General Question

Blackberry's avatar

Do you know what could be wrong with my car?

Asked by Blackberry (34367points) January 18th, 2010

I already know I need the head gasket replaced, but I don’t know if this new problem that came up is related to it: Basically the car lurches forward, the ‘check engine’ light comes on, then the car sounds very muffled during acceleration, as if it’s under water. And the really bad part is that the gas goes down a lot more once this all happens, as if its using more gas or something. It’s an old car (2000) and has 140k miles. Thank you.

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8 Answers

frdelrosario's avatar

Did you try hitting it with a hammer?

simone54's avatar

A piece of black electrical tape will take of that engine light.

simone54's avatar

To be serious. It seems like it’s a problem with spark plugs or fuel injectors. That can be an easy fix. Take it to a Autozone and have them run the codes for you (if you live in a state that still allows that).

lilikoi's avatar

Not sure, but if the gas gauge only drops temporarily, it’s likely that whatever is going on is affecting the gauge not that you are losing gas. 2000 is not that old for a car. Mine is from 1970!

germanmannn's avatar

take it to a shop or get rid of it.

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

Its a bad fire in one of your cylinders. Make sure the plugs and wires are all securely connected. If not, you mat need to replace your spark plugs.

If that doesn’t fix the issue, it may be something REALLY bad ans you need to go to a shop and have it looked at.

This happened a lot with my old Honda Civil because one of the cylinder plugs always came loose.

autumn43's avatar

Could be bad wires or plugs.

john65pennington's avatar

Blackberry, has the timing belt ever been changed? its required somewhere around 80–90,000 miles. at 140,000 miles, the timing belt should have been changed at least one time and is now ready for another. have a trusted mechanic check this for you. john

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