Do think you should give lurve for questions you can't answer?
I just asked a question that I assume people either think it’s stupid or they just have no idea how to answer it. So, when you see a question that has no responses do you often find it a good question even though you are unable to answer, although you think it’s a good question? Do you follow the question to see what the answer is if it ever gets answered?
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14 Answers
I mean, you give lurve if you think the question is a good question. I think that’s independent of your ability to answer it. And personally, I do check up on some few questions that I’m interested in even if I don’t give a response.
Sure, why not. All “great question” means is just that: a great question. It doesn’t mean that the person was able to answer. Many of the world’s greatest questions cannot easily be answered or be answered at all. Sometimes I do follow a question with no responses if I am particularly interested in it.
I am an avid GQer. I often read way more questions/threads than I am able to participate in. The reasons range but include the fact that unlike other flutherites my screenname isn’t exactly anonymous, which means if I’m not willing to be candid on a topic I don’t respond. Then there are the questions I follow because I“m interested in learning new stuff, but personally have nothing to contribute to the thread itself. Those types of questions sometimes amaze me, especially if they’re social or moral conundrums.
If I think it’s a good question I give it lurve. Some of the best questions are the ones I don’t have a ready answer to.
If I don’t know the answer, I usually do give lurve. I follow the interesting ones, even if I don’t post an answer.
Sometimes I’ll read a really good question that I won’t answer because the answer requires more depth than I’m capable of explaining, or the answer I would submit has already been given. These are not good reasons to “penalize” the question, so I’ll award a GA despite not having submitted a comment.
As for your sub question, I try to minimize the number of questions I follow so I don’t carry a large activity list.
If it’s a good question – It should be hugged and lurved to within an inch of it’s life, regardless of whether we can answer it or not.
Something I think is a good question, you might think is a complete bag of squashed frogs, so it’s all a little subjective.
I’ll click GQ if the question in my opinion merits it, if it generates thoughtful debate and gets all the jellies in a fluther!
I’ll click GA when the answer actually answers the question, or maybe if it makes me smile.
(Still not totally sold on this Lurve thing, but am trying to use the power of Lurve given to me responsibly)
I generally follow a question till it’s more or less done and dusted (or goes OT)
There are a lot of great questions to which I don’t know the answer. Generally, if they are helpful to even a sliver of a population, they are lurve-worthy. If they are creative, show a new way of thinking or considerable forethought, those, too, are worthy of recognition.
To further muddy the waters, the criteria changes for me based on who is doing the asking. For instance, if it is a person who formerly produced manure, but who is now making effort, then hell yeah, I am going to support them, because I believe in letting people know their efforts are appreciated.
There are other criteria, too. If a question is asked that takes potshots at another person, I wouldn’t lurve it for love nor money. Cattiness, negative ulterior motives, and general “assholiness” are not rewarded. Doesn’t mean I won’t ever have a little fun with them, however :)
@phillis I was gonna give you lurve, but I guess my iPhone says,“No!” since I click the GA link & it looks like it registers, but no lurve. I’m not sure why.
It’s not your iPhone, it’s the website. That’s been happening to a lot of people today. Augustlan said that it is being worked on.
I thought this was a very good question, and wanted to GQ it. It offers the chance to revisit being a little more giving to others, or at least appreciating a broader range of questions. Sometimes people ask fantastic questions that I would never have though of on my own. It’s one of my favorite things about being in a social forum.
@phillis Yea, I’ve asked some off the wall questions that got praises for “Wow, I never thought of that.” yet no lurve and that’s why I asked this question, lol.
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