Should i feel guilty for sleeping with a man who is engaged?
Asked by
amarte87 (
January 18th, 2010
I met this guy, and we were friends, and I that’s all i thought of him… first. Then we started hanging out more and more, and one thing lead to another, and we became intimate (more than once). But we both understand what we r doing is wrong, but we can’t help our feelings for each other. What should i do, or say?
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48 Answers
Get out of the relationship and fast! This will only lead to heartache if you don’t…
Think of the fiancee. He’s no kind of catch if he is so dishonourable as to continue being engaged while boinking you. And you should be ashamed of yourself.
Wow. What feelings do you think he has for his fiancee? What feelings do you think he has for other females in his life? If he cheats with you, he’ll cheat on you. You’ll find out. What did you think we were going to say?
You should feel REALLY guilty.
You should stop. There are other unattached people in the world. Don’t be a part of ruining a potential marriage.
Wait, is this trolling or is it too mild?
I think so but you’re not, so maybe you need to look deeper. Realize that this could happen to you. If you’re really serious back off and try to relate to him without the sex. And consider that you may be in this situation because it has a safe distance and you both may have a fear of intimacy. And how horrible would it be for you to be the end of their engagement only to find that “the thrill” is gone. Lust is not love.
Very Very Very guilty. Knowing something is wrong and continuing to do so makes it worse.
I’m going to play devil’s advocate here. You should feel uneasy about what you’re doing. No, it’s not a good idea that you had sex with a taken man but he’s the one in the committed relationship, not you. You are not ruining anyone’s relationship or marriage or whatever, he is ruining his own. If he didn’t cheat with you, he was going to do it with someone else. I do agree that you need to get out fast because nothing good can come of this for anyone involved.
There is no point in should if you don’t. If you do feel guilty then do what you have to do to make it stop. If you don’t then you don’t.
How old are you? And yes. You should both feel guilty.
You already know the answer to this question.
If you are unattached I don’t think you have anything to feel guilty about. You have not betrayed the trust of your partner. He is the bad guy. He is the one who is engaged, not you. I don’t think you are being smart to become involved with this louse. But in this scenario, he is the sinner not you.
See, this is why I think men and women can never really be just friends.
I think that you should stop being intimate with him, and you may have to stop being friends all together….which i hate to say might happen as soon as you stop fooling around. Also you should learn from this experience, and try not to do get involved with situations like this in the future, especially for your own sake. Be/Stay the better person and rid yourself of this bad temptation
Well…. You know hes getting married so I’m sure its not the most moral thing to do but I never jump to conclusions unless I know the entire story. Is the lady he’s with very bad for his health in any way, or does he love you. I guess every situation is complicated but on the surface, I think you should not do that with anybody whos about to get married.
Yes, you are a home wrecker.
Realize if you don’t actually like him than just stop. If you do.. well your in for a long haul of a lot of DRAMA! Sex is great and right now you know it’s wrong BUT you want that feeling. I give you two options. 1. Find another guy you can fool around with that way your over him. 2. Just plain go cold turkey and stop. (that would suck). This guy is obviously an idiot and doesn’t need to be engaged but that doesn’t mean if he breaks it off you take him in. When someone cheats nothing can fix it but time. The person needs to reflect on what a dumb ass they are and hopefully change, but since you were a victim also, if you go to him he will think subconsciously he could do that again. I would just dip out and call him a dummy and hit the road. If you really feel guilty send his old girl some good reading info, may help ya sleep at night. Hope all works out and take care!
if it feels good do it if not only live once make it a good one.
You should feel really guilty??, you are a home wrecker??, I have heard enough moral America. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
There’s no need to feel guilty, but that said of course there’s something wrong if your man does sleep with you instead of his girlfriend, even if it happens just sometimes.
I don’t see why you should feel guilty. You’re unattached. He should feel guilty for cheating on his fiancé and should probably be flogged.
That being said, this probably isn’t the smartest choice you’ve ever made – but I think you knew that.
Send this banana back to his fiancé and find a nice single guy.
You should end it. Have respect for yourself. Get your own man.
He sees himself as a condemed man, and you’re his last cigarette. Be prepared to be flicked into the ocean, as he has to walk off the plank here soon…
(all this is from his prespective ofcourse :)
It’s his choice. You aren’t responsible for his decisions.
You aren’t responsible for his decisions – he definitely should feel guilty. However, if you are a decent person you will eventually come to realize that by doing this you are implicit in an act that will hurt this other person, this girlfriend of his. I know you don’t have to care for her, she’s just a stranger but the karma bus will get you. And I am not holier than thou. I’ve done this – slept with a man when he was married to his wife and she had no idea…but their marriage was dead and he didn’t want to be with her. Once we slept together, he told her everything and divorced her. Sleeping with a man when he’s engaged…what kind of marriage will he have? When my husband was engaged to his first wife, he slept with another girl (who is now, ironically, bound to be a Unitarian Universalit priest but people change)...he should have know it was a red flag and that his marriage wouldn’t last…when I was engaged to my first husband, I cheated on him as well (denying it all in my head)...I should have known…it didn’t last.
To everyone here who seems content to blame this girl, how do you feel about the guy who’s actually doing the cheating? You all seem pretty ready to call her a home wrecker but as a few of us have stated, she is not the cheater, he is.
@KatawaGrey That’s like saying the guy who drives the get-away car for a bank robber is not at fault. This question is about her, not the other sleaze bag. Of course he is the cheater, but she is the other woman. Surely, there’s something wrong with that.
@Facade: I never said what she did was right, but everyone here is just so happy to call her scum when she’s not even the cheater. What she’s doing is stupid and certainly not good but maybe we should be more worried about the asshole who’s cheating on his fiancee. He would do it no matter what, this girl is just the one he’s doing it with.
@KatawaGrey: What he is doing is worse, but what she is doing is still wrong.
@KatawaGrey They’re both wrong. I’m just nost sure which is worse… cheating on your SO, or being the other woman and knowingly continuing to facilitate the cheating.
Facilitate cheating? Really. It’s his conscious choice.
@KatawaGrey It’s more like the fact that he’s guilty is a definite – that’s why we don’t mention it…her guilt can still be debated.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Where is the debate? She is the “accessory” to his “crime.” She’s part of it.
Either way you look at it, she still fucked him after knowing he was engaged.
She knows he’s cheating… she knows it’s wrong… she continues to do it and is not putting a stop to this behavior or changing the situation in any way. Yes.. Facilitating the cheating. He’s making a conscious choice, but so is she. No one is forcing her to sleep with this guy against her will and she has no delusions about the guy being unattached. She is as guilty as he is.
She is not the one who made a commitment.
I just hope someone tells the woman he is engaged to what a louse he is, or he just following his biological imperative to spread his seed? Isn’t that the explanation that men use which always somehow makes him less guilty or reprehensible than the woman.
@tinyfaery Does this mean you have no qualms with mistresses and such?
Is he going through with the wedding? Is his relationship with you meaningful, or are you a dalliance?
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