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Nullo's avatar

Your best friend buys you a target pistol for your birthday. How do you react?

Asked by Nullo (22033points) January 15th, 2010

We are assuming that it is legal in your region for someone to buy you a pistol.

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31 Answers

Zen_Again's avatar

Shoot him.

trailsillustrated's avatar

what kind of pistol? I’d be happy shooting is fun.

Freedom_Issues's avatar

I don’t want it…

J0E's avatar

I call Plaxico Burress and ask what not to do.

stump's avatar

I would thank him, and make a date to go target shooting. I am not into hunting or anything, but it might be fun to go target shooting. I would also start pricing gun safes.

Sarcasm's avatar

I would be very thankful, and I would take regular trips up to my parents’ house (where they have lots of open land) and start practicing.

life_after_2012's avatar

never heard the term target pistol but im no military man either – but guns cost alot of money so id be happy – thats i oretty nice gesture – aslong as its not stolen

daemonelson's avatar

I’d probably really appreciate it.

phil196662's avatar

COOL!!! let me go get my other guns and lets go Target Practice- Bring money!

gemiwing's avatar

I’d ask if they had any earplugs and the number to a good gun class.

Scooby's avatar

I would be over the moon with joy to think my friend would spend so much to make my special day a very special day :-)

oratio's avatar

It depends. Is he wearing this?

Seek's avatar

I would be confused. My friends know I’m not a fan of handguns – or any guns for that matter. My friends would be much more likely to gift me with a yew longbow or a longsword.

phil196662's avatar

Bow and Arrow right? @Seek_Kolinahr ; my other passion to break into, Archery!

majorrich's avatar

@oratio The official Kent State T-Shirt? lol probably in bad taste sorry

I would be tickled silly to get a target pistol as a gift. Especially if some ammunition is included.

jonsblond's avatar

I think it would be pretty cool. I’d rather have a longbow though, like @Seek_Kolinahr.

Val123's avatar

If my husband gave me a pistol, I’d save it and give it back to him on his birthday, because he’s the one who really wanted it, not me!

TexasDude's avatar

I’d be upset because guns are icky, nasty things that shoot cop-killing, fully automatic, baby-seeking teflon coated bullets from extended banana clips~

I would be thrilled. Most target pistols are really expensive, and I collect and shoot guns, so it would be an appropriate gift for me.

What are we talking here, something like a Ruger Mark II, or one of those funky Olympic pistols?

downtide's avatar

I’d be really excited and set up a target in the garden right away. But I would probably be really bad at it.

coolbeans's avatar

I would be extremely happy because i really need a new target pistol (preferably a SIG) because my ruger is so freeken hard to clean

Then for Christmas i would ask for ammo because it is SO hard to get now (at least in California)

judochop's avatar

KENT STATE. I graduated from there as did several of my family members. My first year there I stayed in the dorm that housed one of those whom were shot. The memorial was just outside our backdoor.

What’s wrong with the gift? Return it if it is something you dislike or pay it forward to someone who would like it and use it. A target pistol (assuming it’s a p22) is a really nice gift and it’s not designed to kill, it’s designed to peirce paper targets backed by ½ inch wood. You’d be lucky if you could kill someone at almost point blank range with it. Guns are safe in the hands of knowledgable users.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

My love me bought me a fantastic pistol for Christmas which I would have also been just as thrilled to receive for my birthday.

hug_of_war's avatar

I would give it to my boyfriend since he knows far more about that stuff

borderline_blonde's avatar

That’d be sweet! I’ve really been wanting to book some lessons at the local range to learn how to fire a gun… and target shooting (the kind where you just shoot plastic targets, not cute little birds) looks like fun!

majorrich's avatar

I recently bought a P22 for the wife unit and found it to be a great little pistol. Been earning NRA Rockers with i( breaking it in 3;-). The factory laser is an added treat.

TexasDude's avatar

I want a P22 now, hearing about so many of them on here, guess it will have to wait until after I get my Mauser Broomhandle :-)

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I’ve never shot a pistol. I think I’d enjoy it.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’d wonder if he was hit in the head given that he knows my extreme dislike of anything having to do with guns whatsoever and I’d give it back to him and tell him that such an object does not belong in my house and I will not have it anywhere near my children.

coolbeans's avatar

By the p22 you mean the walter p22 tactical right?

majorrich's avatar

I just got the basic p22 with the laser. it is black, but I think they all are. I heard of problems with the slide on the long barrel so stuck with the short barrel, better for CCW anyway and plenty accurate to 25 meters

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