Have you ever been tempted to call someone (outside of your family and friends) an asshole?
Asked by
Jude (
January 18th, 2010
Did you? And, what were the circumstances? I’m talking face to face here.
You know, when you can only put up with so much, and you finally have to say something.
(feeling poorly right now, and I’m not able to put up with fucktards and assholes. I came across a big one this morning and I was about ready to snap)
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54 Answers
I have actually called someone an asshole.
Yes, my boyfriends ex is one, and much, much more.
Tempted!People love to hear the sound of their name!lol!
Plenty of times. This morning, in fact, I had an extremely rude customer on the phone and I could have easily called her an asshole. It took every fibre of my being to remain calm and polite while speaking to her when really I just wanted to scream the world doesn’t revolve around you ASSHOLE.
I am sorry to say that i used this word day before yesterday on a driver that almost cut me off, passing in a hurry on the interstate. i flashed my lights at the driver, hoping he would stop, so i could repeat my words again to him/her. they chickend out and sped away.
Had this little old lady in front of me. She was driving all over the place, eventually pulling a U turn right in the middle of the road.
I was so honked off! I called her an asshole.
She threw me the bird!
Girl, if you have never called someone an asshole (or similar) then it’s time. Some people need to hear it.
Pfft! I’ve called people much worse than that and I do not feel bad about any of it.
Oh yes…and other choice names. Doesn’t bother me to point out when someone is being an ass, I believe in honesty. lurve for fucktards!
@tinyfaery It’s just me. I’m usually polite and keep it together (whilst seething inside). I was so close to telling the fucker off.
Seething inside = stress = not good for your mind or your body. Just let it out.
Woman at the pharmacy. She is a dunce and I finally got around to telling her that. Working with peoples medication requires paying attention and if you can’t do that you should be selling shoes instead of pharmaceuticals.
unfortunetly i give in to that temptation from time to time, espesially during rush hour traffic. People in jacksonville, fl can not drive, beware.
Frequently. The only time I ever held back from actually saying so was if the asshole outranked me.
I had a coworker who was very sexist, and like 30 years my senior, and he use to say stuff to me all the time. I got sick and tired of it, I finally lost it. And I was yelling at him across the room and I had words that would make a sailor blush. And the owner of the company heard the yelling, and fired him.
Sure. I encounter assholes every day. But do I ever call them that? Never.
I was giving my opinion about something at work one time and a co-worker said sarcastically, “You know, with how many things you know you should be a professor or something.” I knew he was trying to be rude, so I held back and just said, “thank you.” He then responded with, “yea, so then you should go find a job somewhere else then.” I was at the time a temp and had been working there a week or so I responded with, “wow, that was an asshole thing to say.” Especially during this era where all my friends can’t even find jobs.
So what I mean to say is yes I will call somebody an asshole or whatever I need to in order to get their attention so I can get my point across.
I use that word for some people so often I have forgotten their real name!
@Cruiser Oh, oh. Do I need to refresh your memory??
I have called someone outside my circle an asshole a few times. Usually because they were doing something mean to someone else or to me. The first time I did it, it was to someone at school in 11th grade. I rarely swore before then. And this girl in one of my classes happened to come talk to me and another girl I was friendly with near my locker. When the 2nd girl walked away, the first girl started talking shit about the 2nd, and had just been all palsy-walsy the moment before.
She imitated the other girl and said something about how dorky my friend was. I waited a beat, just long enough for this chick to feel like she was cool. Then I said, “Wow. You’re really an asshole.” She gave me a shocked look and tried to back pedal. Ha! Nope. Asshole.
Of course I’ve been tempted to. I’ve also done so. Considering the standard of language which such individuals exhibited, the term ‘arsehole’ was probably quite tame to them.
For the last several months, I’ve called myself that on a regular basis, and mean it.
I called my 10th grade algebra teacher an asshole to his face. During class, no less. I was such a little shit. :) He very much deserved it, but it earned me the only D (and “unsatisfactory” effort grade) of my high school career. Looking back on it from where I am now… it was entirely worth it! I wish I’d given him even more hell than I did.
I also broke up with someone once by calling them an asshole. I think I was 17. Once again this guy deserved it, although I don’t think I’d do it now. Of course, I also would never date this guy now, so it wouldn’t be an issue I suppose!
1. We never call family members asshole.
2. You ever call anyone else asshole unless (a) you’re prepared to fight or (b) you’re prepared to fight and you know you can win.
I didn’t just think about it I actually said it. and usually I don’t do name calling
Edit: I was out with a girlfriend and two of her guy friends, we were getting something to eat at 3 in the morning after getting out of the bar first mistake. Of course there was nothing, but drunken idiots there. We are leaving, they started heading out the door, but I left something so I was lagging behind them. A table of about 5 drunk guys started cat calling and then one said how he would love to hit it from behind, and automatically it set me off. I proceded to walk back to the table and said “Being an asshole is no way to get a girl. I’m sorry you probably haven’t got laid in a really long time, but that is still no way to act”. He wasn’t to happy about it.
I’ve called my ex an asshole to his face as well as the boys from auto repair in high school. I don’t take crap from them.
But the most deserving was the lady I called a bitch.
We were at the mall in the elevator, and my little sister had a seizure. Her arm tensed up and stretched out so she grabbed the ladies coat. After she stopped the seizure, the lady looked at her and said “people like that shouldn’t be in public”. So I responded with “You shut the fuck up, you stupid bitch.”
Yeah. I was pissed. First reaction was to hit her, but I decided against that.
We never call family members “asshole”.
That’s pretty much the only thing I call my brother. That and our made-up bad words like “assbitch” and “motherwhore”. :P
I’ve never called a stranger an “asshole”, but there have certainly been times I’ve been tempted. I’ve been with my friend while she called a stranger a “bitch” and a “cunt”. She was, though, totally deserved it. But she just walked away. I suppose it could’ve been a lot worse.
Since I’m deathly afraid of being involved in a fight and I’m not the type of person who’s cut out for fighting, I tend to avoid it. But who knows? Maybe I’ll do it someday if someone really pisses me off.
@jbfletcherfan You have yet to even scratch the surface of earning a new moniker from me!! It is a whole new year though!! lol! ;)
No, only because it’s one of the few cusswords I hate to hear, so I don’t say it.
I have disassembled people verbally for being assholes without resorting to swearing.
I tell them directly in what ways I believe they are failing as a human being and I tell them how I feel about dealing with them.
This is so much more effective and satisfying than calling them an asshole because the effects are long lasting.
people don’t piss me off twice
I can’t even remember a specific instance because I totally call people assholes all the damn time as they are.
I was driving I-5 through LA today. People get so freaked out when it rains. They drive really stupid. I wanted to use a few more choice words than asshole.
@Judi you want to see idiots driving in the rain? Go to Phoenix, I swear the worst drivers in the world.
I cut someone off while driving once. He leaned out the window and said – you know you’re an asshole, right? And I did. I still remember that. It’s so much more effective than just blurting it.
No. I have never called anyone that. It’s not an expression in my active vocabulary.
And believe me, her vocabulary is active. * sigh *
Since @pdworkin told me he trademarked it, I have to pay him royalties if I use it.
All the time but I haven’t done it except under my breath when the person was far off. I regularly get irritated people on the phone who just want to tell their gripe story over and over again while I’ve got multiple calls coming in behind them so it’s easy to get flustered.
My friend got dumped, then got back together with her ex 6 months later. I didn’t like him while they were dating the first time and I don’t like him now. Right after they got back together she brought him to a party at another friends house. I forgot what he did, but it was a real dick move on his part. I remember he thought whatever he’d just mentioned was funny and so he was laughing, and I just looked up and was like “Wow, you’re a real dick aren’t you?” He didn’t say anything. I went back to playing King’s Cup.
I call people assholes when they deserve to be called assholes. I generally try to be a pleasant and reasonably polite person, but some people just deserve it. There are only a few times where I let situation and company keep me from telling people how it was. Once was in church. Stupid adulterer wants to come sit directly behind me with his wife who didn’t know he was cheating yet when he’d done it right in front of my face. :P
No, I am not in the habit of calling people name of any kind, and that one is not even in my vocabulary. When I get mad, I describe the behavior I don’t like, as in “You are so inconsiderate”, or “You live like a pig”.
If @janbb ever called anyone an asshole™ she’d be an asshole™.
All I can hear now in my head is Otto from A Fish Called Wanda as he loses his grip on the plane.
asshole™, asshole™, asshole™
You always say that but you never follow through…
Show me the saint who has never said this. Go ahead. I dare you!
I am particularly fond of saying that to drivers that honk at me.
Yes I have, as a matter of fact. Happened about 10 years ago. I was heading to the airport for an early flight and miraculously was early enough to stop at a BurgerKing for coffee. This BK was on the apron of a shopping center, there were no cars in the BK spaces and none in the shopping center spaces. It was literally devoid of cars. The BK had just opened about 6am. I pulled into a space and parked and went in, got some coffee and sat and drank it. During that time several different men came in and did the same. When I was done I headed out to my car in the bare parking lot, now with about 5 cars in it. When I got to my car, there was a truck that had parked within 2 inches of the driver side and I could not get in my car. I walked back into the BK thinking someone had just been careless, stepped inside, and said very nicely to the small group that someone had parked too close to my car for me to get in and would they mind moving it. This much older guy pipes up and tells me I should learn to park. I said, “excuse me?” He said, “Learn to park”. I said, again nicely, that I had parked properly. He just laughed nastily. I left the store and went back out to my car and I (in this vast empty parking lot) had parked on the white line so that his truck, next to me, while in the white lines, was very close to my car. My error of course, but we are talking about ACRES of empty parking spaces, including most of the BK lot.
I went absolutely berserk (in my head). I climbed in my car on the passenger side, wheeled up to the door of the BK and parked just outside the door and stepped inside. Smartass was sitting there smugly. His buddy, next to him, could see the look in my eyes and probably thought I was armed because he looked scared shitless. I walked over to smartass, put my hands on his table, shoved it up against him spilling his coffee on him, put my face two inches from his and said in a furious low voice that if I ever saw his face again I would cut his tiny little balls off and stuff them down his fat mouth. I walked out, but still regret to this day not just keying his truck and smashing his windshield and leaving.
Haaah, Been tempted? Geez, I’ve done way worse than that! Big respect to you for being so restrained, you and I are on totally different levels of anger management! :)
@EdMayhew Thanks, if you’re talking to me..:). I got to thinking about this answer today and thought maybe I would come back and remove it, assuming I can do that. That type of thing has never happened before or since, but it was so mean and done so intentionally, there was just no stopping me. Sorry folks, this site just draws these personal experiences out of me and I write them here for all to see.
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