What is a good RPG on Nintendo DS?
Have a bad craving to play an RPG and need something i can play on the bus/train. Looking for a good RPG on DS that has some kind of replayability or a good time sink.
Ive already played FF3 and FF4, also the Pokemon series. Other then that im pretty open to suggestions. Dont want anything too stylus intensive or other crazy things the DS might require you to do.
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29 Answers
I don’t have a DS. but if you like the FF series and it’s available on DS, FF7 is the definitive FF game, IMO. The nice thing about FF games is that after you beat the final boss, you can still go exploring and do stuff and see new things.
Chrono Trigger is pretty much the most amazing game out there, and it’s available on DS.
edit: I’ve never played it on the DS. I played it on the SNES. I don’t know if they’ve changed the style a lot with the dual screens and all.
I believe they have Kingdom Hearts for DS and also that new Zelda game. It looks a little to “little kiddish” for my taste but might be a good RPG nonetheless. I also second @Sarcasm Chrono trigger is teh s!ckn3ss. If you happen to have a PSP & a PS3 you can DL older PS and PS2 games for it like, Soul Reaver, Legacy of Kain, I think some other FF games too.
FYI, they’re probably too complex for the DS, but if you love RPG games, you must play Mass Effect, Oblivion, and Morrowind.
@HungryGuy I tried playing Mass Effect and couldn’t get past the game play long enough to continue playing the game. I thought the controls and camera angles were absolutely horrible. If Mass Effect 2 is anything like the first I will not be playing it, but Oblivion was awesome along with Fallout 3.
Oh god yes. Any Legend of Zelda game you can find is worth the time.
Both of the Zelda DS games (Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks) are great. I played through Phantom Hourglass like three times, and it’s a great addition to the Zelda series. Spirit Tracks is also pretty fun, and in ways improves on a lot of the more frustrating elements of Phantom Hourglass, but it’s a much shorter game.
Eh, Castlevania is alright. I got kind of annoyed with the one I got, although I don’t remember which it was.
The new Fire Emblem DS game (Shadow Dragon) is alright if you like strategy as well as RPGs. It’s not the best Fire Emblem game, although I believe it is a remake of the first game. The GBA game “FIre Emblem” (just plain Fire Emblem, nothing else) is MUCH better.
@HungryGuy Haven’t played Mass Effect, but the Elder Scrolls ones are all excellent games. Of course they are much too intense for DS. I know Morrowind and Oblivion are only for PC and/or Xbox 360, I don’t know about Mass Effect though.
@ParaParaYukiko – Mass Effect is for 360. If it’s not out for PC yet, it will be! I don’t know if it’s available for anything else. PS3 might be able to handle it, but not much else will.
@Axemusica – Have you tried setting your camera preferences?
@ParaParaYukiko Oblivion is for PS3 too. :)
@HungryGuy I tried everything, because the story and the entire open line of story to follow was something I thought I’d really like since I loved both Fable’s and am awaiting the 3rd one. I just couldn’t get into it. On the odd side I am playing Dragon Age: Origins at the moment, lol. Weird huh?
@Axemusica How is Oblivion on PS3? Or 360 for that matter? I only have it for PC (cause my computer rocks enough to handle it) and it feels very natural to play with the keyboard. I feel like using a controller would be just…. weird. But I guess that’s just personal preference.
@ParaParaYukiko Yea, I played it for PC years ago and loved every minute of it. Well at least until I finished the brotherhood quests, then I got bored after that story line, lol. Although, my friend keeps talking about it and he only has a PS3. I’m not sure when it was released on PS3, but yea personal preference I guess. Well, that and if you have a decent enough computer. I’m actually kind of sad I don’t have a B.A. computer anymore, because I’d love to play Diablo 3 when they finally do release it.
World ends with you, one of my favorite games ever! And it’s actually NDS like the poster asked for :s
I don’t know if they made it for the DS, but I liked Golden Sun on the GBA
RPG games work quite well on a controller. The two thumb-knobs give you full range of look and motion (and most games let you switch your pitch from “aircraft mode” to “mouse mode”). And the 4 color buttons and the triggers give you easy access to your inventory and fighting moves.
Now, the types of games that don’t work well on consoles are games like The Sims and Roller Coaster Tycoon where you’re building things and adjusting little details anywhere on the screen. Console constollers suck at that! I have The Sims for the PC, but I also bought it for the Xbox, and it was unplayable for that reason. You need a keyboard and mouse for those types of games.
Golden Sun 3 comes out later this year on NDS, good call @ragingloli.
The Zelda has way too much Stylus action.
Mass Effect is too much “blah, blah” not enough Pew Pew.
Pretty much any Zelda game is good. GTA CW could be considered a RPG but it’s more of a sandbox game.
@HungryGuy Its the sound you make when you own/pwn.
Don’t know why everyone’s talking about Oblivion and Mass Effect and Zelda. Here are some actual good DS RPGs:
The World Ends With You—Japanese RPG w/ lots of stylus action. Crazy storyline with some great characters. Excellent “New Game +” mode after you’re all done.
Demon Summoner—Part of the series that spawned the Persona games on PS/PS2. It’s a tactical RPG, meaning you’ve got a certain amount of action points to wander around on a map and kill baddies. Focuses on summoning/combining demons that join you. Bosses are on the hard side but nothing a seasoned RPG vet can’t overcome.
Etrian Oddysey II—Fairly hardcore no-frills game with a lot of depth in the skill tree. Expect to spend a lot of time leveling up. Strange map-making aspect w/ the stylus. Not sure why that’s needed.
Dragon Warrior V—Old school JRPG. Great story but seems a bit dated. Still good, though.
Ah, I see. Well, as for me, the shooting/battle sequences don’t do much for me. If I want to blow stuff up, I’ll play a FPS. When I play a RPG, I want to go exploring and interact with the people in the world. Yeah, I know solving some of the mini quests and the main quest will involve a lot of shooting the baddies, but the battles aren’t why I’m playing the game.
@Sylence Something hardcore, old school RPG is what i need =D
@JesusWasAJewbot – Hard-core/old-school RPG? Daggerfall!!! The graphics are a joke by today’s standard, but it’s as hard-core/old-school as you can get! The world is truly massive, and once you get out of the first dungeon (which isn’t hard to do after you kill a couple of giant rats), the whole world is wide open to explore! There’s no track or anything. It’s up to you to figure out where to go and what you have to do.
I always preferred JRPGs. In fact, the only western style RPG I liked was the first Fallout.
For JRPGs, Final Fantasy 7 and 8 are the penultimate. They’re both excellent games with intricate plots and depth, though I never liked the way they force you down a “track” from the start of the game to the end…
Vote for “The World Ends With You” and “Chrono Trigger”
The only things with The World Ends With You is i dont wanna be on the train blowing and screaming into my DS =\.
@ragingloli Im a huge fan of Fallout 3, i was about to play it again (although ive beat it 3x and got all the achievements for the 2 DLC i bought).
@JesusWasAJewbot I have never in my life screamed or blown into a Nintendo DS. Just scratch the microphone hole with your finger.
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