General Question

ETpro's avatar

I just got an invitation to join Twitter. Who is a member? What are the pluses and minuses of Tweeting?

Asked by ETpro (34605points) January 17th, 2010

This person is unknown to me, but claims they want to “follow” me on Twitter. As I understand it, part of the fascination is to see how much celebrity you can generate—how many Twits you can get floowing you whether they actually know you or not. How much time does Tweeting soak up. In what ways does it pay back for the effort?

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27 Answers

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I think it’s a retarded idea and I can’t fathom how it has become so popular. But I guess I’m a grinch.

gggritso's avatar

+ It’s kind of fun.
– It’s kind of a waste of time.

chelseababyy's avatar

I’m a member. It just depends. Twitter has a lot of pros and cons. I love being able to talk to people, have them respond, and just get back to them whenever. I also love being able to share cool things I find with the world.

Flo_Nightengale's avatar

Nothing can compare to Fluthering!

smartfart11's avatar

I love tweeting, because you don’t really have to be friends with a lot of people to get benefit out of it. It’s kind of like a tiny little journal, where you can tweet your thoughts, or anything you want to say in 140 characters. I love tweeting from text, because it’s SO EASY! and also because I can get tweets from good friends with Twitter through my phone. You know, I really can’t think of any cons.

Just don’t add your boyfriend. Especially when you just want to speak your mind.;)
Kidding, kid.

ChocolateReigns's avatar

I think it’s kind of strange. I would totally go with Facebook instead. If you’re already on facebook, stay there. I think it’s better plus you get all the apps.

marinelife's avatar

I cannot get it. I have strangers following me. I don’t tweet that often.

MacBean's avatar

It’s most fun if a lot of the people you follow also follow each other. It ends up being sort of like a chat room.

Ron_C's avatar

I don’t get it. You are limited to 140 characters, and the more twitter connections you monitor, the more junk you get. Unless you are passing answers for a final exam, there is no good use for twitter.

gggritso's avatar

@Ron_C It’s a bit obtuse to say that there is no good use for Twitter without having a good idea of how it works and what it’s used for. Twitter is right now the easiest, fastest way to deliver information to a large audience instantly. That in itself is incredibly valuable to any news source.

Ron_C's avatar

@gggritso the fact that I DO know how it works leads me to that conclusion. It would be a good thing if you and all your Twitter friends were at a movie and the theater caught on fire. They could be quickly warned to escape. The problem is that the usual conversation is so inane and boring that you waste your time thinking it let alone writing it so that a 100 of your closest friends can read it.

Congressmen twitter when they should be listening to debate, and teenagers do it instead of directly communicating with their friends. I think Twitters is wasteful, distracting, antisocial, and serves no real purpose but the need to feel recognized.

Want to do something useful and time consuming, how about paying attention to the world around you instead of an LCD screen.

gggritso's avatar

@Ron_C Just because you consider the tweets you get to be inane and boring doesn’t mean others do as well. I, for one, am interested in what my friends thought of Movie X or how much fun they had at Concert Y. I don’t consider this a waste of time.

In fact, it’s preposterous to call something a waste of time if it’s considered a form of entertainment. I don’t suffer from delusions of productivity, if I’m on Twitter, I’m there because it’s fun. I make time for Twitter in my daily life, not the other way around.

Twitter and real life are not mutually exclusive. I’m more than free to tweet while I’m out with my friends, and do not consider one to be a substitute for the other.

I don’t have a need to be recognized. My Twitter account is private.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’m not on Twitter – I don’t see its point but given recent events, good things can be done through Twitter so I guess I can let it exist.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

I sometimes use twitter to talk about products and businesses, both good and bad.

casheroo's avatar

You were invited to an exclusive club. You should join

ChocolateReigns's avatar

@casheroo It’s not that exclusive. Anybody can get a twitter account. You don’t have to be invited.

Tenpinmaster's avatar

I have twitter. Its ok for news updates and stuff for news sites who use twitter to post “up to the minute” news. I don’t have any real use for it other then talk to myself because I am not that interesting. lol.

Ron_C's avatar

@gggritso if you like it fine, I don’t see what’s wrong with a text message. I don’t think people need to read every little thought. It still seems a waste of time for everyone concerned. I could see the use for short messages if you’re planning a party or something like that. I can’t see it for everyday or even more frequent use.

gggritso's avatar

@Ron_C I could see why you’d say that, so I’ll quickly mention that under normal circumstances I don’t get get text messages from Rainn Wilson and other interesting people. They have good things to say. Does that help legitimize it even slightly?

Ron_C's avatar

@gggritso who is Rainn Wilson? and why is what he (she) say important?

gggritso's avatar

@Ron_C That’s a good question. I was just using him as an example, he’s an actor. I mentioned it because many interesting public figures (in general) use Twitter consistently. One person I follow is Tim Ferriss. He posts quite a lot of intersting findings about productivity, health and life in general.

Ron_C's avatar

@gggritso I guess that I’m out of it, I don’t know who Tim Feriss is either, I checked the link, I’m still not sure. I still don’t see how anything important can be transmitted in 140 characters.

ETpro's avatar

@Ron_C Ever the curmudgeon here, may I point out that it took you all of 79 characters to pass on to all of us the important message: I still don’t see how anything important can be transmitted in 140 characters.

Ron_C's avatar

@ETpro yeah, but that was important.

MacBean's avatar

@Ron_C: You think it was important. (I think it’s crap.) And it took less than 140 characters, which makes it untrue. So you’ve disproven your own point. I’d say that’s an automatic “fail” in a discussion/debate.

Ron_C's avatar

@MacBean like I said, it’s a personal choice, and I am happy to be left out of it. (my opinion in less than 140 characters) and still not important.

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