When did the world cease to be magical and just become routine for you?
As a young kid, teenager, and even into my early 20’s.. the world held an allure that I can’t quite explain.. a magic that was always just out of reach. Nowadays, life just seems routine, predictable, and utterly… average. Has this happened to you? When did it happen? If not, why didn’t it happen?
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Hasn’t happened yet. Perhaps I’ll have to wait till I’m past my mid-twenties. Still, as of right now I live my life like everyday’s a miracle. Life is a miracle. The fact that out of all the billions and billions of stars and planets in the universe, the planet we’re on is at a distance just right to support life is a miracle, when countless numbers of other stars are going supernova or when possibly trillions of other planets are too blazing hot or freezing cold for life. The fact that in the human body, there are squillions of cells paired up in just the right way to enable our body to function properly, and where if something goes wrong (like in the brain) you’re screwed, and yet you’re not is miracle in and of itself.. Even photosynthesis is a miracle, how perfectly everything works.
I’m sorry, I think I’m rambling on and on here, but I believe that the world is simply wonderful, and I think that I’ll be able to continue having this mentality of mine for quite a long time.
Not sure it was ever “magical”; my childhood did not encourage that kind of thinking…I would say that now is when I can see ‘magic’ and wonder in things, if I remember to look: and I can appreciate it more perhaps…and as far as routine and average, sometimes yes, sometimes no; but I sure would not have predicted being where I am now in a million years…
It’s still magical. I think I’ve held onto that magic because I try not to take things too seriously, enjoy the moment and the little things, and always try to take, not the road less traveled, but the road most interesting. My will to explore overwhelms a lot and having learned how to enjoy the journey has made a huge difference. I think a lot of it comes from outlook as well. I generally don’t worry about things I can’t change and try to see the bright side of most circumstances. I’ve found if you can laugh when your lost, don’t speak the language, and have no place to stay, you can get over most things. In the end though, I think it comes down to choice, I’d rather be inspired than jaded and because of that choice I search for inspiration where ever I go.
I’m 27 and the world seems more magical to me now than it ever has before.
aw yes. I do miss the days when E.T. would float me across a vast crevasse on my BMX bicycle. Those were some magical times.
Either it happened the day we were born or it will happen the day we die. The thing is, we won’t know until after both, so until then it’s best to assume it’s all magic.
Upon my father’s death.
Following that, I felt a lot less joy in life.
I don’t remember my childhood being about belief in magic – my teenagehood was, on the other hand – now as an almost 26 year old I continue to believe in the unexplainable
When I was ten and told that Santa doesn’t exsist.
I’m nearly 56, and I still find magic and enchantment in the world around me, because I look for it!
When i left the house. I found out the world is less magical, and more of a cold, hard place to be in. Although I have found a magical romance so I suppose there is some beautiful things about this plane of existance :)
There was a sense of awe and adventure at things as a youngin. What changes in our brains scientifically, biologically, or otherwise to make the transition to a mechanical, calculating, computer of the body? Is there some kind of chemical that increases/decreases its production? Or is it just a learned behavior to lose that wonder?
Here’s something to consider for you sad folks who don’t see magic anymore:
Compare our world to Harry Potter. With the unfortunate exceptions of teleportation and soul-splitting, we can do everything that the wizards can do, and more. We have magic little tablets that allow us to communicate with each other anywhere, by speaking or by reading and writing. We have electricity, a magical force that can encode our entire culture. We have the Internet and television.
We also have spaceships. And we have cameras that can show us the way clouds flow over mountains, or the tiniest details of an ant colony, and the knowledge to explain how both things work. We can view distant planets circling distant stars, and one day we might even go to one of these places.
And most of us, even poor people, live lives of comfort that would have been inconceivable to human beings living even just 50 years ago. We can also visit virtual worlds entirely of our own creation that increase in detail and majesty every year.
As Joe Stalin once said, “there is no difference between magic and sufficiently advanced technology.”
@Qingu I’m not saying I’m depressed or sad. Just that the world is admittedly more .. realistic.. and less fantastical than I once thought it might be. I’m curios as to the biology of this change.
The change is less biological than psychological. Some of us have allowed the metaphorical “child” in us to be crushed by the emotional pain of those who have rejected us when they should have validated and nurtured us.
Even great scientists can still marvel at the world.
I’m 47 and the world seems more magical to me now than it ever has before.
wow this is sad. I am no way close to being like you in this respect. I find life magical all the time.
When it became necessary to work for a living.
Oops. Well, you know I meant divorce.
Actually, in my case, she didn’t get custody of anything. She got the house, but I ended up raising the kids. But the actual separation – at the time – was devastating. I felt like I went from the proverbial zero to hero in 1 minute. It took me years to recover, and perhaps I haven’t really ever gotten over it…
Thanks. So how you enjoying flutherville so far?
Edit: Just saying: if this isn’t a GQ then I don’t know what a great question is. Kudos, mineralwater.
When the reality of being a grown up started. Friends and friends fmaily starting dying, my family started dying. It is all a part of life, just kind of hits you all of sudeen that you are a grown up now.
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