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zookeeny's avatar

Fail proof gardening ideas.

Asked by zookeeny (894points) January 16th, 2010

I am a terrible gardener but I love flowers and plants. I have tried to grow pots plants but only a ‘spider plant’ and crythanthamum has ever survived. I would love to have a garden and home full of beautiful plants and bright flowers. I would try hard to commit to watering them but thats about my limit. What plants would survive chance waterings and occassional accidental neglect or over watering?

I was thinking of buying one of those raised beds maybe trying some vegtable growing or even just planting some gorgeous flowers that will grow and tend to themselves as they do in nature. Any ideas?

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9 Answers

wonderingwhy's avatar

a lot of that depends on where you live, your climate, soil, lighting, etc. I’d recommend The American Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Gardening as a good start. Also your local flower shops can really be great sources of plants that will grow well in your area. If you’re concerned about watering try using a more retentive soil then setting a single day every week to water them. Always check with your finger for moisture before watering. I’ve done really well with indoor ferns (low light, water, med humidity) and jasmine (likes more light but doesn’t die in low light, handles random watering well)

Raised beds work pretty well for me as they provide drainage for things that don’t like to be consistently overwatered and it helps get them extra sun. Veggies are a great choice but be careful, if they grow well (ex. my tomatoes this year) they can really crowd out a lot of things, and you have to keep an eye out for hungry bugs.

MagsRags's avatar

For indoor plants, succulents only need occasional watering, also cacti.

Outdoors, if you have an area that gets a decent amount of light and natural watering from rain, check with a local garden center about mixed wildflower seeds. They’ll usually have something specific to your area in terms of climate zone. Realistically, it probably won’t be as lush and colorful as you might imagine, but if you follow the instructions, you should get something that will sustain itself from year to year without much more from you. Another option to consider is bulbs – again, if you follow the instruction for planting (and climate cautions), it’s pretty much set it and forget it. I love seeing my bulbs pop up every spring!

janbb's avatar

In my part of the country, impatiens grow terrifically in the shade. I plant them around my boxwoods in the front yard in May and they bloom and multiply all the way through until October.

lilikoi's avatar

Depends on your climate. A local botanist probably has your answers.

gailcalled's avatar

Tell us where you live; how much room you have, how much direct sunlight, what kind of soil, rainfall, and how much heavy lifting you are willing to do.

Lots of ideas with the right information.

Saschin's avatar

Just use Farmville on Facebook .. you can’t fail. Well you can .. but that’d just be sad.

Jewel's avatar

Easy Peasy! Plastic plants and silk flowers!
Or contact your local Agricultural Extension service, or Master Gardners group. They can give you all of the help and information you can use.

notrecruiting's avatar

I have several container plants in my living room….bell peppers seem to be doing well too early yet to say with my tomato. Herbs are extremely easy to work with though. Aloe also seems really care free.

kritiper's avatar

If you can’t mow it, don’t grow it.

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