What will you do if I pass out at your front door?
I know I’m a stranger but you know I’m a good person. If I suddenly pass out at your front door what will you do?,will judge me from my looks,age,gender,background,or else?,do you think I really deserve a help?,and for some reason can I stay at your house for at least one day?.
(Please be honest).
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34 Answers
Friend or no friend, if you pass out at my front door, i am 1. calling the police 2. calling for an ambulance 3. moving you over to the side of the porch, in case you upchuck and if you become violent, i will handcuff you.
How do i know you are a good person, if you are a stranger?
To be honest;
Yes, I may make a judgement on you if you were lying passed out at my front door. my wife and I are first aiders so we’d make sure you were able to be moved, if you were, I’d bring you in, (if not – We’d call an ambulance and the police) – We’d try to find out what was wrong with you, give you a hot meal, and then chat to you about what brought you to me. As long as you’r story was credible and you needed genuine help – we’d give it. if you needed medical attention we’d make sure you got to the Emergency room.
If you needed to stay a night, I do have a spare room, but again would depend on your circumstances – we’d need answers. I’d also have no problem driving you to the station or airport or whatever.
As to what you look like – We know a diversity of people so you’d have to look pretty strange to be turned away here.
That’s my answer – and you wouldnt be the first…
I wonder how YOU would treat YOU in those circumstances?
I’d call the paramedics. And no, you can’t stay at my house.
@Doctor_D I would do everything I can to help you. I would assess the situation. I would definitely bring you in from the weather, and then check vitals. If necessary I would start CPR. If you were unresponsive, I would call emergency personnel to assist, and to transport you if necessary. If EMT was not necessary, I would try to find out just what happened, talk to you, etc., etc.
After rifling through your wallet or purse…I would leave a shovel and rake by your side with instructions on the yard work that needs to be done when you snap out of it.
If I found anyone at my front door passed out, I’d call 911 and request an ambulance. No, I would not bring you inside, no matter how nice you looked. I have three kids and wouldn’t risk their safety for any stranger. However, I’d throw a blanket over you while waiting for the ambulance and ask the 911 dispatcher if I should do anything else.
MissAusten. good procedure and good thinking. protecting you and your children come first. this person could be pretending to be sick, just to get inside your home. always be on the defensive for your familys safety. great answer. john
Conclude I’m having a very bad hair day.
You won’t be staying in my house or outside of it.I would call the police to pick you up.
1. I would call 911.
2. I would lock my front door and put my keys in my pocket.
3. If I was expecting you (i.e. you were my guest), I would attempt CPR. If you were unexpected and unknown, I would probably not touch you.
4. I would not allow you in my home.
5. I would follow the directions of the 911 operator.
Carry you over to my neighbors’ doorstep. I’ll let that jerk deal with it. ~
I’d have to assume your an extra from One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest. Consequently i’d be on the phone to Nurse Ratched asap!
I would definitely bring you inside and call an ambulance!
I’d close the door, call the police, keep an eye on you. If they rock up and nothing can be done, they’ll call an ambulance.
Run and look at my homeowners insurance and make sure it’s paid up. Then render first aid as needed. Then I would frisk you for weapons and call 911.
Since i always have my cell phone on me. immediately i call 911
and then i make some contact to see what is happening. and if i need to do cpr.
Will i invite you into my house for you to dry out from alcohol or drugs? NO
will i attempt to get you help in this situation YES
if you need a few bucks to help you out, sure no problem.
If you pass out at my front door, I’m going to promptly initiate the emergency medical system by calling 9–1-1. Since I’m a trained first responder, I will try to diagnose your current aliment and administer first aid if you are suffering from an affliction that I recognize and know how to treat on the spot.
I would call 911 first.
Next, if you look dangerous (I live in a very dangerous part of town) I would likely not touch you if I was alone, I would stay in my house but watch to make sure the ambulance came.
If I were not alone or if you don’t look dangerous (i.e. you are clean or female or a child – sorry), I would check for a pulse. If you’re clearly dead (cold, rigor mortis), I wouldn’t bother with CPR. If you have no pulse but you’re warm, I’d do compressions till the EMTs came. If you were bleeding, I’d try to stop it with whatever was handy, or run to get a towel, put pressure on the wound… if it was a gsw I would be less likely to stick around and try to help in case whoever did it came back to make sure the job was finished. Like I said, I live in a rough area.
I live very deep in the woods. Anyone passed out on my doorstep in in serious trouble. I would attempt to figure out what is wrong, render first aid. As I have no landline telephone and am out of cell range, I’d load you in my truck and head towards town. As soon as we were in cell range, I’d call 911 and arrange to meet the ambulance at a certain place.
I’d call an ambulance and yes i would judge you on your age at least to try and identify why you may have collapsed.
I’d look for vital signs and if you had any clothing that could restrict your breathing I’d loosen it.
i’d insist you went in the ambulance, but i wouldn’t let you stay at my house.
This actually happened to me once. I was 7. It was horrific..a great huge drunken lady fell on me, passing out at my own front door… she was a friend of my parents. It terrified me…and I still have issues with opening my front door.
Surprisingly though I bet I would be quite good in a crisis if I had to be.
Move you gently to the side so the mailman and UPS don’t trip over you and sue me.
@All Thank you so much for all your answers!.
@scotsbloke I’ll do the same thing as you do but without police (I could be charged for violated the law,even if it’s an accident).
I wonder why some people just suggest to call police?,is that because they’re afraid,careless,or simply resist to afford a stranger for medical necessity?.
@Doctor_D I wonder why some people just suggest to call police?, – it’s because we love to be told “Theres nothing WE can do”
I would do much as @scotsbloke . Calling the paramedics would be my first action, to protect you if you were seriously ill, and to protect me from liability for failing to make sure your needs were met.
If you did not require medical care in the hospital, my wife and I would give you a place to sleep or rest and food to eat, at least for a night and then try and help you find your way to where you wanted or needed to go.
Ambulance, then bring out a chair to wait for them to arrive.
There actually was a lady that collapsed into a seizure outside our house. She wanted a ride home saying she was okay but she had a kid with her so we got the paramedics to come.
I would do what I always do, yes, this has happened to me before, one stranger and two visitors – call 911.
P.S. No one could possibly get near my front door, because I have a locked gate across my porch, and my picket fence gate is usually shut as well.
Poke you with a stick, check your pulse, then call 911.
I’d call an ambulance, and no you can’t stay. I don’t have room. You’d be more comfortable in the hospital than you would be on my couch.
I’d call an ambulance and if necessary perform CPR or whatever circumstances warrant.
I cannot think of circumstances where I’d invite you to stay unless I knew you or were expecting you as a visitor. Presumably if you for no reason passed out they’d take you to a hospital anyway.
I would probably speak to you and see if you could respond, but probably not touch you. I’d ask if you needed help or were hurt. If I smelled alcohol, I’d quit trying. If I got no response I’d call 911 and/or the police, depending on what your age, appearance, and condition suggested to me. (You didn’t ask what I ought to do but what I would do.) Once the authorities are involved, they’re not going to be asking if I’d like to let you stay with me. They’re going to take you away.
If you were just a young kid or a very old person—in other words, someone who seems especially vulnerable—I might bring you inside, but only if others were home and someone could be with you every minute.
I wold carry you to bed and keep you safe as you rest. I might give you a sensual massage if I was certain you were not dead or dying. Perhaps call the local salon girl and pay her to do your passed out nails and pedicure if the price is reasonable. I might take pics of you in compromising positions for future blackmail. I also might do your taxes
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