General Question

babaji's avatar

Are you able to taste something you think about?

Asked by babaji (1453points) January 18th, 2010

For instance if you think of asparagus do you automatically taste it as well?
or if you think of a strawberry, do you have a taste sensation of that strawberry along with your thought?
or do you have to search for the taste?
Or can you taste it at all?

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14 Answers

lilikoi's avatar

I have thoughts associated with these different foods, but I don’t actually taste something unless I’m actually tasting it. On the other hand, if I think of crack seed or li hing mui or lemons my mouth starts to water. A reaction, though, not a taste.

lloydbird's avatar

Yes – with my mind’s tongue.

daemonelson's avatar

Why, certainly.

Your_Majesty's avatar

Well,only if I’ve tried that thing. I don’t how could we taste something we never try before.

CMaz's avatar

No, but I can remember what it tasted like.

Sandydog's avatar

All the time – especially KFC !!

Austinlad's avatar

Yes, and I can dream tastes and smells, too.

ultimateego's avatar

yes. when i think about blood, i can actually taste it in my mouth as strange as that sounds. it’s also delicious, nutritious, and keeps me alive.

mollypop51797's avatar

Um….not really. I can taste it in my mind though. But, when I think of sounds that are distinct, I can DEFINITELY hear it. Like when you hear someone say “fingers on the chalkboard” AHHHHH!!! My ears screech!! and I shudder at the sound, as if I’m actually hearing it. (still shuddering)

chyna's avatar

I am able to feel something I am thinking about. :)

nisse's avatar

Not really, i tried imagining the taste of an orange, or my favourite whiskey. I can recognize what they taste like, and i can describe it with words, but i can’t conjure up the sensation of taste in my head.

breedmitch's avatar

Yes, but it’s what I’m trained to do.

wunday's avatar

I can tell what something will taste like before I make it in the kitchen.

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