Do you have a problem with "authority figures"?
Not only the police, but school teachers, ministers, and politicians. do authority figures automatically set off your inner core for a dislike of these people? why?
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23 Answers
But then, I am one myself.
They have a problem with me.
I’ve been pulled over because the officer thought I was too young to be driving. I’ve had a paper checked for plagiarism 3 times, like the same paper, 3 times. Parents usually hate me before they even get through the introductions.
It kinda sucks, ya know?
I don’t like cops because when I was younger my family scared me and said not to ever speak to a cop because they would take my family away because my family was all smoking weed without me knowing they were doing so at the time. I was like 5 when they told me this and I was terrified. But now i just don’tlike them I respect them though.
I have a problem trusting all people of a higher authority than me because my family and some other adults have backstabbed me and when I forgave then and started to trust people again they did the same thing.
So I find it easier to not trust anyone or just keep everyone at a distance.
Teachers bother me daily about everything but school they scare me and I don’t like some of them.
All if them except for one teacher who I really respect and look up to..he still scares me though.
In general yes, too many of authority figures I’ve interacted with over the years have been unable/unwilling to explain themselves and their actions, past “I’m the one in charge”, or “that’s the way it is”, or “because I said so”. For me, in most situations, if you are asking/ordering me to do something of any significance that I disagree with (particularly where it impacts me), where I don’t believe I’m in the wrong, you had better be ready and able to explain yourself if you expect cooperation.
Oh, and I do, whenever possible, provide explanations in the situations where I’m in charge and those I’m directing disagree.
@Axemusica agreed, condescending types are particularly grating. Is it so much to ask for a little basic respect or at least consideration. I try pay particularly attention to ensure I’m not acting that way with coworkers (especially when I’m in charge) because I know how much it irks me I don’t see why others can’t do the same.
It’s not that I have a problem with authority in general. I have a problem with the abuse of power, in which not to offend you @john65pennington, you know I like you :) I’ve seen many officers of the law do. As for other forms of authority, e.g. Teachers, supervisors, ect… I only have a problem with them if they condescend or if they feel the need to be the typical bossy type of person of authority. You can be someones superior without speaking to someone as if they’re below you. It erks me and no sir I do not like it, lol.
edit ~plus I’ve just never had good experiences with police officers in general. So my opinion is probably bias.~
I had an automatic dislike of authority figures, until I became one.
I respect cops and teachers. Politicians are a different story though.
I’ve never been a big fan of cops. no offense @john65pennington I’ve never had many dealings with the police but the ones that have pulled me over were jerks. Asking me nosey questions about where I was going and what not, like it’s their business. I didn’t know I needed to be treated like a dirt ring because I had a headlight out or went a couple miles over the speed limit.
I never had any problems with teachers or superiors at work tho.
I only have problems with cops when they pull me over for doing a California roll (slow slight stop then roll) at a stop sign and no one else is in sight or having a small crack in my windshield from a rock hitting it earlier that week. I just feel like they could be doing better use of their time like stopping the drug dealers or crime in our community.
I have no reaction to any particular group of people, I judge each on an individual basis. So, no knee-jerk reactions to authority figures in general. There are good, bad, and ugly human beings in all walks of life. I show respect, or not, based on the actual person before me… not their status as a member of any group.
Generally, no. But I have come across some authority figures that made me question their suitability for the post (teachers, managers, civil servants), which makes it harder to accept their authority.
No, their position does not automatically make me dislike them. I’ve always been adept at getting authority figures to like me, so I end up on friendly terms with most. I am, however, wary of them – after all, they have power over me, and they’re just people like anyone else, so I must be on guard against the crazy ones.
I wouldn’t describe it as a dislike.It’s more of a certain wariness.I don’t like to leave my fate up to others.
I have a problem with authority figures who expect more authority than they are due. If a teacher tells me I need to do my homework, that’s fine. If a teacher tells me I need to spend a lot more time doing the homework for that class when what I give is perfectly adequate that is overstepping the bounds of their authority.
Sorry, couldn’t think of a better example but I think you all are smart enough to know what I mean.
I respect them if they respect me.
you include politicians in your list though… I don’t trust any of them
Disturbed broken…your parents telling you to not like the police at this early age was cruel to you. they did this to you so they could cover their pot smoking. this is a sad situation. police officers are humans, just like everyone else. we take an oath to enforce the law and this is what we do. if a person is not guilty of anything, the police are not going to interfere with your liberty or freedom. after all, we enjoy our freedom just like you do. all police officers are not corrupt, as most people think. we are given random polygraphs exams and blood tests to ensure our cleanliness and i agree with this. if you could only ride in a police car for 30 days, you would understand where i am coming from. i will admit that some rookies are “hot dogs” when they first graduate their police academy. they all mellow with age and experience, which is about 3 years down the road. have you thought to yourself, “what would i do if i did not have the police in an emergency?”.
Chikipi….......police officers pull people over for minor traffic violations for a reason. first, its for the violation itself and second, its how the police catch many wanted criminals. more criminals have been arrested in traffic stops, than any other means. this stands to reason if you think about it. a person commits a crime and 95% use some form of transportation to leave the scene. generally, its an automobile. so going over the speed limit a little is just establishing probable cause to check a person out for outstanding warrants. example is Oklahoma and the bombing of the Federal Courthouse. an officer stopped the bomber on a traffic stop(license plate) violation and the arrest ensued. there is always a reason an officer may pull you over. its not to harrass or intimidate you, so please try to understand this.
i have a huge problem with authority figures.
i can’t stand to step down, i prefer to interact as equals.
authority figures generally produce a feeling of disdain in me, even though i don’t want it, it just happens. for some reason i hate most of my managers at my current work place, but i want to like them so badly. i only like the ones that are actually on the floor with me.
I don’t necessarily hate cops I am just scared of them.
Because my family kind of made me terrified of them growing up.
And because a police guy came to my house and made me go in the cop car to make a statement I was very scared and uncomfortable of saying infront of a male cop.
I really respect police people because of all the stuff they have to go through and have to deal with and I know they are just trying to help.
Authority figures have a problem with me. I question authority and this seems to piss them off. When an authority thinks their authority gives them the right to treat me less than I expect them to be able to back that position up with something more than because I said so or because I have the badge and you don’t. No sir, that ain’t reason enough for me to blindly obey.
Yes. I do not like, trust or follow the suggestions of authority figures. And not so much law enforcement as bosses, teachers, self-appointed leaders. They generally don’t know what they’re talking about and fall back on “what the book says.” Time and again I’ve revolted against these alpha-idiots and did it my way—generally the faster, cheaper better way. But as I age I find it harder to be tactful. What used to be a thoughtful rebuttal with intellectual explanation of an alternate course now comes in a highly abridged form: two words which, when analyzed, direct the listener to do the impossible. Okay, I’m right more than I’m wrong—yes I make mistakes. But I’ve got to find a way to deal with this authority anxt before I’m blackballed from every profession I excel in. So I’m begging for an answer.
@lvarque The only advice that I can give you is an old Army maxim “You’re saluting the rank, not the person wearing it”. It might help you a bit with attitude, which you could then translate into working relationships.
oh yeah, i have a great deal of problems with authority – but its not really my problem – its theirs because they are crossing personal boundaries which don’t belong to them. Authority is only recognized by those who choose to recognize it.
It is and will always be a source of major conflict in the world because a lot of individuals want to think, behave and feel upon their own free will while authority tries to cross this boundary. The only person I will ever give any authority “privledges” to over me is potentially a “boss” at work and even then, there are limitations to how much I’ll let this happen…additionally, there are bargaining points and concessions that go along with authority. No one on this planet is ever, ever, ever an absolute authority.
I was blessed with size (250 lbs, 6’ 4) and a wicked mouth (not that I’m proud of it necessarily)...the world is an unfair place and you have to use what god gave you to defend your human rights (freedom of speech, thought, expression).
Keep giving authority figures access to your soul and you’ll wake up one day wondering what happened to your sense of self.
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