I am a tomboy trying to get girly....do you have any tips on flirting?
when i was little my mom was around but was always yelling at my brothers… and didn’t really care what i did.
she would dress me like a guy because i would wear handy downs… and i grew up with that style of clothing.
also i grew up with only uncles and my brothers(only other female was my mom and myself)
i am very tomboyish and i like that i can relate to guys… but i want to expirience being well…. a girl…. not girly girl….
anyways… i know girls are more than flirting but its a big part of them right?
so yea any tips?
on being a “girl” and flirting?
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16 Answers
You seem young. If you’re under, say, 14, I recommend reading some books by Jerry Spinelli and Gordan Korman.
Also, do not get carried away with flirting. A lot of young, insecure women learn how to flirt, but don’t know how to stop. You don’t want to lead guys on too much, it’ll send the wrong message.
I waould not try to change yourself if you are fundamentally happy with who you are. My husband, and I assume other guys, is really turned on by “tomboyish” women such as Katharine Hepburn and Amelia Earhart. I think showing interest in what a guy is saying and, yes, laughing at his jokes if they are truly funny goes a long way toward making him feel attracted to you. You might want to play around with your clothes and see if you can find a look (Annie Hall updated?) that feels comfortable and perhaps a bit more “girly” to you.
be honest and genuine, keep it light not vapid (I really enjoy a deeper conversation but, that’s me), listen, interact, as @trumi said, don’t lead on too much, be yourself, learn to recognize when the other person isn’t interested; at least that’s what I enjoy.
I didn’t know tomboys couldn’t flirt. Be you, you don’t have to be ‘girly’ to flirt.
lol i don’t know how to flirt and im like a guy…
Flirting is easy peasy, most of us do it without realising it half the time, initially just say what you like about the person you are talking to: for example, “I just love the way you dot your i’s, you been doing it like that that long?” (god I need to get out more) but my advise was sound in…........ 1956.
Seriously though, just be yourself, smile a lot and if there is someone you like, talk to them.
Using humor is a good way to help out in flirting too I have found.
Good luck
Just be yourself! Do you want to act more “girly” to fit in with your schoolmates, or because you don’t feel comfortable in your tomboyish clothing?
If you would feel more comfortable dressing in girly clothing instead of your brothers’ hand-me-downs, go shopping! Even if you don’t have a ton of money, you can go to GoodWill or Savers. Get things that will girl up your current wardrobe – say, a high-waisted skirt that will look good with a plain boys’ teeshirt (that I’m sure you have a ton of) with cute boots. Once you feel comfortable in your skin, it’ll be easier to be outgoing and meet new people and maybe even flirt (which will come naturally!).
If you are comfortable being a tomboy but are uncomfortable because you feel like you don’t fit in, try not to let the pressure get to you. You will get dates anyway, you will make friends anyway, and they’ll love the real you, which is much better than having a ton of friends who don’t know who you really are. Good luck!
Give yourself a makeover. You don’t have to become super girly or anything, but wear something that makes you feel sexy. I’m 20 years old, and I grew up as a tomboy and although I’m a little more girly then I used to be, I still have that tomboy side. You’ll feel great about yourself when you feel sexy and like you’re looking good. Being a tomboy is great for me, because now I relate to guys a lot better than some of my girly friends. Just be yourself and do/wear what makes you feel good about yourself, and people will notice :)
I don’t know much about flirting, but you can “girl it up” a bit by wearing a little lipgloss and/or mascara sometimes.
Flirt with me as your real tomboy self. I’ll melt.
I’m a tomboy myself, and most of my friends are guys. They’ve occasionally forgotten I’m a girl (asking my opinion on which actress is hottest, etc), so I know how you feel. I’ve tried to become “girlier” as well, but in little steps. Wear your hair down, put on a little makeup, wear some eye-catching jewelry.
As for flirting, try to appear truly interested in what the guy is saying. A lot of guys like when you can actually discuss “guy” things with them (video games, sports) so don’t abandon your tomboy personality. He won’t be as nervous talking to a girl who knows about stuff he likes.
Most of all, don’t think that you have to sacrifice your comfort just so others will see you differently. If they think you’re not girly enough to talk to, they’re not worth your time.
My house is always filled with boys ranging from ages 16 to 21 and all of them like the little tomboy that lives down the street. She is the only girl they know who doesn’t bat her eyelashes and giggle when they walk by. She is real and they are drawn to her like bees to honey. Be yourself.
Got a great tip for you. Don’t conform to bigoted dehumanizing gender roles. Be YOU don’t let them ruin you. I was constantly pushed to be “manly” as a child I grew up to hate the word and all it meant I learned to be me. Masculine and feminine are artificial constructs.
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