Do you know people who still email you chain mail?
Asked by
Pandora (
January 18th, 2010
I have a family member who would constantly send me chain mail. This person was the reason one of my computers got trashed and I had to spend money to get it fixed. Even then it never ran the same again.
Even after I requested they not send chain mail. So I blocked them from my email. I have virus protection up the yahoo, but there is that occassional virus that can’t be detected because its new.
Do you know someone who still believes that whole thing about if you don’t send this email, something horrible will happen? Or if you send it to 10 people in 10 days you will suddenly be rich.
My favorite, is send this prayer link to 10 people for our soldiers and show your support.
Don’t people realize this is a great way to send viruses, spam, spy ware, trojans,etc.?
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19 Answers
Yeah I get those all the time it is so annoying!
Why not just stop it when you get it why do people have to keep on sending them?
YES! I wish she would just stop already.
Well, to be completely honest, I don’t check my e-mail that often. When I do check it I have about 200 messages by then, but by god that ONE chain e-mail will annoy me more than any of the spam I get.
I just got the prayer link for our soldiers. I sent it back to the sender. Otherwise, I delete these things.
I get jokes with animal pictures and 24 pt. fonts in weird colors, and the “send this to 20 people you know and send it back to me if you like me” messages. I had to crack down on a few people who sending them to work and tell them they could get me fired if they continued to send forwarded messages to my place of employment.
It makes me wonder sometimes how good of a friend they are if they think to let themselves off the hook by placing the hook on you. Sometimes I will even forward it back to them 10 times.
@pan You can set your computer at work to block email with pics. Personally, I would just block their email all together if they don’t get it.
My dad still sends me weekly joke emails. Sometimes I’m lucky enough to get an email with a WMV attached of an old viral video. :p
Yes.Many times I won’t even bother opening them at all
@warpling Maybe you can buy your dad some viral software and have him scan what he is planning to send to you. Its kinda tough when its your dad. :(
Yep. One person in my address book gets an automatic delete. Every time.
@Pandora, I can’t even see photos on web pages at work. We have security like you wouldn’t believe. No blog access at all, even work related. No personal e-mail, no FB, or Fluther.
My grandma does this all the time but I don’t have the heart to tell her to stop. She’s the only one who does it, so I just let it slide… it’s only once or twice a week after all.
I usually get the chain emails from my mom, but they are only passed between family members and friends originating from someone we know. If it is from someone else, I usually do the same as the others above and send it back to the person who sent it to me and move it to “file 13.”
I also log onto the Internet to view emails which is an extra precaution so it doesn’t affect my home computer.
I got this email from my friend Phillis, clearly expressing her annoyance over those ridiculous emails. This is just awesome…
“All I know is that she got my email address and has been injecting duck sperm into my inbox ever since. By now, I live under the constant threat of dire events occuring in my life because I didn’t forward a prayer wheel for veterans, soldiers, soldier’s families, police officers,victims of 9–11, nor did I pass along countless bouquets of flowers, or a rose, or a smile, or angel whispers, or a kiss, or a pink ribbon for breast cancer, or that Snope-defying, I-swear-to-God-it’s-true promise that Bill Gates was going to pay me $10 to pass along every email in my address book. But I’m not worried. I have it on good authority from Sister Mary in Christ, who knows every barister listed on every bar in Britain and the UK, that numerous relatives of mine whom I never knew I had, have met untimely deaths in exotic places, who named me as the sole beneficiary in thier wills. I have to get with my Nigerian prince friend, because I have to send just a little bit of money in order for those funds to be transferred. I am a VERY well-connected woman.
That money will be here any minute now….............
Yep. Any moment…............
<cricket chirps>”
@Vunessuh GA I needed a good laugh. I think that was the best answer so far. :)
My best friend was sending me these and I sent it back saying stop it. not cool. it was wierd
@Vunessuh OMG, we must be related. I’m getting the same emails. When we get that money, lets take a cruise around the world and get acquainted. Maybe together we can figure out who these long lost relatives are. LMAO :D
That was a GA.
Hard to say since I rarely check my email.
Thank goodness I rarely get email forwards, but unfortunately that’s all some people ever send when they do email. A lot of the chain letter activity has moved to Facebook now, and someone on FB who otherwise never contacts me, sent me that stupid bra color meme chain email. If it was an actual urban legend that could be debunked by Hoax-slayer or similar site, I would’ve replied back with the link. Someone else tends to send chain letters with cute animal pictures and Youtube virals. It drives me up the wall. You rarely hear from these people and then it’s nothing but lousy chain letters!
@SophieCapri You possibly know my relative and a former neighbor of mine. :(
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