The social worker most likely has a walloping case load. Probably far more than any person could reasonably be expected to handle.
There’s an old saying: “the squeaky wheel is the one who gets the oil”. You have every right to be in court and to have your needs considered since this decision will impact the rest of your life.
You need to “squeak” a bit more, metaphorically speaking. If one adult is not meeting your needs keep letting that be known until you find one that does. If you don’t want to be a bystander for decisions affecting your life, you have to keep speaking up until someone hears you.
I’m not sure at what point an “ad litem” is chosen and appointed, but you certainly have the right to speak with this person well in advance of the court case. Call the court and find out. If one has already been appointed, ask for the name and phone. If not, ask for details of when and whom. You have every right to know this info. After all, it’s your life they’ll be debating about.
Nobody is a mind reader. You have a right to be assertive about this. Call the court, call CASA, call any other org which is involved in protecting kids rights.
Is there a teacher at school that you look up to or feel close to? Or, try the school guidance counselor.
Just keep speaking to whomever will listen until you find someone able to be an advocate for you.
You can’t complain about losing faith in adults for not helping IF you haven’t even ASKED them for help.
I realize that this is a very upsetting situation for you but there are adults willing and able to guide you through this. But you have to ASK. Keep asking until you connect with the right person.
You can’t expect to just rub a magic lamp and have them appear in front of you. You have to find them and ask them.
It could very well be someone who isn’t even aware that you exist who may be the perfect person willing to help you. And they won’t know you exist until you open your mouth to find them.
Don’t be afraid to ask and search. You deserve it.