Social Question

nebule's avatar

Are any other Jellies on Goodreads? How do you make it work for you?

Asked by nebule (16472points) January 18th, 2010

…I have one friend on…do people just not like Goodreads or am I just not mixing in the right circles? I think it’s a little bit like Twitter in that you really do need friends to make it work for you more. What do you think? Do you have lots of friends… Do you use it regularly? How do you make it work for you?

(I did recently win a pre-published book which was pretty cool!)

If anyone would like to befriend me..I’m Tootiefrootie…let me know either here or by private comment if you would like to…

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11 Answers

PandoraBoxx's avatar

I’m on it, but I don’t use it that much, mostly because I don’t read as much as I would like to these days. Work has me stressed, so fluther is about all I can manage most days. I have a few people I follow who are great book reviewers.

Vincentt's avatar

A few days ago I went looking for an internet book community and found Shelfari. I’ve now joined Goodreads :)

fundevogel's avatar

I’m not familar with goodreads, but I use librarything to keep track of my reading and I participate in a couple reading groups on the site…most notably the Dewey Challenge. It’s probably a completely insane undertaking, but it’s nice to attempt such an epic reading challenge with other similarly deluded dedicated readers.

I’ll have to nose around Goodreads but I’m rather dug in at librarything.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have an account on Goodreads but haven’t used it for a while and so kept it up to date. I had a few friends on their when I did use it.

life_after_2012's avatar

i don’t know what that is. should i build an account? is it fun?

nebule's avatar

I’m only just getting into it really…but it is is really good, you can track all the books you have read, are reading and want to read, write recommendations and and reviews and share them with friends (if, unlike me you have some!), you can join groups and enter competitions to win free books, there is a quotes section to which I’ve only just discovered and I’m pretty sure there is more… :)
come and join me…please??? lol

lilikoi's avatar

I’ve been using Shelfari. I’m gonna go check out these other ones you folks mentioned…. I don’t like the idea of being on more than one (cuz I probably wouldn’t use them all) but who knows!

Jeruba's avatar

Six months or so ago, I joined Goodreads at the urging of a fellow flutherer, but I really found no benefit in it, just a lot of work cataloguing and rating my reading matter, to no particular purpose. If I want a record of my reading, I can do that for myself without a tedious interface. I am not looking for recommendations (although I don’t go deaf when someone raves about a great book); I have mountains more books now than I will live long enough to read, and virtually every one potentially branches into others.

Last week I deleted my account.

If anyone here really wants to know what I’m reading, then can just check my profile.

Svidrigailov's avatar

I have been on Goodreads for over a year, I think. I mostly use it for keeping track of what books I want to read that I’ve stumbled across from making friends with strangers who have similar tastes. I find it helps you to meet people if you build your library and write reviews of your favorite and most hated books. A fair amount of the people I know on the site have either friended me because they liked my library or a comment I wrote or I’ve friended them for the same reasons.

I hate to sound like a shameless promoter of the site because I don’t use it as much as I used to, but I’ve been turned on to some really great lit because of it and I still check my to-read list before I head off to blow money at Powell’s.

Dilettante's avatar

Invited by a friend to join a few months ago; find it to be interesting, informative. Many serious writers, poets there.

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