Has fluther made you smarter?
Has fluther made you smarter or know alot more about something you never knew about?
I feel like fluther and flutherites have helped me so much and I have learned so much from everyone I wanted to say thank you and wanted to know if fluther has helped you?
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25 Answers
Intelligence is hard to measure. Fluther made me a better person, and that’s something I feel and see every day.
I like to think it’s the other way around.
It has improved my spelling for sure. :)
I have learned a lot here if that is what you mean. The archives are a wealth of information. Also I learned that if you are stuck with an issue chances are good you will find help here.
Maybe not smarter, but certainly better informed about some things. Also I am more aware of certain points of view and attitudes that are different from my own and from those of most of the people I know in person.
Sometimes answering a question has forced me to think something through or prepare to defend my position—and thereby to become clearer in my own mind about why I believe what I believe.
It’s exposed me to many people…which in its own turn is a benefit. :)
Not smarter necessarily, but it’s good exercise for my brain.
I think Fluther has made me more well rounded in regards to knowing more about many different things. Looking at this from a comprehensive perspective, I’d have to say that yes, Fluther has made me smarter and I’m the better for it.
Yes, I have learned a tremendous amount since joining the jelly pond.
I am a firm believer in the old adage, “The fool keeps making the same mistake over and over again and never learns. The smart man makes a mistake and learns from it, but the wise man learns from other people’s mistakes.”
I feel that our community is diverse, and enjoy contributing to the discussions on here. I’m a daily visitor to fluther, and enjoy learning and reading about others’ experiences, advice, and discussions. The exchange of ideas and opinions on here have often inspired me, and I have also made several close friends. Fluther rocks!
No, I have made Fluther smarter.
LOL jk you’d really have to be a jackass to think like that.
I agree with @Facade
Fluther hasn’t made me any more intelligent, but is helping me preserve the intelligence I have. I’m forced to use reasoning and researching abilities that would otherwise be dormant. I’m also exposed to a wider range of opinion than otherwise.
no, in fact it’s made me complacent and sloppy.
Better educated, more exposed to many things I’d never even given a thought to before, better prepared to make a logical argument rather than an emotional one, many friendships and connections outside of Fluther, and a job! Yes, Fluther has been very, very good to me and for me. <3
Dafanitly, and it is helped to my gramer and speling, two.
;-) I love this place!
Fluther hasn’t made me smarter. I have had some really good comments and answers from people though.
I have learnt a lot about people and a lot about myself… good and bad, on both counts
I have certainly learnt a lot from Fluther and the people here. It has also helped my writing technique and enabled me to express my opinion in a slightly more educated way than I did before I came to Fluther.
There is also a lot more (mostly) useless, random facts floating aroound inside my head since joining Fluther!
I woudln’t say it has increased my intelligence, but it has increased my knowledge, particularly of current academic thinking on issues such as gender and race (or the outdatedness of that concept.) Having received my formal education many years ago, I find it enlightening to be exposed to new research and ideas in addition to the outside reading I do on my own. In addition, the chance to exercise my writing and critical thinking skills as well as practical and emotional problem solving abilities is enriching.
And the chance to make bad jokes and puns – priceless!
As others have put it so well, Fluther hasn’t made me smarter so much as sensitized me to a wide variety of points of view about major and minor issues—and of course allowed me to tap into a reservoir of great info. Equally important, it’s put me in touch with My Own beliefs, many of which I never or rarely articulate except in my head. In addition, it’s given me a chance to revisit life experiences that, in sharing, might be of use to others.
@XOIIO- Hey. You don’t need to call me names.
I must admit I’ve learned a thing or two on here.
It’s given me an opportunity to solidify my feelings about things. Think about things I wouldn’t otherwise. Practice stretching my brain around other peoples’ perceptions.
I also think that I’ve been able to influence a few people for the better by getting to know them and having them understand why I think the way that I do, and/or forcing them to be able to defend a point against someone playing devil’s advocate.
No, but it has exposed me to smart people and knowing there are smart people out there gives me hope.
I would not say it made me smarter but it helped me with making decisions.
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