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tinyfaery's avatar

Cat people: have you found the magic litter scoop?

Asked by tinyfaery (44316points) January 14th, 2010

If you have, please tell me what it is. Every scoop I have ever used breaks apart the urine clumps. And my cats just love to pee in the corners where I can’t get the scoop under the clumps. The clumps just crumble apart and ultimately lead to me having to replace the litter more often.

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13 Answers

MissAnthrope's avatar

What kind of litter are you using? I know the problem you’re talking about, but the litter I use (Tidy Cats instant action) absorbs the liquid really well, so unless the urine is really fresh, it doesn’t break up that much.

tinyfaery's avatar

I use The World’s Best Cat Litter. I love it. I prefer natural litter.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

I like the Booda Large Litter Scoop because of the short handle, strong construction. You can easily get large clumps up in one piece. I use a multi cat, clumping scoopable litter.

Your_Majesty's avatar

There are there kind of widely used cat litters:
-Clay-based litter
-Fine-grain litter with a sand-like consistency
-Wood-based litter made of sawdust or paper pellets.

Using the second type of litter will help to alleviate this problem (I used to throw it all away once she’s done her job).

dogkittycat's avatar

The perfect cat litter doesn’t exist I have to get the multiple cat kind which you have to change multiple times, otherwise my cats won’t use it and they’ll go on the laundry room floor.

stemnyjones's avatar

I was having that same problem with my Tidy Cats litter. I switched to Arm & Hammer litter and it works much better.

gailcalled's avatar

I too use The World’s Best Cat Litter. It is made of ground corn and therefore I can throw it in the woods.

Following a tip from a flutherer (I forgot who) I have bent a small piece of screening over the plastic scoop. That allows me to get the small crumbs that used to fall through the holes.

The screening comes in 3” x 3” for patches. We also use it to repair the holes in the screens made by the user of The World’s Best Cat Litter.

wildpotato's avatar

I have that corner-pee-crumbly problem too, with every litter and scoop I’ve tried. A different way to solve it – gross but effective – is to grasp the plastic of the liner at the top edge of the corner in question and pull on it a bit, while carefully nudging at the edges of the pee-clump with the scoop in your other hand. When sufficiently jostled, the whole clump will become unstuck as one large cake, easily scooped. I wear gloves to do this.

Owl's avatar

YES! I finally dumped the plastic scoop I’ve used for years and got a large metal one.

AstroChuck's avatar

Ever Clean is the only stuff I use for my cats. None of the others are really worth a damn.

SamIAm's avatar

haha, funny question… i recently moved and brought kitties with me on the plane .. planned well, packed litter and 2 boxes in my luggage but totally forgot a scooper. i’ve been using a cheap slotted spoon since – one broke (that wasn’t fun!) but this one is holding up alright. definitely depends on the litter though!

Darwin's avatar

I used to use The World’s Best Cat Litter (made of corn) but our local PetSmart no longer carries it. Instead they have something made out of wheat. In any case, both make nicely firm clumps that rarely break apart during the process of scooping.

I also found at PetSmart a stainless steel litter scoop which works a treat. Unlike the plastic ones it does not break. It is sturdy enough to pry into the corners and get everything out.

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