How Much Do You Drink?
Asked by
mirza (
January 14th, 2010
I am trying to get an idea how much people drink in general to compare it to my drinking habits. I usually drink 6+ drinks twice a week and on some rare occasions three nights a week (but I won’t be doing that next semester anymore for the next 4 months).
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53 Answers
I will throw your statistics off since I don’t drink. Feel free to ignore this answer.
I don’t drink either, however I do still use alcohol.
I’m 23 and I drink very rarely. When I do, I tend to go in for the whole experience.
I may have 6+ drinks four times a year or so outside of the occasional glass of wine or champagne a few times a month – if that.
It just doesn’t tempt me like it does others. It’s fun, some of it is tasty, but I’ve never seen a real difference in my satisfaction with the night based on alcohol consumed. I’ll have as much fun as I want to, drunk or sober.
And if you’re interested, I am fairly certain you drink more than any one of my friends. All of which are 18–30 years, in college or in careers. At most they seem to get drunk maybe once a month at a party with everyone else. I’m a little surprised by your intake actually.
When I was in college, once or twice a month if that. When I got out of college, in my 20’s, about 10 times a year. In my 30’s and on… 3–4 times a year.
For the last 8 years, I haven’t drank any, not even a glass of wine. I’ve never been a drinker of alcohol.
@smashbox: So what the eff were you drinking up until eight years ago if not alcohol?
On a night out it depends, I can spend anywhere from $100–300 on myself. Usually Jagerbombs, soco & coke, malibu & coke, cider. If I’m drinking at home anywhere from 4–12 beers/ciders.
Don’t normally drink every day, but on a drinking week maybe 4–5 times, but an average week maybe 1 or 2 times.
Barely ever. Three times a month, maybe. Usually not even that often.
Once or twice a month. I don’t like to do drink too often, in fact it’s rare for me to drink more than once a month.
I dont drink because I dont like hangovers and do not like using up my calorie intake on alcohol. I smoke marijuana instead.
I drink on holidays and in moderation at parties and barbecues and such. I never get wasted, though. I probably drink once or twice monthy, and when I do it’s only a few beers or a couple glasses of wine.
I seem to be doing it every week or so. I very rarely do it more than once a week. And I don’t drink to get really drunk or hammered. Just to either get tipsy or a little drunk. I don’t like being hammered. I’ve blacked out before. Not my idea of fun. Since I’m small, I don’t have to drink very much to feel the effects; I’m definitely a lightweight. I don’t seem to get hung over and I don’t throw up nor do I black out. So, as far as I’m considered, it’s all good.
You do seem to be drinking quite a bit. Definitely more than me and more than a lot of my friends. Of course, I’m not sure I can say that for my friends who are in the frat…
Plus, I never acquired the taste for beer or any other alcohol for that matter, so I don’t like the taste. I would rather drink Dr. Pepper
Very rarely. I probably drink 3 times a month, perhaps the occasional beer here and there but im really not much of a drinker. When i do drink though i drink to get drunk. I much prefer the effects of marijuana over alcohol so where most people will drink, ill just smoke :)
its also a lot cheaper
There are far to many negative side effects of alcohol for me to justify drinking it often.
My sister works in a winery, so I get free wine.
That said, I drink one beer or one glass of wine a night.
I bought a bottle of wine 6 months ago; it’s still in my fridge. I’ve always had a fear of becoming dependent-it runs in the family….
lately, which is unusual but i am jobless, responsibility-less, and don’t start school for another 3 weeks, i’ve been drinking about 4–5 nights a week… 6+ drinks probably 3 or 4 of them. it’s bad, but i feel great… and i know it won’t continue once i have a real life again! :) so no worries here.
Maybe once every other month, and I don’t get drunk either. I don’t consider myself a “drinker” really.
1–2 beers a week, a couple of glasses of wine when I see one particular friend, a mixed drink with dinner at a restaurant once every three months. I rarely go out for drinks, it’s far too expensive. And I rarely fix a drink when I’m home by myself.
I drink about one glass of wine about 4 nights a week at the most. I rarely drink to get drunk, maybe once every 3 months. And some weeks I have one drink if any.
So let’s go with 3 drinks per week for me on average.
I’m a freshman in college… what do you think?
I generally just drink on the weekends. Maybe a few too many one night and a beer or two the other night. On weeknights, I may have one beer a week.
entirely too much. My liver would love a new home I’ll tell ya
@smack That stereotypes aren’t always true.
Well, of course they’re not always true. Not stereotype is always true. That’s why it’s a stereotype.
Alcohol dependence runs in my family so I tend to be quite cautious although I’m not an absolute teetotaler. For me personally I just fell that stance would be setting myself up for failure.
But in most years I can count the number of times I drank alcohol on the fingers of one hand. Most important for me is WHY I’m drinking rather than just how much.
That’s what works for me. If I were ever with a SO for whom having alcohol around would be a problem, I could easily do without any at all. Right now there really isn’t any pressing reason for me to never drink, so I’m ok with the present balance of everything.
I don’t drink often, but before, I usually wouldn’t say no to an offer. I’m trying not to now, I just can’t handle it.
I’m not much of a drinker. I maybe have one night a month where my fiancé and I will go out to a bar and have a few drinks.
@smack You’re an under age drinker?
I drink a few beers on the weekend. I can’t stand getting drunk and not having any control over my body. That’s for college kids. ;)
@jonsblond I didn’t really start drinking until I was 18, which used to be the legal age, at least…
2–3 beers a week. Maybe a glass of wine as well.
I drink a glass of wine or sometimes two each night before dinner.
I live in Wisconsin. That should answer your question.
I’ll have the occasional half shandy with a meal but only if eating out (half shandy is a half pint glass with half beer, half lemonade – sorry but you might not know that lol) – mainly as a pallatte cleanser, because I hate drinking plain water. More often than not I wont even finish it.
But stopped drinking in 1991 after a major operation. If I do drink more than a couple of pints – It makes me sick as a puppy (that is sick) and I always hated getting a hangover!
Personally, I dont need alcohol and never really enjoyed the taste. It didnt stop me getting blotto in my early life, as often and as fast as I could. This led to the operation…............long story.
@smack @DominicX That stereotype, apparently unbeknownst to several, is not true at all for many, many people. @J0E has the much better idea of what actually goes on for the majority of college freshmen. Many people get through their entire college careers without drinking excessively as often as you think they do in their freshman year.
@avvooooooo : It totally depends on the college. For example, i lived in an all freshmen dorm and every weekend, atleast 80% of my floor participated in what people might define as binge drinking. The fact that might school is a huge party school may have something to do with. But regardless of that, most of my friends from high school seem to be doing the same thing in other schools too.
Of course I know it’s not true for many people; how stupid do you think I am? I get it, not everyone drinks. That’s cool. I don’t really care. I’m pretty sure @smack‘s comment was meant to be funny. I’m not sure why it was taken so seriously.
All I was saying is that a stereotype by it’s very nature doesn’t include everyone. I never indicated that I thought it did.
@mirza I attended a “huge party school.” Still, there are plenty of people who aren’t running around drunk off their asses. Just because the people you see, the people you choose to surround yourself with in high school, are participating in the same behavior doesn’t mean that its typical for all people in that group.
@DominicX If you persist in comments like that, people are going to take you as stupider than you want them to. Just saying.
@DominicX awww..don’t get your panties in a bunch. Is it so terrible that someone is making a point that not every college student drinks?
I don’t understand what you people are on. I never denied that. How many times do I have to emphasize that?
All I said was “stereotypes don’t apply to everyone” and @avvooooooo turns that into some statement about how “actually, every college student drinks”, which is something I never said. I didn’t even say most college students drink. I never said anything like that. Where are you all getting this from?
@avvooooooo And frankly, people are going to take you for someone who likes to argue for the sake of arguing. Just saying.
@avvooooooo you’re being ridiculous. @DominicX was right, it was supposed to be funny. (Guess my attempt at humor failed.) He doesn’t sound stupider by “persisting” in writing a perfectly logical defense.
@DominicX you attacked @avvooooooo, then edited your comment. Are you on something? She just had a different opinion. No need for hostility. :)
”I don’t understand what you people are on. I never denied that. How many times do I have to emphasize that?”
”All I said was “stereotypes don’t apply to everyone” and @avvooooooo turns that into some statement about how “actually, every college student drinks”, which is something I never said.”
”@avvooooooo And frankly, people are going to take you for someone who likes to argue for the sake of arguing. Just saying.”
@DominicX “actually, every college student drinks” is something that I NEVER said nor attributed to you. Check your facts. Its all right there for re-reading. I won’t edit what I said away. If you’re going to try and twist my words around when you are the one who choose to say that the majority of people participate in a behavior, at least make an effort to make sense.
If people make ridiculious statements and attribute things to people that were not said, I will point out where they’re wrong. You are the one who is being rude and argumentative.
@smack I was referring to “how stupid do you think I am?” His defense of his statement lacks logic and some other things, but that was the statement I was referring to. Using statements like that often backfire when it comes to people’s perceptions.
I responded that way because this: “That stereotype, apparently unbeknownst to several, is not true at all for many, many people” and this: “Many people get through their entire college careers without drinking excessively as often as you think they do in their freshman year” were next to an @DominicX, so it seemed like it was being aimed at me. As if I needed to be educated on that fact, which is something that I already knew and never denied. That’s all.
Well, honestly, I drink to get drunk. But I don’t do it that often. The last couple of weeks I’ve gotten smashed 3 times, just because it’s summer and holidays and everything. But usually, over the last couple of years, I’ve probably binged drunk about once every few months.
Not as much as I used to. I used to get plowed 2 or 3 nights a weeks. Now I drink maybe once every other week if I’m lucky. I enjoy drinking though. It’s a relief from the consciousness of reality.
Though, if I could afford to, I’d drink more. But, as they say, “Such is life.”
@DominicX If you demonstrate an apparent lack of understanding that not all people behave in a way that you expect them to, yes, you need to be informed.
You posted ”Well, of course they’re not always true. Not stereotype is always true. That’s why it’s a stereotype.” which infers that while not all people drink that many (or most) do. I informed you that there are many who do not. You took this to a place where insults and all were thrown about on your side.
Again, if you appear to be misinformed and are passing along misinformation, you’ll be informed of what it is that you apparently don’t know or choose to ignore. And if you start being insulting, that’s on you.
Well, that’s not what I meant with that response. I’m sorry you took it that way.
Jesus. Many college students binge drink. Many don’t. The notion that all (or even most) college freshman get crazy drunk 3 days a week is stupid. As is the notion that the problem of binge drinking is negligible. Agreed?
I like to copy @Ivan whenever I get the chance
C’mon guys loosen up, have a drink!
1 gallon of whiskey per month, give or take.
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