Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

Would you ever consider becoming a modern pirate?

Asked by ragingloli (52410points) January 18th, 2010

Modern piracy seems to be a quite profitable enterprise, with incredible profit margins and no taxes to pay. The latest record sale for an abducted ship went on for about 5.5 to 7 million $.
It is an easy business to start too, all you need are some buddies to join you, some small, cheap and fast boats and some cheap automatic weapons from the black market, so the investments are not too high either.

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20 Answers

EdMayhew's avatar

The cash investments are not huge, but the life investments are. As soon as you get involved in any sort of high profile crime you are making a decision that cannot be rescinded.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

No.I am afraid of sharks.Especially the kind with laser beams on their heads.

CMaz's avatar

Sounds like a typical saturday afternoon to me.

mrentropy's avatar

I hadn’t really thought of it but at least I have the parrot already.

Finley's avatar

I would say yes. I mean once I had my fill of the real world CEO and all, and I wanted to give up with society, then piracy would be an option. But with piracy you don’t get that dream house and family- you live the rest of your life on edge.

qashqai's avatar


life_after_2012's avatar

nope.. modern day pirates don’t leave survivors

trailsillustrated's avatar

I’ll be the modern day ann bonny

ucme's avatar

Can I be pirate dvd please?

nicobanks's avatar

I like my life to be safe and comfortable and predictable. I’m a home-body. Piracy is not the life for me.

lilikoi's avatar

I think being an old school pirate would be way cooler.

nisse's avatar

Their incentive is that the first one aboard gets the biggest share of the profit, the first surviving pirate that is. These people are really desperate for money. Im sure the occupational hazards are numrous, and the health benefits really sub-par.

I think working the local 7–11 would bring in more from a risk/reward ratio viewpoint. What good is a gazillion dollars if you are sleeping with the fishes in Davy Jones locker.

mattbrowne's avatar

Piracy seems to have cool image. In Germany there’s even a successful political party

They got 2% of the votes last time.

mammal's avatar

when my mates made this video i was sorely tempted

Finley's avatar

@mammal .. do you know them? That was amazing.

Finley's avatar

And I just bought a lot of their music.

mammal's avatar

@Finley yeah they’re pretty polished in the pop punk/ska department, yes i do know them well lol,

The_Idler's avatar

Yeah, it’s my Plan C in life.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Yes. I think this and other extreme outlawry may ultimately be necessary to preserve basic freedoms.

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