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Jude's avatar

Care to share your favorite soup recipe?

Asked by Jude (32210points) January 14th, 2010

I haven’t been well, and soup seems like the only thing that my tummy can handle.

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19 Answers

dogkittycat's avatar

1 pound extra-lean ground beef 2 eggs, beaten ¼ cup dried bread crumbs 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese 1 teaspoon dried basil 3 tablespoons minced onion 2½ quarts chicken broth 2 cups spinach – packed, rinsed and thinly sliced 1 cup seashell pasta ¾ cup diced carrots
In a medium bowl, combine the beef, egg, bread crumbs, cheese, basil and onion. Shape mixture into ¾-inch balls and set aside.
In a large stockpot heat chicken broth to boiling; stir in the spinach, pasta, carrot and meatballs. Return to boil; reduce heat to medium. Cook, stirring frequently, at a slow boil for 10 minutes or until pasta is al dente, and meatballs are no longer pink inside. Serve hot with Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top
—It’s simple to make doesn’t take long and feeds plenty, the first time I made it, it was more like italian wedding stew because I huge pack of ground beef and no means to store the rest but it was filling and we had dinner for three nights since I made so much.

bitter_sweet_rose's avatar

I don’t remember the whole recipe but it’s called Indian Sweet Corn Chicken Soup.
you don’t add soy sauce by the way so if you find a recipe that says to add soy sauce that’s not the right one. Sorry I know i’m not much help

fireinthepriory's avatar

Pumpkin curry soup!! I make it allll the time, and it’s incredibly easy, too – it’s ready in like 20 minutes.

Cook till it bubbles: 2 tbsp butter, 3 tbsp flour, 2 tbsp curry powder (I prefer 1 of yellow curry powder and 1 of red curry paste) and 1 chopped onion
Whisk in 4 cups broth, cook till thickened
Stir in 1 29oz can of pumpkin and 1.5 cups half and half (I usually use 1 can coconut milk instead).
Last add 1 tbsp white sugar and salt and pepper to taste

bhec10's avatar

This is a very traditional soup in Portugal, it’s called Portuguese Green Soup (Caldo Verde in Portuguese)

4 tablespoons olive oil, divided
1 onion, minced
1 clove garlic, minced
6 potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced
2 quarts cold water
6 ounces linguica sausage, thinly sliced
2½ teaspoons salt
ground black pepper to taste
1 pound kale, rinsed and julienned

In a large saucepan over medium heat, cook onion and garlic in 3 tablespoons olive oil for 3 minutes. Stir in potatoes and cook, stirring constantly, 3 minutes more. Pour in water, bring to a boil, and let boil gently for 20 minutes, until potatoes are mushy.
Meanwhile, in a large skillet over medium-low heat, cook sausage until it has released most of its fat, 10 minutes. Drain.
Mash potatoes or puree the potato mixture with a blender or food processor. Stir the sausage, salt and pepper into the soup and return to medium heat. Cover and simmer 5 minutes.
Just before serving, stir kale into soup and simmer, 5 minutes, until kale is tender and jade green. Stir in the remaining tablespoon of olive oil and serve at once.

Bom apetite! Have a good meal!

Jude's avatar

@all, thanks so much!

nope's avatar

If you’re not well, I swear by a homemade chicken noodle soup recipe that my sister introduced me to. It’s easy, and weirdly enough, you seem to feel MUCH better within about 6 – 8 hours. It’s called Marno’s Chicken Noodle Soup, and it’s from “The New Basics” by Julee Rosso & Sheila Lukins. I found a copy of the recipe on the web here. Scroll down about 80% of the way on that page (or search for Marno). Try it, it works!

Your_Majesty's avatar

My honor!.

This warm soup can be served anytime you like,very good if served in hot or cold weather.

Red Paprica Soup

-2 red onion,shredded
-2 tbsp of olive oil
-1 garlic,crush(if you like)
-3 red paprica,dispose the seeds and roughly shredded
-2 zuccini,roughly shredded
-900ml of vegetable essence liquid or water
-some salt and black pepper powder.

For Serving:
-Yogurt or cream

How to cook:
-put shredded onion and and olive oils in a pan. Cook for 5 minutes or until onion turns golden-yellow in color. Put garlic in the pan until it’s soften for 1 minute.
-put in red papricas and half of the zuccini. Continue cooking for 5–8 minutes or until it’s soften and brownish in color.
-put vegetable essence or water into the pan,season it with salt and pepper,then boil it. Decrease your fire,close the pan,and keep cooking for 20 minutes until it’s boiled.
-If the vegetable has soften,take out all the vegetables and some liquid,then put them into blender. process until it soft and smooth. put back this mixture into the pan. taste and heat up the pan. Serve them in bowls and put some leftover shredded zuccini,a little bit of yogurt or cream,and shredded garlic in each bowls.

For 4 portion
Preparation: 15 minutes
Cooking: 30 minutes.

I hope you’ll get well soon (sorry if this recipe is a bit complicated,but it surely help).

TheLoneMonk's avatar

Sorry to hear you are under the weather. My favorite easy soup is to get a package of Sunbird Egg Drop soup and make it per directions and then add rice and lemon and bits of chicken which turns it into the most awesome Avgolemono soup. Perfect for hangovers and colds and flu. Try it! You’ll like it!

NitzerEbb's avatar

Fluther Bisque:

One part arrogance.

One part pretentiousness.

Five parts jellyfish (assorted).

One part sour grapes.

Fifty parts moderation (liquid).

One pinch competence.

Seventy parts ambition.

Combine on medium heat.

Stir in $600K.

Allow to reduce for several hours.

Garnish with captiousness.

Serve with prejudice.

NitzerEbb's avatar

Quick! who gave me that GA?

Jude's avatar

@NitzerEbb -4 lurve. ;o)

NitzerEbb's avatar

Do I know you?

Jude's avatar

@NitzerEbb No, I’m just playin’ with you. =)

NitzerEbb's avatar

Two X chromosomes, that’s hot.

gailcalled's avatar

My latest favorite (easy, also);

Curried Vegetable Soup:

3 cups fresh cauliflower florets
1 14 oz. can unsweetened coconut milk
1 14 oz. can or box vegetable or chicken broth
1 T. curry powder
¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro
2 cups frozen baby peas – vegetable mix

In Dutch Oven combine cauliflower, coconut milk, broth, curry powder and cilantro. Bring to boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer, covered, until cauliflower is tender (about 10 minutes). Stir in frozen vegetable blend. Cook, uncovered, until heated through. May add ¼ teaspoon salt.

I sprinkle fresh, grated, unsweetened coconut on top as garnish. May be fiddled with in creative ways.

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sliceol's avatar

I found this one on a blog and HOLY SMOKES!!!! Is it ever good….an incredible chicken soup for when you don’t really want anything else. It’s called “Marno’s Chicken Soup.” The broth is incredible. Will definitely make you feel better. and check at the listings until you find Marno’s soup.

Jude's avatar

Gail, we tried it tonight and it was a success!!! Thank-you! Please, could you spend me some more vegetarian soup recipes.

gailcalled's avatar

@Jude: I’m happy to hear that. I have finally discovered a way to use my slow cooker. I throw in about 1½ cup dried beans (I used navy beans yesterday), some frozen chopped onions, diced fresh carrots and celery, ½ can chopped tomatoes, and some water.

I then let it simmer on low for six hours, peeked and added some more water and let bubble for two more hours. Then I shook some curry powder, cumin, turmeric, cinnamon, and garam masala into the pot.

It is delicious, ages well and will do me for the next big snow storm, coming on Tues.

This can be fiddled with in any way that your imagination takes you. (As an afterthought, I tossed in a handful of frozen petit pois and corn.)

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