my wife. It’s so nice to be able to unburden myself with a real person.
I did some more crying last night and this morning.. so painful but so good to actually let myself feel things…It’s like a dam bursting open… all the counselling, journalling, delving into the dark quarters is finally paying off…
Lynne… you’re breaking my heart!
don’t be broken…we have bluebirds and the spring to look forward to :-)
actually.. I don’t think I’ve actually ever seen a real live bluebird!
I got to take my girlfriend to her little sisters school to surprise them with cupcakes and got to spend time with my lady a good part of the morning. Was invited to her house for dinner with her family which was really nice of them. Very good day!.
I love these threads they make me feel so a little more positive!
@lynneblundell I too had a good cry yesterday. It’s been a long time since really letting certain emotions out and I felt so much better for it! I am glad that counselling is working for you, I still can’t bring myself to have counselling even though there are things that I have to deal with. I guess I’m just not ready at the moment.
My boyfriend told me that he thinks I am misunderstood and that I will go on to do great things in my life. Although I know that I have a lot of support as far as family and friends are concerned no one has ever said that to me and it made me think “yeah, I will do great things”. Ther’s nothing quite like hearing that someone you love very much has every faith in you.
School starts next Wednesday, but tomorrow I get to go to NYC to see my girlfriend and play with my kids.
kicked my friend’s ass on the golf course!
Our pool and spa construction was completed yesterday. I sat outside for a glass of wine or two with my husband, and then we got into the hot tub for the first time. Great day and night for us! :)
@lynneblundell Really? I’ll try to take some pictures for you. We have them here, I always feed the birds.
Somebody told me that they love me. I got to work really early and jumped on Fluther before my day started. Nice to see you all.
I woke up which is always a great thing….I love it when I do that! Still pretty early for anything great to happen yet. I am looking forward to my sweetie waking up and talking to her that will be really great!!! Other than that, work for the nex 8 hours…not too great there and after, who knows, lots of opportunity for great things there. I’ll keep you posted!
Yet another day. Although I argued with my boyfriend, we made up with each other. I went for an interview, offered me a job. Went back home to play with my siblings and bond more with them.
Frankly speaking, I’m glad for every single day I live. Cliched as it may sound, as long as I can be happy on that day for any one particular reason, that’s something great.
It’s been a crummy few weeks with a lot of serious illness among family and friends, but a close friend is coming over for tea and scones this morning and I am going for a walk with another.
This morning I could detect movement on the side of my face that had been paralyzed by Bell’s Palsy! I can wiggle my eyebrow a little bit, and I can almost make a raspberry sound out of my lips. I have high hopes of playing my trumpet again before summer!
I woke up, big mistake. Luckily I’ll be able to go back to sleep again today.
i bought something beautiful for my house, i had a wonderful lunch with my darling mother and i finished the day off with a great white wine!
I got out of bed 30 minutes after I meant to but still managed to get into work on time. Then my big task for the day took me only two hours instead of my expected three+. Woohoo!
I connected a cancer patient’s daughter to a caregiver-specific support group.
I slept in. It was amazing.
School started today. I enjoyed my first class… confirmed there are no tests… and asked the professor for advice on which non-profit organization to do my class project on. He gave me a great idea about a house for pregnant teens that teaches them life and parenting skills and supports them for up to 2 years. I’m hoping this will be the connection I have been looking for so that I can find a place to (1) finalize my thoughts about my thesis and (2) volunteer and perhaps join the board of directors!
Hopefully my next class will be as enjoyable!
i woke up!! my day has just begun….
Finally able to make arrangements with the oil company today, and found out they should be able to make a delivery tomorrow which is a good thing since we’re about to run out…
As mentioned above, I have had a crummy few weeks, but the tea and talk with one good friend and a long walk and talk with another have been terrific! I really love my friends.
I have a paycheck . . . and had lunch at this newly opened sushi and seafood buffet just 5 minutes from work after I had deposited my paycheck in the bank.
I talked today for the first time on the phone to a fellow flutherer. That was fun.
My mail arrived….after days without any mail because of the big snowstorms here. I got five fantastic books (some that had been ordered before Christmas) and my Vanity Fair with bad-boy Tiger on the cover.
When you live in the country….books in the mail is a very great thing! Very happy!
I drafted magic last night nothing new there but my team won and we drafted a very old block. I got to bring home some sweet rare cards and sold another one for quite a bit.
I have had four consecutive $1,000 days at work. That’s made off of sales on things ranging from $20 – $50. On the phone. Making cold calls. I have saved customers more than $3000 in excess cost because of those sales and I have also lead the most successful day for the department as team leader.
Which is actually surprisingly awesome considering our bare minimum we should average a day for the week is $350.
I’m essentially a bona fide fucking rock star today. Sup, commission check?
And on top of that I was asked to do a bit of a demonstration next week on effective sales.
I’ve never done sales before this job in my life. Looks like I found what I’m good at… >:D
Well, @johnpowell told me I am tedious, and that made me grin from ear to ear!
In other news, I had a lovely evening with my husband. We talked and um… cuddled. In bed. ;)
Then his son and girlfriend came over with ultrasound pictures of their baby, and told us they’re having a girl. A new granddaughter is on the way!
I got new shorts and socks
After assisting a yoga class of about 40 students, which involves positioning them, helping them deeper into poses, massaging, etc., several of the students asked me if I am a massage therapist (I’m not). I even got a few “whoop whoops” while the class applauded my assists. It was very rewarding to know that I helped that many people to feel better for a while.
I’m just thankful that when my Father In Law passed away this week that we were able to take the whole family down to be with Moms.
I’ve been really behind on my work and personal e-mail. I’m sure many of us have experienced that – when we just can’t seem to catch up and get back to people that are important. Ugh!
Tonight I got a little more control of it with my work e-mail… wrote down the specific tasks embedded within each e-mail in my work inbox. Feels much more manageable to tackle head-on tomorrow at work. That’s a relief, and hopefully more relief is on the way tomorrow – especially when I get my inbox back to 0!
Today’s my brithday. It’s not a big one but we are going out for a walk and some friends are coming over for dinner.
well, Happy B Day J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Jan!
I woke up to my Husband’s smile. Makes everything just a little bit brighter.
hi Adam!! nice to see you again :)
(@janbb x happy bday gorgeous hope it’s not too belated xxxx)
things are still becoming clearer for me… that’s all… but it’s all painful and all good
@lynneblundell Thanks – not too late! And glad things are becoming clearer for you, sweetie. Hope the pain lessens soon too.
Correction, I have had five consecutive days. I averaged $1,217 a day, and beat my original goal by $1,000.
Fuck yeah!
dad had surgery (shoulder replacement) and it went well!!!! the doctor said his shoulder was really bad and i know he’s been in pain for many years. I am so happy that he’s going to feel better and that he’s on his way into recovery!! best news ever!
I wish you shelter from the storm
a cosy fire to keep you all warm xx
I had a really interesting conversation with my friend, Upneet. She is Indian and a Sikh but went to an English speaking, Christian boarding school in India before moving over to England where she currently works with me. Anyway, we were working together on a five hour shift and I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed working so much. I found the conversation very insightful and quite heartwarming. She told me about her upbringing and how her religion and culture have affected her life and views etc. I have been friends with her for quite a few years and obviously knew about her ethnicity, culture and upbringing but this is the first time we have really discussed it in depth. I have added respect for her and was very pleased too hear bout how positive her upbringing and religion were to her. It’s refreshing to have a conversation with someone about their childhood and not to hear very much doom and gloom but still learn a lot.
(will look it up! I have Tomfafa to thank for introducing me to that song…AMAZING!)
My partner drove me into the mountains and gave me an introduction to rock climbing. It was a blast and fantastic workout even if I did come home with some scrapes and bruises. Afterwards he took me to a buffet (he hates buffets) and let me go hog wild, even as far as ordering a complete foo-foo cocktail smothered in whipped cream. Once home and washed up, he read to me aloud for what seemed a good hour or so and was an incredible treat, one I wish I’d been able to keep awake longer for.
Today will be a great day! Saints are gonna beat Cardinals in the Superdome today!
Klondike Derby Day for Licking District, Simon Kenton Council BSA. And WE HAD SNOW for the first time in 5 years. The kids had a blast, I left early because I forgot my AM Meds. Sunshine and Snow, Best ever for Scouting and Sledding! Happy Days!
@mzgator Nice to see you! Where have you been hiding?
I met my friends new Schnauzer puppy, Dexter. Very very cute. I love how, even as puppies Schnauzers look like little old men!
In addition to nice birthday celebrations with friends, I’ve gotten a lot of course prep work done for this semester this weekend. Since I’ve been dragging my ass all through the break, it feels great to finally accomplish something.
@augustian: We have been really busy. We traveled a bit, had a backyard remodeling project, homeschooling etc…. After the holidays passed, I finally have a little time for me again.
Hello to my fellow jellies. I’ve missed you guys!
Last week I posted about a great day of three yoga classes by a well known yogi in San Francisco. I just got back from the event I organized to bring some of my friends with me today to share the incredible experience with such a charismatic teacher. We were 22 strong, taking up over 15% of the mat space in the first class, 25% in the second, and over half the third class. Six hours of vigorous vinyasa yoga, 21 of my friends, great food at lunch, and I was offered a yoga teacher position at a new studio opening up after May.
Lovely house dinner and meeting. (Dinner was a big pot of soup with chicken, soba noodles, spinach, and miso. Yum!)
After two years of not having it, it’s SO great to have housemates I can talk with, and whom I enjoy!
Awoke to sandpaper kisses this morning. Someone small and cute needed petting.
I got some of the nicest comments and some of the best words of encouragement off my fellow Flutherites and I am going to bed a lot happier and content and peaceful than I was when I got out of it.. thank you so much jellies xxxx ooh….and I started a blog, which was a leap of faith
I got a friends request on Facebook from a fellow jelly! It’s nice to feel like I am starting to make friendships on Fluther which, apart from the love of asking and answering was the reason I joined :)
I was nudged out of sleep by my favorite snuggle buddy, spoiled rotten with luv and blown a kiss as I headed out the door to work.
*Congrats @ru2bz46!
I worked out like a maniac
my little boy cat (in my avatar) got his allergy shot finally! he was a good 3 weeks past due, almost 2 behind…. no more itchiness for him! :) anddd dad’s home from the hospital, new shoulder and all :)
I helped my girlfriend’s sister with her science project. 10 year olds have their moments of cuteness and it’s fun to interact with science stuff for that age level. I had a lot of fun helping and those of you who are parents out there, spending time on school stuff can be very fun! :-)
I went to a ‘lower limb’ physio class and laughed my way through it with a stranger who made me feel very welcome and comfortable… the big and great thing was that I actually went somewhere new, all alone and met strangers… so to actually have fun as well was a bonus!
On my walk today, I saw the great blue heron that lives on our lake chuntering his way along a log. Also, I got to visit my friend who is recuperating from lung cancer surgery and it was a great relief to spend time with her. It’s my last day of winter break, but I’m ready to get back to work and see my colleagues.
I actually got 8 hours of sleep. Sure, I woke up a couple of times due to construction going on outside, but I was so exhausted that even that wasn’t able to keep me awake. It’s been weeks… running on anywhere from 2 + 3 = 5 total hours (like yesterday) to a few hours here and there. And now I feel somewhat like myself, although still very tired.
@lynneblundell ‘I am going to bed a lot happier and content and peaceful than I was when I got out of it.. thank you so much jellies xxxx’
How about going to bed happy… and with a flutherer? (raising my hand)
@Trustinglife I have been on a soba kick for oh about ten years… the best!
I taught a free yoga class at my local Salvation Army Adult Rehab Center to men recovering from addiction. The theme of my class was “Pain and Suffering”. I worked the students hard to let them feel pain, then convinced them to enjoy themselves using humor and letting them know that the pain was indicative of growth. By changing their attitudes about the pain they were feeling, they did not suffer during the class.
Training the mind in this way allows them to take the lesson with them into their daily lives. When life throws a bunch of crap at them, they can choose to suffer and wallow in misery, or they can learn from it or view it in a different way and avoid suffering. Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional. Each of the students personally thanked me after class, and I could tell that the lesson resonated with many of them. I went home feeling very appreciated.
@ru2bz46 I love hearing about your yoga classes – I’ve been thinking about trying a yoga class at the studio down the street from me, and listening to your stories just makes me want to even more. I think I’m going to go to a class tomorrow!
I am SO glad to hear that @sdeutsch! Remember, if you don’t like the first class you try, try a different teacher, or a different studio. There are many styles of yoga, and each teacher has their own flavor that they add to the style. I was lucky and found my niche with my first teacher, but I’ve had others whom I did not care for. Good luck in your journey!
Today I rediscovered how much fun just sitting listening to the radio playing Pokemon on my gameboy is. I am a 49 year old 12 year old!
I got an 82 on my thesis paper. I am just glad I can stop worrying if I can graduate or not (passing score is 65). I know I could’ve done better if I did it earlier (I was rotating between sleep and writing it on the computer throughout the night before the due day), but I am just glad I got this over with.
I read this thread, and it made me smile.
@ru2bz46 You really strike me as a delightful human being. :)
It hasn’t happened yet but tonight I am going to see Michael Palin give a talk about comedy. I adore Michael Palin so, obviously, I am very excited about “seeing him in the flesh” so to speak!
On the one hand, all of my favorite technology has been failing as of late phone, computer, ds but I have been dealing with some wonderful service people because of all this technology failure. The woman at Nintendo knocked 10 dollars off the price of fixing my ds I suspect that’s because I was chatting her up and the man at Dell was lovely and friendly and we talked about the weather and prairie dogs!
Michael Palin was delightful, he was interviewed by Graham Garden and then presented with an award. My dad even managed to get his autograph for me :)
Today, I have the memories of a lovely evening!
I’ve just been notified that I start my new job on Monday. Like I’ve said earlier in the thread, it’s temporary, but at least it’s another notch on my CV.
Tonight I’ll be co-hosting Random Ass Radio, with Blondesjon. I’m excited and nervous!
I volunteered at the library for the first time yesterday, and I had a great time. I was just sorting books for a few hours, but it was great to be doing something useful and feel like I was helping to support the library (we have a fabulous library system, and they’re really hurting for money right now – every bit of volunteer work they get takes them a little bit farther from having to close one of the branches…) Plus, I met some great people and I got to be surrounded by books – what could be better?
I went back to work on Wednesday and had a great time reconnecting with colleagues. A lot of crummy things happened over the break – illness of relatives and friends – and it was good to be back at work.
I was about to call in a take out pizza order at my favorite Chicago-style pizza place last night, when on a whim, I invited a friend whom I hadn’t connected with in a few weeks to meet me there. She accepted and brought her girlfriend, and the three of us had a great evening! Love those impromptu outings! :-)
@ru2bz46 I agree with Augustlan. You seem to have such a great outlook on life.
@janbb It must be the yoga. Seriously, I was much different two years ago. In fact, even my first Fluther posts from ten months ago show a less-contented individual than what you see today. The changes are subtle and gradual, yet extreme. I feel like an entirely new person…and I like it!
@ru2bz46 Me too – it is great to share your contentment vicariously.
I had a shadow today while walking home! I don’t like winter time because it’s always so dark and gloomy, but it broke today!
I was given a bit of peace of mind today. It didn’t change my day drastically but it was enough to lift the weight off my shoulders that was starting to worry me.
I was told three times that I’m a great mum… but I knew it didn’t mean anything compared to my own belief about how much of a great mum I am… that’s progress
Celebrated my father’s 75th birthday tonight. His health is failing (in the last 9 years, he’s had lung cancer twice, aortic aneurysm, and a quadruple bypass), so every birthday is a blessing.
I had a long walk and talk with one of my best friends. She’s great and I told her how important our walks together are to me.
My son spent all day at an OMEA (Ohio Music Education Assn) Contest. He had a great time and scored 3–1’s and a 2. Momma and I watched and came home in-between. The last two were percussion ensemble pieces. They were amazing! Proud of that boy.. yup.
I Skyped with my son who is living in Paris. Things are looking great for him for a job or research position for next year. It’s very exciting to see his growth.
My mum paid me a visit and brought chocolate!
My mother told me today that she would like to sit down with my first wife and talk things out – things that never got resolved when we divorced 15 years ago. That’s a huge step considering just last year, my mother wouldn’t even be in the same room with her, and she is my best friend. Some things DO change, and time DOES heal all… :-)
I experienced a bit of human kindness. Last month I did some overtime at the reception desk where I work and for some reason, didn’t get paid for it. It was about £100 worth of work which, to me, is quite a big deal. Seeing as I now have to wait until next month for my work to actually pay me the money I am owed the head receptionist paid me out of her own pocket. She didn’t have to do that as it’s not her fault that our work place didn’t pay me but she knows how much I need the money and helped me out.
My best friend was in town visiting her mom this weekend – I didn’t think I was going to get to see her before she left, but she called early this morning and we went out to breakfast before she had to drive home. She’s a six-hour drive away, so we only get to see each other a few times a year – it was so great to spend a little extra time with her! It just made my whole day better.
Yes! I learned a woman I have dearly loved for so many years and who in my heart of hearts I’ve believed has never stopped loving me has consented to speak to me again after more than a decade of avoidance. So many times I have wanted to call her at home and just blurt out into the phone, “I know you love me too!” hee hee, what a day, some things are worth waiting for.
Today’s my 36th wedding anniversary. Thirty-six years with (sort of) the same man! Where do the years go?
@janbb 36 years! Good for you! You give off a very nice vibe… always pleasant to read your postings. What part of paris does your son live in? I always get hustled out of paris by my friend… who’s afraid my big mouth will get him killed. (He has a good point!) So… a BIG 36 year congratulations!
@Tomfafa The first year he was in Montmartre on the rue des Abbesses and now he is livng in the 5th arr. not far from the rue Mouffetard. And thanks for the good wishes!
@janbb I know the hill, jan. A little bohemian enclave in the big city is montmarte.
@janbb congrats my friend…........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Having an absolute blast on my company paid vacation!! DOMINICAN REPUBLIC BABY! Fantastic resort! Anybody who wants a kick ass place to vacation go to the moon palace in Puenta Cana!
My time at work felt more productive than usual because I started a new project. It is fairly small in the scheme of things but it’s nice to have a bit of a change to the normal working routine.
Today I left my wallet in a shopping cart in the parking lot at the grocery store. Someone returned it to the service desk, not an employee, and saved me a heck of a lot of trouble. I wish I could thank the kind person who did that!
My husband and I are also finally planning a family vacation that doesn’t involve my family and the state of Indiana. I think we are going to take the kids to Kiawah Island in South Carolina when they are on spring break! We can get a cottage on the beach, relax, have fun, and enjoy each other for the week. Can’t wait!
Happy Anniversary (a bit late!) @janbb ! I lost this question for a while, and am happy to have found it again!
@MissAusten thanks!
A friend of mine who was mad at me for something and had stopped talking to me for about 8 months called up and invited us to dinner. I was very pleased because we’ve been friends since high school and I thought I had lost him.
@janbb: That happened to me in high school once. A good friend of mine and I got into a huge fight and stopped speaking. Several months later, she just came up to me and started chatting and it was if the fight never happened. That was honestly one of the best things to ever happen. I’m glad it happened to you. :)
My team just won a magic draft and I got a few cards I really needed for a deck I’m building. My boyfriend and I saw a hilarious comedian at my school today and I ate chocolate ice cream!
@KatawaGrey Funnily enough, this same guy did it to me in high school, too. I kinda knew what it was about then; he gave a reason for being mad this time that seemed trumped up. Anyway, I’m glad he called.
A bluejay, a cardinal pair and a woodpecker, along with several smaller birds, were all engaged in a power struggle around my birdfeeder just now.
Came back from the Dominican Republic and reunited with my girlfriend. :-) Had lots of fun! Man, you take the little things for gratide when u leave the United States. Its bad when I am happy to see rush hour traffic again. lol!
Moose Tracks Rules!!!!! had a huge bowl last night because the wife unit is on a diet so I stealthily had it under cover of darkness. Aah!
I started doing our taxes this morning (I just have to look up a stray form or two that should have come in the mail) and plugged the approximate refund in to our “paying off debt” spreadsheet and came out with VERY good news.
Can anyone say vacation this summer???!!!
Plus, my hubby has been especially loving and patient during my PMS this month.
@majorrich Mmmm…Moosetracks… :P That’s one that I cannot trust myself to have in the house.
I finally got around to updating my iPod. It feels great to have a load of new music.
Right now I am sat on the sofa with my two dogs, one either side of me, who are both fast asleep, looking very cute and keeping me warm with their body heat.
I took Theo to the park this afternoon…it snowed again last night and although a lot of the snow had melted it was beautiful to see some snow left on the ground and the bright sun streaming across the green and white ground.
We had a lovely walk and he played on the swings and the climbing frames and the slides….I took some photos.
We ended our afternoon sat by a frozen lake with our bottoms on a blanket on a bench, watching the ducks waddling and people leaving the park to go home, sipping hot chocolate and it was truly magical…
I’m getting ready to take my lovely daughter out to dinner, and then to see The Lion King on stage. Other than worrying that I’ll get us lost and we’ll be late for the show, I’m really excited to do something this nice with her!
Got done league bowling. Spending quality time on fluther! Talking to my sweetheart and watching shows on my DVR before I have to go to work.
Once again, I went to San Francisco for a class with my favorite teachers’ teacher with 10 friends from my town. Afterward, I hit the Yoga Journal Conference for a little while.
While all that was plenty of fun for a Sunday, I then met up with an old friend whom I hadn’t seen in over twenty years! We had a delicious Indian lunch and caught up on a chunk of our lives. Then we met up with her friend and the three of us went to see Avatar (my fourth time, their first) and out to dinner.
My fantastic dad and his wonderful wife came for a visit today, bearing gifts. (Late Christmas) The best of which was a set of fleece sheets… one of my favorite little luxuries in the world! We live over 2 hours apart, and are all busy people, so we don’t get to see as much of each other as we’d like. By happy accident, they got here in time to see my kids before they went back to their dad’s house, and we all had a lovely time. :)
My dog Tilly, who has been missing since Saturday afternoon, is alive and well. I get to go pick her up this afternoon from the good samaritan who found her.
@mcbealer That must be such a relief. Great news!
@janbb ~ thanks :) I was almost inconsolable by last night…
My car did not run out of fuel before I got it to a garage! I really thought I was going to be stranded with no fuel this morning but thankfully I got it to a petrol station just in time. Phew!
I just had a great water aerobics class. Felt really pumped and good about my body, especially when kicking to Maniac from Flashdance. Having just turned another year older, it’s good to feel that things are still in working order. I also saw a really sweet moveie yesterday, Crazy Heart with Jeff Bridges. I recommend it heartily.
My mother suffered a TIA Saturday Night, Spent a couple nights in the hospital and came home today none the worse for her adventure. The neurologist said no permanent damage and a complete recovery is predicted.
My friend who had cancer surgery a few weeks ago got back the path report. They got it all; no chemo or radiation necessary!
My son’s first grade teacher called this afternoon. He’s been uninterested in learning to read and started the year a bit behind. She had him working with the reading specialist, and over the past few months the improvement has been drastic. She called today to let us know that our son has surpassed the reading benchmarks for first grade and no longer needs to see the reading specialist! He’s very proud of himself, which only makes him want to read more. It made my day. :)
I discovered that I just want to be at home…and there’s nothing wrong with that at all
My bf got online and filled out passport forms for me. Wee hee, I’m going to cross the border soon!
I took my girlfriend out to breakfast and went exploring. Now enjoying re-runs of buffy the vampire slayer. Sweeeeet!
My husband and I were coming back from our walk. When we reached our neighborhood a little dog came up to me and jumped all over me with excitement. I paid some attention to it and it followed us home, coming into the house. It had no collar or i.d. so i carried it around the neighborhood with a friend, asking people if they knew whose dog it was. Eventually, a woman came running by screaming and it turned out it was hers. It was a fun little adventure and I got to hold a friendly little dog for an hour. I miss my gormless Prince!
I went bowling with a group of about 20 students and teachers from one of the yoga studios I frequent. It was one of the periodic “get to know your yoga community” non-yoga-related events that this studio does. I bowled a couple crappy games since alcohol was involved and well, I suck at bowling to begin with. Still, it was a ton of fun, and three of the women to whom I am attracted were paying quite a bit of attention to me with frequent juicy hugs and spontaneous freak dancing when strikes were thrown. Of course, they left with (or went home to) their bf’s at the end of the night, but it was nice to get the attention for the time…
League bowling day!! Woohoo! Also, 2 more days till payday so just buying my time until a fresh replenishment of funds. Hopefully going to watch some good sports today! Will be fun :)
I’m on day 2 of not smoking and I’m still alive, just a slight headache that won’t go away.
Yesterday I went on my first run in 11 days and saw a perfect rainbow arcing across the whole sky!
@janbb: I hoped so, but it’s definitely not 100%. Hopefully a few more days off will do it!
I just got back from assisting a yoga class. After class, I was hanging around the studio talking with a couple of the women who work there. They told me that while I’m assisting students, they always see a bunch of the female students checking me out. Then one of them said, “Hell, then again, I am too!” I blushed and reminded her that she’s married. WTF? Why is it that the only women who seem interested in me are attached?
I just had the best Superbowl Sunday ever. In fact, this might be one of the best nights ever. :) We watched the Superbowl a little, the Puppy bowl with the kitten halftime show and the hamsters in the blimp, of course and a couple movies. We played two games of risk, the second with four people, one of whom is one of the most bubbly wonderful people I know. She and I have been becoming better friends as of late which is great. After the risk was done and after we had finished Silence of the Lambs, the four of us sat around talking about all sorts of stuff. My friend told me my Ghana name. It’s Yaba because I was born on a Thursday and in Ghana everyone is named for the day of their birth. :) I finally got home around two thirty and am in bed fluthering!
Also, as silly as this sounds, it’s nice to know that I can still do big stuff like this without my boyfriend. We spoke a few times during the night but we were at separate parties doing separate things. Sometimes I worry that I’ll become one of those people who is defined by their romantic relationships and it is nights like this that prove that I am not one of those people!
I found out that I am owed over £400 from my work for overtime that I have done that they haven’t paid me for. I should get that with my next pay cheque which will be very helpful indeed!
This morning I found out that I got a teaching award with a $500 travel grant! This means I can go to a a conference in April that my adviser wasn’t sure he could afford.
After plowing snow in another town for four days (and nights) straight, my husband came home last night! (He’d been catching a few hours sleep, when he could, in a friend’s guestroom.) We got to spend some quality time together before he went blissfully to sleep while I rubbed his back. They’re not done plowing the 30” storm our area had and we’re expecting 6 to 12 more inches later on today, so I don’t expect he’ll be home tonight. It was great to see him, and touch him, if only for one night. :)
It’s Payday!! Yay! Putting our faith based currency to hard work paying off bill collectors. :) Always a good day where you can maintain another day in the life that your used to. Hope to spend another good day with my girlfriend and count down the days until we start our life together.
I got reimbursed from work for the plane tickets to the conference I’m going to in March. I wasn’t sure they were going to cover them, and it was going to be a pricey weekend otherwise.
I found some adorable pictures of myself when I was a youngin’. It was great to look through them.
I was assisting students in a yoga class tonight. Near the end of the class, I noticed a student on her side in pain. After she confirmed it was chronic muscle pain in her low back, I placed her in a special position with her hips supported on my thighs and massaged her low back for 10 minutes to relieve her pain.
After class, I asked her if it helped at all. She told me it had helped tremendously! Then she started to cry and told me that every time I have assisted her with other poses in other classes, she always felt so good and very loved. I gave her a hug while she cried on my shoulder for a few seconds. I am so blessed to have this opportunity to help people.
I have been enjoying the company of a colleague who has moved into my office temporarily while her office is being refurbished. She’s not someone I usally work very closely to and it’s been really fun having a fresh face around. I kind of wish she could stay here!
Two days off work for snow! Baking cookies, course prep work, reading, Fluthering, staying in pjs. It’s been delightful! Gonna go out soon and knock the heavy snow off my bushes – they’re bent down to the ground.
Looking for things to get my girl for valentines day. :) so excited! First valentines day together! Today is a good fluther day. Lots of interesting questions!
I’ve just bought tickets to see Alicia Keys in concert!
For having donated a total of 30 gallons of blood, I got a cool coffee mug with the blood bank’s logo on it! I already had one, but now I have a pair of them in case I’m having coffee with a friend. :-)
Last night my daughter’s Girl Scout Troop did something called “Phantom Valentines” for the second year in a row. They spent a couple of meetings making tons of Valentine decorations. A day or two before the holiday, they all meet up at night to finish the decorations and wait for the shops downtown to close. Luckily almost everything is closed by 9:00. Then they arm themselves with big paper hearts and rolls of tape, storm Main Street, and plaster their decorations all over the storefronts. They even put decorations on the trash cans, telephone poles, benches, and newspaper bins. I went along to help out, and had so much fun watching them! They act like spies sneaking around, but can’t control their giggles.
It looks very festive and colorful when the sun comes up, and no one knows who did it. Last year there was a really nice letter to the editor in the local paper about the mysterious decorations. We had a really good time, even though it took me hours to warm up again!
Well yesterday,it wasnt the perfect day..me and my friends were shooting baskets in gym and the ball bounced back and hit me in the face and broke my glasses and i sprained my finger and I found out that I didn’t make the school play which sucks.:( Nothing was going the way I planned.I was depressed once I got home so i went online and my bestie and I talk and talk and he was desperate to talk to me which made me feel a whole lot better and I forgot about the whole problem! xD I spent like an hour on the phone with my best guys friends..including the one I might possibly be in love with.:) We were talking,reminising,laughing and having a great time.:) It was a good Friday! :]
I went over my partner’s apt. to look for a lost item and got romped all over by his dogs. As I took a short nap, both critters got up on the bed and smothered me with doggie kisses and head nudges before we all started snoring.
I finally got out of my house after being snowed in for what felt like forever. I picked up my girls for the weekend and since Monday is a school holiday, they’ll spend an extra night we me. Yay!
I got to gloat when I saw my dad this morning because my football team (Portsmouth FC) beat his football team (Southampton FC) yesterday. Portsmouth (AKA Pompey) are going through a serious rough patch at the moment so yesterdays win really lifted the spirit of the supporters :)
Had a great pre-valentines day with my girlfriend. :) She was sweet enough to buy dinner and we watched some anime. Happy Valentines day to all! Hope you all get some good lovin!
My cousin sent me a text/pic Valentine that said she loves me like a fat kid loves cake.
I forwarded it to my partner even though I love him more than cake
My step-grandson, born with a serious heart defect that required open heart surgery when he was about 10 days old, turned two today. It’s amazing that this child, born on Valentine’s Day with a broken heart, has turned out to be such a healthy, robust, and happy little boy!
I woke up at 5, and went for a bike ride while the sun came up.
I feel wonderful. And it’s only 7.
I got to see my two favorite yoga teachers on Valentine’s Day! I took a class from the one who got me started two years ago, then we had lunch together. From there, I met my wife and her bf for 2nd-lunch (she paid!), then I went to take a class from the other teacher, and the first one showed up to that class and practiced next to me. :-)
After a day of feeling thoroughly miserable, incredibly down and not knowing where I’m going to get the strength to cheer myself up yet again, Theo and I had a spontaneous mad half an hour on the living room floor taking silly pictures of one another together and him being silly…doing the splits…dancing, running, roly polys…etc. He made me laugh if only for a little bit
Got to talk to some old friends that I haven’t heard from in a long time. It’s nice to know that people are still alive and kicking. Though I wish I was still close to people I knew in high school.. I can’t believe its already been 10 years since graduation! Wow! Seems the older I get the farther away those memories become.
My mother told me over breakfast she is happy to have gotten to know me as an adult, that she thinks I have a very good & strong heart and she likes my partner and likes the look on our faces when she’s seen us together. She said she wished she had experience and knowledge to give me guidance and assurance but she loves me very much. Wow. This is a big deal for my mom to like anything to do with love and romance.
I just found out that we have our very first snowday of the school year tomorrow! Our school is notorious for not having snow days; last week we had 6 inches of snow on the ground and they still wouldn’t cancel it, but that snow plus the 3 (and still coming) inches we got today gives us a snowday!
Today is our 6-month wedding anniversary. We woke up and cuddled and reminisced about the wedding, wedding night and honeymoon. I emailed work and said I was working from home today. We ate left-over valentine’s chocolate cake for breakfast.
I love today.
We woke up this morning to several inches of perfect packing snow! The kids are on break all this week, so we bundled up early and went out to play in the snow. I gave each of the kids a spray bottle filled with water and food coloring. Now the snow-covered bushes in our back yard look like they are covered in cotton candy. I helped the kids build a snowman, our first of the year. They gave the snowman extra arms and sprayed him all over with food coloring and said he was an alien snowman. I can’t decide if he looks like he’s made of sorbet or if he looks like a bad acid trip. We also built a snow fort and had a snowball fight.
At some point during all the fun, my son decided to sneak inside and empty the green water from his spray bottle. He replaced it with yellow and sprayed large areas of snow in the front yard with it. It now looks like Clifford the Big Red Dog pissed in our yard. I can’t wait until my husband comes home and sees it.
A really nice AT&T rep gave me 1K rollover minutes which is a good thing since I’ve been burning up the phone line lately…
My adorable girlfriend made me dinner after I helped her with some of her chores and got her some stuff from the store because she is sick. If she is reading I hope she gets better soon!! I got all dressed up for work and training my next generation of technical staff to help make the world a safer place through our security products and services. :-) My moods have been relatively stable so it has been a great day!
After today, I will finally be caught up on all of my homework! We had a snow day last Wednesday which threw me off pretty badly because that’s when I was planning on doing a whole bunch of editing. So I will finally be able to rest and enjoy the weekend!
I’m starting a four-month yoga teacher training program tonight! It will consume about 400 hours of my time (200 hours in the studio, plus another 200 of homework and practice), but I can sleep when I’m dead… ;-)
I saw my mother-in-law meet my 8 month old grandson for the first time here in England. A once in a lifetime moment; so glad I could be here for it!
@janbb Only yesterday I was wondering if you were in England yet! Lovely weather we are having eh?!?!
I’m done with school for the week and am watching the Olympics!
@Leanne1986 Yes, indeedy! I think on our way up North we saw every kind of weather except warm and sunny!
@janbb Sounds about right!
Today I had a day off work so I went to see my mother and we took one of my dogs onto the beach for a run. Since she (my dog) has spent the first couple of years of her life in a city I’m pretty sure she has never seen or felt sand before. She appeared to have a great time. I also met up with a couple of old school friends which was nice as well.
I got carded in a Circle K store :D
Today I stayed awake until morning having a lovely conversation with an amazing person.
Then I slept most of the day and woke up to the smell of apple cupcakes and hot apple cider.
Then I went for a 3 mile run.
and it was lovely.
I got to play some more with Jake!
@janbb ooooh whereabouts are you?? welcome to England babe it’s a beautiful day today! xxx
My Dad has taken my son off to the swimming pool for a couple of hours and as a result I can get some studying done, whilst they’re gone. Even though I have my first essay due in on Friday and could potentially be freaking out, I feel really peaceful today.
The sun is shining, all my problems are still there but I am listening to myself, hearing my heart and what I feel, acknowledging my emotions, understanding and accepting myself. I am quietly holding myself as a very precious thing and it feels amazing.
Later I’m going wrap up warm, make a flask of hot chocolate and take Theo for a walk in the woods, take some pictures, then we’ll come back and watch the movie “Up” together (which I’ve been dying to see), we’ll make some popcorn and snuggle on the sofa, he’ll probably get bored and play with his marble race and I’ll have a bottle of beer and chill out some more.
Then I’ll give T a bath, read him some stories, put him to bed and make myself a lovely special dinner of Balsamic glazed Asparagus with Parmesan and Red Pesto Chicken Pasta. I’ll watch some TV and think about how wonderful the day has been and how blessed I am to have had another amazing day on this beautiful planet.
@lynneblundell You sound great! I was in Crosby this week; just north of L’pool.
I hasn’t happened yet but I am going out for a meal tonight to celebrate my dads birthday. I’m looking forward to that.
My hubby and I got back last night from a marriage retreat for the weekend.
After the first weekend, I’m 25 hours into my yoga teacher training program, and I’ve already learned so much more than I expected we’d be getting into.
Totally jet-lagged after my arrival from England last night, I just did 90 minutes of water aerobics and water yoga. Feel tired but great.
I got a surprise phonecall from my boyfriend, it made me smile when I saw his name on my phone screen because I wasn’t expecting to hear from him today :)
I was sitting on my yoga mat last night about to practice when the studio owner walked in to practice. She looked a little sad and went to the back of the room with her mat. I was feeling a bit weak from my blood donation, so I rolled up my mat and assisted the class, instead. I worked through the whole room during the class, but toward the end, I stopped and gave her the rest of my attention, including some soothing massage. After class, she gave me a kiss and a big hug and said, “Thank you. I really needed that tonight.” I love my “job”.
I had what was probably the most healing dream of my life last night.
I feel like a new person today.
My “baby” is five years old today! We’re having his grandparents, aunt, and uncle over for dinner, with the menu planned by the birthday boy. At his request, we’re having pizza, apple slices, strawberry milk, and strawberry cake topped with whipped cream and blue sprinkles. It’s a lot easier than my other son’s most recent birthday dinner, when he requested roasted chicken and steamed clams. It’s a fun day!
Thanks @janbb !
@KatawaGrey Sometimes they do! They can also be rather sneaky. Last year, when my daughter turned 10, she requested lobster for her birthday dinner. It was a little out of my budget, so she said she’d think of something else. The next day she said, “I want fish sticks and mac and cheese for my birthday.” I said OK, even as I cringed at the thought of serving it to everyone else. Those really are two of her favorite foods. The next time we saw my in-laws, my daughter said to her Grandpa, “Well, I wanted lobster but it’s too expensive. We’re having fish sticks instead,” with a big grin on her face. He was horrified and said, “You can’t have fish sticks on your birthday! I’ll buy the lobsters.” She’s had that man all figured out since she was one year old. And the lobsters were yuuuummmmmyyyyy!!
I made a great friend on here and I cherish her already.
@Cupcake do tell!! xxx I could use some that x
Yesterday our lab got a huge grant. This means money for our salaries, for experiments, to travel to conferences, to get new students, and for a new postdoc so we’re not on our own when our current postdoc leaves. Everything is a hundred million times easier now. I can write more grant applications if I want to, but I no longer have to—I can focus on doing actual work, finally.
I roller skated for three hours with some awesome friends. :) (It was gay night at the skate park, so there were adorable homos everywhere, which was also fun!)
Tonight my Ultimate team played an incredible game. It was the semifinals in our rec league, and we were playing the team that has gone completely undefeated all winter. There was driving rain the whole game, and we were standing out there in it for 2 hours! And it was so windy… it was really hard to throw the disc, especially against the wind!
And…. we won. I played a significant role. I wanted it so bad. And the thing I’m maybe most proud of, was how I handled my disdain for feeling cold and wet. Somehow, I was able to rise above that, and made our team and the game more important than that. Such success.
Great day!!! My girlfriend cooked a really good dinner and she was really sweet to me today so that made my whole day happy. I am currently watching a movie before I go to work and I will have a low stress day. Its almost my weekend and I will have lots of fun this weekend with my sweet girl.
Warning: This is a long story!
Last summer, my husband was doing a lot of artwork in a mansion in Greenwich, CT. He had a couple of guys helping him out, and after painting all day they’d go back to their crummy hotel a couple of towns over and crash for the night.
One night, they got back to their hotel room and saw that the door was slightly open to make room for a bunch of thick cables going into the room. They pushed the door open farther, and saw that all of their stuff was gone. The room was full of equipment that did not belong to them. They went to the office, where the manager told them all of their things had been moved to another room because a movie was being filmed at the hotel and they’d wanted to use that particular room. My husband expressed some concern about what kind of movie would be made at a cheap motel, and after a while the manager told him it was a movie starring Robert DeNiro. My husband and his coworkers/friends hung out outside the door to their new room all night and finally got a glimpse of DeNiro leaving the motel and getting into his car. There’s a photo, which my husband is very proud of, showing the back of DeNiro’s head. It could be anyone.
Anyway, to get to my point. :) Tonight my husband came home with a DVD called “Everyone’s Fine” starring Robert DeNiro. It’s the movie they were filming, in part, at this motel. For about 30 seconds, there’s a scene where DeNiro is standing in front of a motel window. That was my husband’s motel room. It was a very exciting moment, and pretty amazing to think that out of all the rooms at the motel, they chose that one, and all for a 30 second shot. It’s a horribly depressing movie, and unless you want to see my husband’s hotel room, don’t waste time watching it.
Not the most thrilling thing in the world, but it’s a lot closer to being in a DeNiro movie than most people get. ;)
Fun story! It’s amazing how breathless we all are about Hollywood (and me too!).
I got an email from a friend that read, “You are made to be loved; precious and invaluable, a joy to behold, a pleasure to be around.”
Yesterday, I woke up with my energy back after three days being in the house with a cold. Took a long walk by myself; it was just great to be outside and see the snow-covered houses and the ice on the lake. On the way back, I saw my first robin. Spring is a comin’!
My first Fluther newsletter was sent out today! TimTrueman told me that it helped set a new Fluther record… most people on the site simultaneously, ever! :D
Auggie – Just went and looked at it. Great job!!
needs to go and find the newsletter….
but I made up with my sister
That was a great newsletter, Auggie!!!!!!!
I made quiche for dinner – asparagus, gruyere and caramelized onions, all in a buttery, flaky gluten-free pie crust. Heavenly!
@augustlan The newsletter was fabulous!
I just watched my husband on TV! He was doing a painting demo on a local news channel’s morning show, and he looked so cute. Way cuter than the male host of the show, and the painting was good too. I’m so proud of him!
I have a big tournament coming up, one which I’m very nervous for. But while I was practicing today, I began to feel more confidant, almost excited for it!
Took my sweetheart to look for apartments! So much fun looking at apartments full of fantastic furniture and glistened to its full potential. Hopefully one day I will have all that glitsy furniture ! Right now I am just focusing on starting out on a good note in a nice area.
I substituted for another yoga assistant tonight. It just so happened that a half-dozen of my friends were in the class, and I got to assist them and show them some love. Also, my teacher for my teacher training program was in class with a slightly pulled hamstring. I gave her some special assists to relieve her pain, then massaged her during the resting pose at the end of class. Afterward, she gave me a big long hug and told me she felt very loved. Once again, I say…I love my “job”.
A new member of the family was born yesterday! I have a grand-niece – first girl in two generations. I will get to see her on Friday.
My partner made a comittment to better their health and our future.
Something magic happened at the school library. Some people were having an argument, which I wasn’t paying particular attention to. But one of the involved parties said something funny. Some people started laughing.
Hearing laughter, other people started laughing. I started laughing.
Oh holy hell. The whole damn library was in hysterics. For a long time. Everyone, at least a hundred, people just kept giggling.
It was spontaneous, amazing, and rejuvenating. I felt so good after that. I wish things like that would happen more often.
@petethepothead wow…that’s lovely xx
I woke up feeling just slightly better than I did yesterday having had an awful counselling session…still feel a little down about it… but better
I’m looking forward to seeing Cesar Millan (The Dog Whisperer) tonight. He’s currently touring the UK so me and a few fellow dog trainers are going along to make sure we are all doing our jobs correctly!!!!!!
I also got a surprise call from my boyfriend this morning which cheered me up after I was feeling a bit down last night. He was at work and he usually can’t get a signal there but he managed to find a small corner where he could get some signal. Surprise phone calls like that are uplifting!
@lynneblundell Therapy can be so difficult… but rewarding. You’re very brave and strong. I’m glad you feel better today.
Today is my daughter’s 11th birthday! I’m so old. We’re celebrating with a family dinner, and I can’t wait to give her my present. Tickets to see “Annie” on stage this weekend. :) Now, if I can survive the next 7 years of her life, things will be great!
I plucked up the courage to phone my counsellor and talk to her about how I was feeling about our session. I made a good decision, she talked me through some things and it made me feel so much better. Thanks Cupcake…
OH!!! AND… I finally had the cupcake that I’ve been longing for, for over two weeks… it wasn’t as good as I imagined…but that’s probably a good thing too!!
And I lost half a pound which is better than nothing!! I’m now in 10 stone area !! :-)
I have felt very inspired all day. I went to see Cesar Millan last night and found it extremely beneficial.
I’m going to see my three day old grandniece this afternoon and then see Liev Schreiber and Scarlett Johanssen in A View from the Bridge. I am psyched!
I was just asked to be the new lead assistant at my main yoga studio! I’m not sure yet if I will accept, but it’s a real honor to be the only one on the list for consideration. :-)
I was thanked for being, me.
Update: I accepted the position as lead.
I just saw Alice in Wonderland in IMAX 3D! Very fun film! A must see for any Tim Burton fan!
Just saw the Swedish film, “As It Is in Heaven.” Very touching, beautiful film. I was definitely uplifted and inspired.
And very excited for a big Ultimate tournament tomorrow!
Wow.. what a great day I had. My girlfriend treated me all day including ice cream, dinner, movies, drinks and. * clears throat * yummies. =D totally the luckiest guy on the planet!!! hehe I knew if I was patient enough there would be at least 1 good person out of the 6.5 billion that are on this planet.
It was in the 50s today. I went for a bike ride. I saw a crocus in bloom. The snow was melting and running all through the streets. The ground is spongy. The daffodils aren’t open yet, but some of them are showing yellow already. It’s almost spring.
@petethepothead Here too. What a great feeling! I was outside wallking with my friend for a couple of hours.
I went roller skatng for the first time in about 30 years with a big group of peeps from one of my yoga studios…and didn’t even fall! I think I used the same pair of rental skates from the last time, too. Lol!
I found a piece of missing jewelry I’d suspected had been left behind at the Disneyland Hotel a few months back :D It’s not expensive but it is the first piece of “real” jewelry ever received as a kid and it was from my mother so, a big deal and I’m gracious.
I bought a buttload haha of new underwear yesterday and it’s so comfortable! I have never spent this much on underwear before eight bucks a pair but it is so worth it!
I finally got our toughest/meanest horse to relax and canter for a good fifteen minutes.
Such a good feeling.
I led another group of 12 peeps on a trip to my teachers’ teacher in San Fran. Introduced some more friends to my favorite style of yoga. One brought her 12-yr-old daughter, and she stuck it out through all three advanced classes (resting as needed). I found my “edge” during the second class in the fourth ab segment when I couldn’t lift my legs off the mat at the end of 100 crunches while balancing on sacrum with straight back. I love it when it hurts to laugh!
I had a geat Zumba class. It’s a hoot trying to look sexy while doing exercise.
@janbb I see those Zumba dvds advertised on tv…are they good classes… might it be worth investing??
I woke up feeling rested, safe and loved instead of anxious. There is a lot of truth to what doctors write about sleep deprivation and insomnia in that it can really affect your perception.
@lynneblundell I love it – the music makes it feel like dancing rather than exercising. Part of what I love, though, is watching the teacher do it. I wonder if a tape would be as much fun but it’s worth a shot.
@Niezvestnaya That’s so true. I’m in a great mood today and a big part of it is having gotten a good night’ssleep.
I was told (out of the blue) by the second woman in two weeks that I have nice eyes.
Because this has started to take so long to load, I’ve started a new thread for this. It’s over here.
I got to watch Portugal VS Brazil on Telefutura, the Spanish network and I felt on par with them for a change since they were calling an all Portuguese match in Spanish and I felt on par with the Spanish broadcasters for the first time ever. (World Cup)
My lasagna came out perfecto.
Hey guys – see above link for latest incarnation of this thread.
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