@Cruiser Okay, I checked out the link – The map is pretty cool. They included shootings at colleges and universities in the count so that kind of throws things off. But you can clearly see from the map that the majority of shootings resulted in one or no fatalities. Only a handful of schools with minors in them had shootings that resulted in more than one fatality since 1992, and that looks like it includes private schools.
From DOE data, in school year 1990–1991, there were over 109,000 schools with minors in them. This grew to over 132,000 in 2006. It looks like there is about 6000 post-secondary institutions, conservatively. This amounts to 115,000 schools nation-wide, very conservatively. Even if we look at all educational institutions in the U.S., that’s 340 out of 115,000 schools in the nation that have had a shooting in the last 8 years – or just 0.3%. So, some of these people want to search students’ stuff in all of our schools because shootings occurred at 0.3% of them.
According to ABC News, there have been 323 deaths in school shootings over the past 15 years and shootings are the largest cause of violent deaths in schools. There were 111 documented deaths in schools by other means. They also say there are 55 million kids in grade school, and another 15 million in post secondary schools in the U.S. Even assuming searches would have prevented all of these, 444 deaths total, this still amounts to 0.009% of grade-school students dying in school, and that is assuming all deaths occurred in grade school which the link you posted earlier shows otherwise.
Now admittedly, this is a very rough calculation, but I consistently erred on the conservative side. Even if the numbers were off by a whole magnitude, it would still be so small as to not warrant warrantless searches and presumed guilt of our nation’s largely innocent youth.
If you need even further proof, consider that, according to the book Freakonomics (pg 135 – 136), it is more likely that a kid dies by swimming pool than by gun.