General Question

XOIIO's avatar

Drag and drop for PC?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) January 16th, 2010

One and pretty much only function I like about macs is that you can drag pics into your desktop to save. anyone know a way to get that for pc? Needs to be Windows 7 compatible

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7 Answers

markyy's avatar

Drag and dropping a file to the desktop already works for me on Windows XP. I just dragged your picture from Firefox and Chrome to the Desktop and it saved it as a file. I can’t imagine they took this out in Windows 7.

se_ven's avatar

Confirmed works with Windows 7 and Firefox, IE8, Chrome, but not Opera

XOIIO's avatar

Yeah, but that doesn’t save it as just the jpeg, but as an IE file.

markyy's avatar

@XOIIO You’re right, just tested in IE7 and it does create a shortcut to the page rather then an imagefile. I don’t really know about extensions in IE7, there could be one out there especially for this, but I very much doubt it. Perhaps you should consider getting rid of IE7? Firefox [supports drag&drop], Chrome [supports drag&drop], Opera [not tested], Safari [not tested]

jerv's avatar

I concur. With Chrome and Firefox, I drag-and-drop JPEGs all the time.

And with all of the other issues IE has, I don’t see why anybody in their right mind would use it unless they are a web designer who wants to make sure than their site can be viewed by people who aren’t in their right mind.

Zen_Again's avatar

I just dragged myself out of bed and dropped myself into the chair – does that count?

jerv's avatar

Are you a JPEG? I mean, I know you’re kind of lo-res and a little fuzzy, but….

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