What's your dirty little secret, food?
What’s your dirtly little pleasure when it comes to food? I don’t mean what do you splurge on. What do you eat when you’re alone that you wouldn’t eat infront of others? What makes for a good secret food? I like saltines, cream cheese, and pickles. It’s disgusting and yet yummy at the same time. When do you eat it? Celebrations? When you’re depressed? Is it an family recipe?
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34 Answers
Canned meatballs in gravy with buttered white bread, mmm, has to be very hot. Even looks disgusting typed!!
Pickled pigs ears.
Soooo yummy.
Not gonna tell ya!
Nanny, nanny, boo boo!
Two slices of whole wheat bread, lots of mustard and sliced cheddar. Form sammich and nuke for 40 seconds in microwave. The mustard and cheese ooze out the side. Yummeh.
Pickled eggs.
Mini pretzel twists and philly cream cheese in the little container. Dip and enjoy! I eat this whenever I can afford the few pounds that come along with it ;) Or when I’ve had a crap day at the office :\
Open faced crunchy peanut butter sandwiches. Yum!
Calf fries are deep fried bull testicles. No I am not kidding. They are usually served @ parties and weddings in my part of the world. No I am not kidding about this either.
Chef Boyardee canned Ravioli.
Kraft mac & cheese with cut up hot dogs in it.
OMG I love mac and cheese with hot dogs.
@HeatherGrace well, tofu makes me nauseous, so to each their own.
@dindinbaby : I agree 100%, never said there was anything wrong with your choice in guilty pleasure food :)
@HeatherGrace : I’m not too proud to admit, though, that calf fries are an especially unusual choice and not for the faint of heart, or other various body parts!
@dindinbaby Have you heard of Rocky Mountian Oysters? Sheep testicles.
Ben ‘n Jerry’s Karamel Sutra by the spoonful straight from the pot
Wise Potato Chips
Schmalz and gribbenes on rye bread (haven’t had since my Mom got sick)
I don’t have a secret food,but have been known to eat a cold coney dog for breakfast.Is that so wrong?
@dindinbaby Where is your part of the world? I guess we all have our dirty little secrets. Well, this may not be a secret anymore but I love popcorn dipped in pickle juice. It sounds weird, but I’m crazy for it!
@Neizvestnaya stole mine.
Of course, I have more!
Chocolate cake. I can eat a whole Betty Crocker cake in 24 hours.
I eat Reddi-Whip straight from the can.
Little kid cereal. Cookie Crisp, Fruity Pebbles, Count Chocula. Nom nom nom…
ranch dressing on anything and everything…
…I could drink it…but I won’t ;)
@jjmah bahahahaha!!!!! That movie trumps all others ;)
I’d totally eat ranch dressing off Matt Damon. Just saying.
@mollypop51797 I live in the Mid West and pretty far from civilization.
@adirondakwannabe We call bull nuts Rocky Mountain Oysters too. Guess it’s a generic term for livestock testicles in general. That’s a phrase I didn’t think I would ever type.
I love cold ravioli, I eat it out of the can with a fork, like some kind of slob. I also love downing maple syrup straight from the container, or drinking the juice from pickle jars.
I guess it’s not so much the foods themselves (Aside from the pickle juice.) but rather the methods, but still, I try to keep it secret.
I like @jjmah s food fetishes also.
@Symbeline I do that too, but I put the can on a hot water pipe for an hour before opening it. Eating out of the can saves washing a dish. Great minds think alike. :^D
I’ll never forget my home ec teacher asking “Who’s been getting into the chocolate chips?!”.
That was over 20 years ago, and I still have a thing for the semi-sweet.
mini ravioli ftw :D
I also like raw potatoes. I know, its very Little Jimmy Dickens.
@dindinbaby I love raw potatoes! Or frozen french fries right out of the bag.
My boyfriend HATES MacDonalds and kind of looks down his nose at people that eat their food. So, I eat it (rarely but every so often) without him knowing!!! It will remain my dirty little secret.
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