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novatito's avatar

How would you blend the letters in these names to put them in just one word?

Asked by novatito (6points) January 15th, 2010

I need to to put them togheter in one word, please help.
“yadira’’ and ’‘mayra’’

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32 Answers

bhec10's avatar

Do you have to use all the letters?

Val123's avatar

Mayad. Dirara. Admay.

novatito's avatar

@bvdshec17 No, not necessary..

CMaz's avatar


Judi's avatar


scotsbloke's avatar


Judi's avatar

Are you trying to come up with a baby or character name that combines names? Like Jordan and Janice could make Jadan?

LexWordsmith's avatar

great resource, that rearrangement servant.

Jeruba's avatar


Combines essential features and retains the character and flavor of both.

What are you trying to do? Is @Judi‘s guess correct?

novatito's avatar

@Judi Yes, I would like to make like another name, like ’‘yadyra’’

Zen_Again's avatar

@novatito “yadira’’ and ’‘mayra’’ is an anagram for WELCOME TO FLUTHER!

Val123's avatar

@Supacase Uh…“Frankly Maydira, I don’t give a damn!” (Uh…I’m reading Gone With the Wind….)

Freedom_Issues's avatar


Val123's avatar

@Freedom_Issues LOL! That so reminds me of something….Lion King, or something!

erichw1504's avatar

I’m a ram, ya.

lilikoi's avatar

Mayadira or Mayradira is a portmanteau for Mayra and Yadira.

Justnice's avatar

I have a friend named yaira. Everybody loves her name

ubersiren's avatar

Dimayra, Dimara, Madira.

Jeruba's avatar

Be aware that Madeira is the name of a place and also of a kind of wine. Anything that sounds too much like that name might invite confusion and even call to mind the old Limeliters song Have Some Madeira, M’dear. Fine if you don’t mind, but you might not want to be stuck with that association and the jokes that go with it.

Val123's avatar

BTW…where did you get the original two names “yadira’’ and ’‘mayra’’? Also, you’re trying to come up with a baby name, right? Can I start the rumor that you’re pregnant?! :)

novatito's avatar

@Val123 Noooo, LOL!!! I’m not pregnant, I’m trying to come up with a name we can use my best friend and I without losing the real names. like i said before, something like ’‘Yadyra’’

Jeruba's avatar

So if “Yadyra” is what you want, why not that?

novatito's avatar

@Jeruba I’m lookin’ for options for her, that would be my name, what would me hers? We are using Maira currently but need more options..

filmfann's avatar

Madeira is a portugese wine, but would sound the same.

bhec10's avatar

@filmfann Wow, you actually know something about good wine! It’s named after the Island Madeira FYI :-)

bhec10's avatar

Just noticed now that @Jeruba knows about this great wine as well!

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