General Question

zookeeny's avatar

What is the best bargin you have bought on an online auction site?

Asked by zookeeny (894points) January 15th, 2010

I just missed out on a bargin on trademe. I forgot to go back to bid and the winner got 6 new books for $2.50. Im gutted but that buyer got herself a pretty great deal. I am sure people have won much better auctions then that though! What have you ‘won’ a bid on and been totally blown away by your awesome bargin!! :)

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5 Answers

astaris's avatar

A lamp, actually got here in one piece

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

My family got a pair of tower speakers for our home theatre system for $260 that were valued at $1500.

scotsbloke's avatar

I recently bought a video camera doofer that looks like a car remote alarm thing on a key ring, it takes 640×480 video at 30fps and 2 megapixel pics, as good quality as my mobile phone, and it cost me 1cent, with $3.99 postage! (from China)
I love to shop on Ebay and try grab a bargain. I once bought an old caravan – 4 berth, lovely wee van it was, even had a microwave and portaloo in it – for £5.00 and it was only 30 miles away too. I used it for that summer and re-sold it for £200!
My absolute best buy though was a 1980’s Amstrad tower stereo stsyem, still in the original glass-fronted trolley case, with 3 foot high speakers in excellent working order for 99p. and I picked it up as it was only a few miles away! I still have it and the sound out of it is superb!

Zen_Again's avatar

It’s bargain….argh!

scotsbloke's avatar

I’m currently selling my campervan on eBay – It’s a Bargain!! 3 owners and one of them was a Nun! (possibly) Comes with a cast iron garuantee you’ll get it out of my drive and to the end of the street no problem.!

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