For the Ladies: what are some FAST remedies or positions for mega-bad period cramps?
Asked by
Finley (
January 14th, 2010
Period. hurts. need. relief. asap. i feel like i’m dying. all that is evil and bad is in my uterus and god is tazering my uteries. damn eve for eating the apple. someone help me please. please.
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16 Answers
Hot compress on your lower back. Lay on your left side and go fetal. Rock yourself slightly forwards and backwards. Down some espresso and a Midol.
If this hurts more than it has ever hurt for you before- call your doctor. They can call you in a prescription that can help.
@gemiwing yeah I’m starting birth control this sunday.
I curl up in fetal position with a heating pad tucked close to my stomach. I have horrible periods I know what you going through so I’m going to link you to a question of mine that generated very good responses. Here you go and I hope you feel better!
If you have one, place a heating pad on your tummy (or a hot water bottle). The heat helps. Or, your partner’s warm hand (even your own). Quick panting breaths (think—when a woman is giving birth) helps, as well, I find. Lying on your side, fetal position. And, of course, Ibuprofen.
Feel better.
Being on birth control helped me with this situation immensely, so I hope going on it helps you, too!
I am also a huge fan of ibuprofen. It’s the only thing that helps when I’m on my period.
I will lay on my side in a fetal position. I used to take 800 mg of Ibuprofen but now I take the time release Midol. It really works a lot faster and better than Ibuprofen for me. A hot bath would probably help too. Hope you find some relief in these answers. Cramps are horrible.
ooh! been there too.
All of the advice above is good, heat, ibuprofen or Aleave, mild exercise if you can manage it, if not go to bed and try to sleep.
I hope that the birth control pills will help you, they do most women.
Good luck honey!
Heat in front, essentially over your uterine area. Lay on your back with your knees pulled to your chest. (While the heat is applied.) I’ve found ibuprofen to help me the most with pain, but use what works best for you. If you have back pain, too, I’ve found that extra strength Icy-Hot on my back really helps. But be sure to NOT put the heating pad where the Icy-Hot is.
There’s an exercise I’ve done in the past, too. Stand facing a wall, with your toes about 12” away from the wall. Cross your arms over your chest, but with your elbows pointing forward. (Think Jeannie in “I Dream of Jeannie.”) Lean forward so your elbows touch the wall. Tilt your pelvis toward the wall and back again.
Something else I’ve learned is that about 2 days before the cramps are going to start, I begin to take ibuprofen twice a day. I don’t know why it works, but it does help.
I hope you find relief soon. This is a really sucky thing to have happen. Take care.
Oh, damn, I am so sorry you’re going through this. I used to have cramps like that until I started up on birth control. I promise it will get better with those little pills. They’re magical.
In the absence of heat, extreme cold has worked for me applied to the stomach area. A bag of frozen vegetables on your stomach over your shirt will provide good cold but not be too painful. Also, if you can’t curl up for some reason, I found that standing and swaying a little helps with the pain.
2 10 hr. Aleve (don’t settle for too-much, too-often Ibuprofen) and a heating pad. Lie down. Hope that helps :(
Like @tedibear39 I lie on my back with my knees pulled up to my chest when it gets really bad, that position just seems to be best. Hot water bottle sometimes helps a bit, too, and I always take about 800mg ibuprofen and repeat with 400 mg every few hours. And hope I don’t get an ulcer. :) I also never seem to be hungry, but eating helps the cramps so I try to force down hot cocoa or something.
I think I found the gold for my periods. I started seasonique about 6 months ago. I have endometriosis, so I tend to throw up from the pain and have long heavy flows. It is wonderful to skip 2 months then have a short light cycle. Everybody is different but it works me.
As for a quick remedy, I take a hot bath with lavender. After I curl up in the fetal position as well and use a heating pad on my lower stomach. At night, I take anaprox for pain relief from my doctor so I can somewhat sleep
I think this Q should be required reading for every unsympathetic and/or judgmental male ever.
I agree with everyone who suggested using a heat pad. I have severe cramps, and I always use that. Mine says not to fall asleep with it, but usually I just collapse on the couch with the heating pad on my stomache.
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