General Question

TheJoker's avatar

What is your opinion of the Nokia 5800 mobile phone?

Asked by TheJoker (2800points) January 19th, 2010

Would you recommend this phone? Have the early problems with the screen been sorted? I’ve been offered it for free on an 18mth contract, is this something you’ld consider?

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227 Answers

filmfann's avatar

I have a Nokia 6650, and i hate it. The battery doesn’t last more than a day and a half, and the phone gets very, very hot while in use.

Sophief's avatar

I asked this question about my phone recently, and it was removed.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley….. that hardly seems fair, were you given any reasoning or was it just a big Fluthery slap-down?

TheJoker's avatar

@filmfann…. is that the clamshell one or the other. I’ve heard good things about the 6650d (clamshell).

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker It was a big slap. I’ve never heard of your phone, is it a new one?

TheJoker's avatar

Hmmmm, they do seem to like taking the arbitrary route on this site dont they :(
It’s not brand-spanking-new, I was curious as I wasn’t familiar with it when T-Mobile offered it to me so I Googled it & it seems the early models had a few issues. It was Nokia’s first touch-screen (iphone copy), the only problem is I dont really like any of the other phones they offer at the moment, but I do like the service they give… sorry I’m rambling on, hehe must be my age ;)

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker That’s ok. I don’t like touch screens, I can’t stand the fingerprints. My new one is a sony f100i, it’s a girls phone though. (this answer will probably get wiped off, it might be the phone they don’t like!)

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hehehe, just Googled it, it’s certainly a pretty phone isn’t it :) Yeh, I’m kinda concerned about finger-print issues myself, my current phone has a glossy keypad & I’m forever rubbing it….. the keypad that is!

Sophief's avatar

Yea and the rest! Mine is really shiny and I have to clean it alot. Do you prefer Nokia?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hahaha, cheeky :) Yeh, not really sure why, probably because I’m so used to the way their software works, once you’ve used one Nokia you seem to be able to use them all. I did try a Motarola KRZR a couple of years ago but just couldn’t get on with it. Ideally I’d like to get the Nokia N97mini, but it’s not available on T-Mobile so I’ll either have to compromise or change networks.

Sophief's avatar

I’m on o2 and I think it is a really good network, I’ve never been on T mobile.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… The only other network I’ve been with is Vodafone, & I wasn’t impressed at all. I really like the people at T-Mobile, they’re always so friendly & helpful. Although if I remember correctly O2 is owned by Telefonica who I used to use all the time when I lived in Spain. Perhaps it’s time for a change… something for me to mull over tonight.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I’ve been with Vodafone and Orange, I didn’t like either.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Yeh, was slightly concerned when I heard that T-Mobile & Orange were gonna merge, although they could call themselves Orange-T :) (sorry thats a bad joke)

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Yes it was a bad joke! Made any decisions yet?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. Hahaha, you’re fun :)
Yeh, I’ve decided that if T-Mobile offer me loads of freebies on-top of the phone then I’ll have it. If not then I’ll probably jump ship.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I think your jumping ship. What freebies are you expecting, a car, a holiday?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. Hehe, nah, nothing to fancy…. although a holiday would be a nice touch! They could upgrade it to the 5800Chrome, & throw in free internet access, that kinda thing. I guess it all depends on how much they want my money.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I don’t think they will do that. I got a little pouch with mine!

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. O2, last of the big spenders ;)

Sophief's avatar

It is a cute little phone though. What did you do in Spain?

TheJoker's avatar

It was when I was still in school, I didnt move back to the Uk until I was 16yrs old.

Sophief's avatar

Are your parents Spanish then?

TheJoker's avatar

No, both of then English-ish. But my dad works in Nigeria for the oil companies, back then there was a direct flight from Malaga airport to Lagos…. stupid thing is about a year after we moved my parents split up. How bout you? Are you English or a pick-n-mix like me?

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I’m English. What pick n mix are you then? How come you moved back? Did you move back alone?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… well my dad is half Canadian, half native American (red indian). & my mum is half German & half Irish, although both hold British passports… I’m not really sure what that makes me. Basically me, my mum, & my middle brother (im the youngest) moved back as the magazine my mum wrote for down there folded. That was a real bugger, but at least I found all my old friends on facebook which is groovy.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker So how old are you? Don’t you work with the mentally ill?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… funnily enough I’m 33 today :) & yes, I help co-ordinate the various services for mental health clients.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker HAPPY BIRTHDAY. What you doing today then?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Thank you! Not a great deal unfortunately, I’m just getting over a cold & still on pills, so no drinking allowed… plus I dont really know many people here, other than colleagues. Still, it’s not an important bday so I’m not too fussed.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Have you got man flu? Have you not lived there very long?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hahaha, not quite, chest infection, a slight weakness of mine thanks to a rather colourful past. Not long (on this occasion), about 6mths, moved up from Exeter & had a change in career. I think the problem is that I dont live in town so cant join in with the usual nights out etc.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I hate moving. Have you moved alone? (I’m not a stalker).

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hahahaha, you’re quirky :) Yeh, I broke up with a real long-term gf a couple of months before I moved up here. To be honest should have done it years before but its esasy to get into a rut. I dont mind moving too much, since I was 10 I think the longest I’ve stayed in one place is about 3yrs.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Ahh bless you. I am actually closer to you now than I was when I lived in Nottinghamshire. It’s only 30 minutes to get to your county.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Thats not far at all, I’ve always found the internet funny like that.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I don’t get you?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… you’re not the only one :) I just mean it’s odd how you can be chatting with people you’ll never meet & they could be just down the road. I was having a discussion, when I was on Answerbag, with this bloke who turned out to be in an office block the other side of the market place in Northampton, litterally about 100m from where I was, just strikes me as funny.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker That’s a little scary.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… It is kinda creepy, imagine if he’d taken real offence to what I was saying, he could have ambushed me at lunch time… Now that would be truely amusing!

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Think your looking into things a little too much. Go get a coffee, birthday boy.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hehe, quite possibly. Now that sounds like a plan!

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker They don’t like your other question, I was just answering that as well!

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Yeh, apparantly it’s too much of a poll, so I fired it back to them asking how they would have worded it, they really are quite strict about it!!

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I don’t think it was. Anyway, my answer was, I like men to clever, men are supposed to be more intelligent than girls. I have a lot of questions and I do expect him to answer them, I look to him for a lot. Thick men are a turn off.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… thanks for that. Although, if you weren’t already with someone, that would limit your choices, you’re hardly a dull spark after all. Personally I prefer someone less intelligent, although that makes me sound like a bighead.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker No I think that just makes you male. You like to be the man, the leader, you know! I don’t think my boyfriend would want me to be thick, but I don’t think he would want me to be too clever either. I know what I know, somethings I am thick at.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… you’re probably right, although I wouldn’t cast myself as the leader type really, far to democratic in my thinking, combined with little respect for authority :) I know some of it’s because I like to listen to women speak, you tend to have very soothing voices which I find calming & the less I have to respond to the better… which doesn’t sound good!

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker No! The last comment let you down a little.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Yeh, didn’t really convey what I meant but I was having a dense day yesterday.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker How are you today? Did you do anything for your birthday. I had a drink for you.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Very well thanks… although a little tired. How about you? As it turned out a couple of my female colleagues had decided I needed to celebrate & dragged me out on the town after work, which was a nice suprise :)

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I bet it was! Late night was it?! I’m ok today thanks.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… glad to hear it. Fairly… for a work night anyway. We were out in town till about 12 but then we all pilled in a taxi & stayed round Nadine’s house (one of my colleagues) Playing drunken Wii at 2 in the mornings quite a laugh :)

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Just playing the Wii was you? I love Guitar Hero.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Haha, & what are you getting at young lady…? GH is a right laugh… only played it on PS3 tho at my brothers house. I think the game was Singstar, we certainly murdered a few tunes at any rate :)

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker You know exactly what I am getting at and I am very nosey!

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. Hah, I knew it…. but no. She’s only 23yrs old, that wouldn’t be right.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker 23 isn’t underage. Is she attractive?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. very! From her surname I think she must be eastern European in origin, got that kinda look about her too & very blonde. Oddly enough though she grew up not far from where moved to after I came back from Spain.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Then what you waiting for, ask her to dinner. Say you enjoyed last night and would like to get to know her better. Was she flirting? though you probably wouldn’t know if she were!

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. you seem to have worked me out quite well, dont ya! I’m not really sure, possible she was, but she could just have being friendly, it was my birthday after all. Plus I already know her reasonably well, she started work the same week I did so we kinda banded together early on.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Hi Nadine, I really enjoyed myself last night, it was so kind of you to take me out, without that I would of been on my own on my birthday. Let me return the kindness, would you like to go out to dinner sometime? (good luck)

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hmmmm, maybe. Although I’ve never been out with anyone that much younger than me before…

Sophief's avatar

Age is a number. Hi Nadine….......!

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… True, & she is quite mature…. if a little bonkers, but in a good way :) She’s also a fan of Northampton Saints which is a bonus.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker What’s the problem then? You don’t have to start a relationship, it’s just dinner to see how you get on. I won’t go on though, your decision.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. thats all right. I probably need someone to kick my arse into gear anyway. Haven’t actually gone out on a date with anyone since I broke up with my gf before I moved up here.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Then ask her. I feel like Cilla Black, ooh I gotta go buy an hat, can I come to yer wedding.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Sorry about that.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hahaha, no need to appologise :) Alright… I will. Back in a couple of mins!

Sophief's avatar

Oh my god really, I’m so excited. Seriously I really am excited.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley….. well…. I guess she was flirting after all :) Thanx Cilla!

Sophief's avatar

No way! I’m so pleased. Really I am. What happened?

TheJoker's avatar

Well, I asked if I could have a quick word… in private (She shares the office with a couple of other people, including Lorraine, the lady who arranged last night). & basically I copied what you said. Last night was really fun & was there any chance she might like to try it again… but just the two of us. I particularly enjoyed her response… “I was wondering if you were ever going to ask” Woohoo! (she didnt add the woohoo)

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I told you! You have me to thank for this. Seriously though I am so pleased. When you going out? Where you going? Girls like older men and she wouldn’t bothered with last night if she didn’t like you. You might also later find out that Lorriane didn’t organise it, she could of been told to by a certain someone. OOHHH I’m excited.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. I do indeed, thank you :) Well, didn’t have much time to think about it so we’re going to meet up after work tonight to decide, at a fancy pub called the Charles Bradlaugh. It’s right opposite work which is convenient. Funny you say that about Lorraine, she’s just popped in my office on her way out & said ‘welll done Paddy’ in a rather knowing sort of way. She is kinda mumsy.

Sophief's avatar


I’m a girl, I know girls. I worked in an office, I know what happens!

I’m sending you a real big hug and have a good time tonight. Will you not be able to go home and change?

TheJoker's avatar

Yeh… short for patrick, Lorraine’s Irish so she loves that fact. I’ve never really been able to get my head round the whole girl-office-gossip/politics thing… far to clandestine for me :)
Thanks for the hug, & unfortunately not. But I only started at 1200 today so I’m in relatively good condition… even put on a spot of aftershave for a change!

Sophief's avatar

I was thinking she would probably want to change. Your probably out now, really hope you are having a good time. Catch you tomorrow.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… hiya, hows things?

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Good, well no not really good, I’m so tired and supposed to be cleaning up. How was your night?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Thats not good, you havent got a squirrell in your attic too have you? :)
Yeh, was good thanks… a little strange going out with someone who’s a friend already, but was out until after 10 so thats a good sign.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker No, no squirrel, just kept waking up to wee all night (probably too much information) Pleased you had a good night. Do you think you will see her again?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hehehehe, you ladies have bladders like thimbles. Certainly will, she’s invited me over hers Sat evening for dinner…. also her office is just down the hall :)

Sophief's avatar

What is she cooking? Don’t forget to take wine, and flowers maybe.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. oooh, that’s a point, I didn’t ask. I’ll take a red & a white, just in case. Any tips on the flower front, my favourite are Roses but they do have connotations attached.

Sophief's avatar

Do you like most foods? Roses are my favourites but it’s probably a bit to “I love you” for now. I don’t really know, you don’t want a big bunch, a smallish bunch, but I don’t know what kind. Do you know her favourie colours? I have to go now, be back on about 2 ish.

TheJoker's avatar

Pretty much, with the exception of Cauliflower…. my vegetable nemesis! She does eem to rather like pink so perhaps some pink Gerberas, they’re quite nice. See ya later :)

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker That sounds really nice. Do you think you will be able to work together ok if a relationship starts?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… should do. We work in different areas, she’s a clinician whereas Im on the admin side of things… but who can say, she might get sick of bumping into me at the coffee machine.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I used to work with my boyfriend, in fact that is where we met. I used to go out my way to bump into him. I used to like it when I was at the photocopier and he would come up behind and ‘poke’ me, All the flirting we used to, straight round to his after!

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hehe, sounds fun. She is very playful, already bumped into her about 10 times today… ofcourse I do have to walk past her office to get to mine so that does up the chances :)

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I was on reception and he worked upstairs. But I knew his drink time, and that would be my drink time. It was so good, no one can make me go red like he does. Wish I was still there.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Sounds like good times, sometimes everything just falls inot place like that, right time, right job, right person.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I really hope it works out for you. What I don’t like about the beginning of relationships, is not knowing if your actually in one and I hate having to say “am I your girlfriend”.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. Yeh, things are always abit insecure early on. The thing I struggle with is trying to work out how into it the other person is, trying to determine how much of yourself to invest into the relationship. & it’s been such a long time since I was last in that situation.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I think you should just be you. Don’t try to be something your not to impress her, because once you get comfortable and it wears off she’ll wonder where you have gone. Be you.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. Thats good advice, especially as she already knows me reasonably well. & I suppose if she didn’t like abit already then she would have said no…. thats a good start :)

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I always tried to be different, and then I got bored and just wished I could of been myself. Now I am. Definatley the best thing to do. Does she live far from you?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… fairly, at full tilt it’s about an hrs drive. She’s one side of Northampton & I’m out the other, although works only about 15mins from hers.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker What do you look like?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Ummm, about 5’10’’ dark hair, fairly robust (not a euphamism for plump… at leats not anymore) people always say I look happy, I’ve just realised that sounds fairly silly given my profile :)

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Yes I hope you don’t look that happy! Why don’t you took round a bottle White Ganache, (I can’t spell it), it’s a nice girly bottle and it’s pink!

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hahaha, & I dont wear any make-up :) I know the one you mean, thats a cute idea. I must say, I like your direct questioning.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Am I being rude? Sorry, when I have something im head I have to say it straight away or I go mad!

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Not at all, it’s quite refreshing, & I dont mind being put on the spot. & it was a fair question, it’s not like anything on my profile gives any hints.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I have to go now. Probably won’t be back on until Sunday. I hope you have a good night. I will have loads of questions when we next speak. If I get too nosey then just say, because I probably will. I bet she cooks either steak or Italian.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley….. Haha, I’ll let you know. Thanks & have a lovely weekend :)

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Hi. How are you? How was Saturday?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. Hiya, went really well thanks. How bout yours…? the weekend that is :)

Sophief's avatar

Are you going to make me ask? My weekend was ok thanks, it could of been better. What did she cook?

TheJoker's avatar

@.... You were bang-on, Italian. Started with a light pepper & motzarella salada, then very tasty Spinach & Ricotta Cannelloni, followed by rapberry sorbet. I get the feeling she’d put a fair bit of effort in.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Wow, she did, sounds very nice. Did you take that wine I said? Are you seeing her again? Are you still attracted to her? did you stay over?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Couldn’t find it…. when I eventually got my arse into gear so ended up taking a Toscana & a bottle of Pinot Grigio, seemed a safe bet. I’ll definately be seeing her again, she’s really sweet… if slightly forward, but I’m sure I could get used to that :) & yes…

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Slightly forward eh? Think I can guess! Good on her I say, it’s a way of getting what you want, I’m pleased she did. What next then?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hehe, yeh, I think you’ve got it…. To be entirely honest, I’m not sure. A few more dates, introduce her to friends & family at some point… perhaps invite her on holiday over the summer if things are still going well. As you can probably guess, I’m somewhat out of practice here.

Sophief's avatar

Your looking into the future, that is a good sign. Have you told her about Fluther?

TheJoker's avatar

Heh, I suppose it is… certainly would like her to be there. However I mustn’t get ahead of myself. Not specifically. She is aware that I sometimes pop on a Q&A site, I’ve mentioned things I’ve stumbled accross in the past, but not which one, or my profile name.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker It is real good news that you see her in the future. Sounds promising. When are you next seeing her?

TheJoker's avatar

Well, nothing definate penciled in, she was out seeing patients most of the day yesterday. We did chat last night though & she wants to come over & see my house one evening so we’ll probably do that later in the week.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker She wants to see how you look after yourself. When I first went to my ex’s house, I was nearly sick, seriously, we had to stop the car on the way home. It was so dirty it was unbelievable. I took a week off work, to go and clean it! When I first came here to my boyfriends house, it was so immaculate, he’s a real clean freak.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… well it’s good timing, I’ve just had some new furniture delivered so the place looks pretty good :) Wow, thats not good about your ex’s place, couldn’t live like that!

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker No, it really wasn’t. He just can’t look after himself, and he’s 44. Before I left him I cleaned the whole house, inside and out, I’m sure it didn’t last long.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. Hahahaha, bless ya :) Yeh, I’m the product of a single mum so I learnt how to do all the domestic stuff. The first thing I did when I moved in here was to redecorate the whole place, new carpets etc, nothing fancy but freshened the whole place up. Only thing I’ve not tackled is the garden… not really plantish inclined.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker We haven’t got many plants, we have gone for the Japanese look, cut the lawn into a squiggly island and planted bamboos. I’m sure she’ll be impressed that the house is just clean, we just don’t expect that… offense.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hehehe, yeh, I can remember a few places I’ve shared in the past weren’t so fresh, I think men & women have different tolerences to dirt. I wish my garden was the same, but the previous owners had different ideas…. Personally I’d be happy with a lawn, & maybe a few shrubs in pots or something like that, low maintenance is the key!

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Yea, we put 3 tons of stones all the way round the lawn, so it looks like the sea and the grass the island. It looks really good. Told my mum we have gone all japanese outside, and so she got us a tractor garden feature for xmas!

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley….. Hahahahaha, you gotta love mums!

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Mmm, we put it outside the door. I’m off to Sainsburys now. Catch you later.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… See ya then :)

Sophief's avatar

Hi, I’m back. Really cold out there today.

Sophief's avatar

Did you ever get a new phone?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… It is chilly isn’t it, but at least it’s sunny! Not yet, I’ve decided against the Nokia 5800. It’s now between the Nokia N97mini & the i-phone 3GS. The i-phone only came up as when I talked to T-Mobile about cancelling they said they could get me it with a decent deal, so currently pondering it. Did you enjoy Sainsbury’s?

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker What is the deal? I went to the job centre to start with and then to Sainsburys, it was quiet and I got the shopping done, and a sneaky Cream Egg.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… well they only offer it to people trying to cancell, but it’s £35/mth 900mins free talk time, unlimited texts, unlimited internet use. The only downside is you have to pay £79 for the handset. Cream Eggs are ace!

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I wouldn’t want to pay that. Can you not get the same deal somewhere else, or see if someone can match it? I just love cream eggs, especially at the beginning of the season when they are nice and runny inside.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Yeh, I’ve never paid anything for a handset before so I’m rather reluctant, especially when I can get a similar deal from Vodafone on the N97mini but the handset is free. Only thing is, apparantly it’s not as user friendly. Nah, you can get the i-phone 3G for free but all the deals on the 3GS cost about the same.
You know what, I never twigged that about Creme Eggs, but they do go abit stiff, if you’ll pardon the expression, later in the season.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker My boyfriend always makes fun of me because I say beginning of the season, and stuff, but it’s true. Infact they are the only things I don’t like stiff!

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hahaha, you’re a bad girl aint-cha! But I’m with you, it is the begining of the Creme Egg season… what else is there to call it?! I spose no-one’s perfect though, close but not quite :)

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker So, how is things with Nadine today?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… fairly frenetic (she’s quite busy again). Although we did meet up for lunch in town, nothing flash just popped into Subway, but was nice to catch-up. She’s gonna pop over mine Thurs to give the place the once over. I said I’d pick her up from hers after work & drive her back to hers later….. unless I can persuade her to stay over in the meantime :)

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I think you could persuade her, I think saying you are going to pick her up, means she is staying!

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. I suspect I might. She called again last night & happened to mention she might stay, if it’s ok by me, so she wont be tired on Fri morning :)

Sophief's avatar

Ahh, she sounds really sweet, and is it ok by you?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley….. hmmmm, let me think….?! Damn right it’s ok :) Hehe, yeh, she really is a lovely girl, with just the right mix of bonkers!

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Forgot to ask, you you take any flowers round?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… I did, went for the pink Gerberas after all. Went down pretty well, you’d have thought I was the first person to give her a bunch…. do men not do that anymore or something?

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker You two are just so sweet. No, men don’t do it anymore. I get them on Valentines day. The first I got them we were working together. He sent 24 red roses. He said he was going to get me 12, but everyone would be getting 12 and he didn’t want me to be the same as everyone else.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… hehe, thanks :) I’ve always been rather romatically inclined, but my last gf used to give me the third degree every time I did anything like that so I eventually stoppped. Hey, 24 roses is pretty sweet to, & not cheap either :) I am planning something for Valentines. If I can get her to stay the Sat night then I’ll make her a Champaigne breakfast Sun morning, although I’d do just the 1 red rose.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Champagne breakfast sounds beautiful, I love single red roses. He doesn’t do the 24 anymore, it was only so I’d be different at work, nothing more. I’m going to hint at Champagne breakfast, though he won’t pick up on it.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. If he does, then I’d recommend toasted English muffins, topped with scrambled egg & smoked salmon.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Small problem, don’t like eggs, or fish.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. Hahaha, that would rather spoil it for you! Is it just eggs & fish or are you veggie?

Sophief's avatar

Just eggs and fish, though I am a picky eater.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. I believe that a ladies prerogative isn’t it :)

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hehe, not sure which picture to use, eh? You two look good together :)

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Oh my god, hope you didn’t see them all, I was just showing somebody. Keep your eyes closed.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley….. Hmmmmmm, which one was I not meant to see?

Sophief's avatar

The 2 before the one of me and Paul.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. I saw one where you were kneeling on a bed, but that was the only other one I saw.

Sophief's avatar

That’s ok then. Keep em closed for a little while longer.

Sophief's avatar

Sorry, forgot to say, you can open them now.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hehe, thanks. I think I’ve caused something of a rucus about children eating fast food. Seems to be getting very heated :)

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Oh, I’ll go look.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker How are you today? They slated you a little on your fast food question.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hiya, I’m alright thanks. Yeh, I enjoyed reading through those, Hehe. I never really expected a great reception, as soon as you say anything about bad parenting, all the parents go off on one like it’s a personal attack. You alright today?

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I’m thinking about a question to put out there, I fancy that kind of reaction today. I’m really pissed off today, no particular reason to be, just the joys of depression…....

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. Do you just wake up feeling like that too? Or do you need a trigger to get you down? It’s funny what you said about not expecting that from me…. I felt the same in regards to you :)

Sophief's avatar

@I didn’t wake up feeling like it, but I woke knowing I would, if that makes sense? This is like being at work for you, sorry.

Hey, I posted a parent question, I feel like getting into an arguement today. Take a look, do you think it’s good? I tried my best!

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hehehe, I hope you’re standing well back, cos that powder kegs about to explode :)
That makes perfect sense to me… & dont worry about me, I’ll share just as much about me in return.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I’ve just involved you into it, sorry.

I’m just really messed up,really bad.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. really, it’s ok! We’re all just a product of our experiences in life. People like you & I have had f**ked up things happen, & as a consequence we are wired differently. Bottom line is, we’re just reacting to things in the only way we know how.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Nadine has a good man in you.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. thank you… Although, I suspect much like you, I’ll never feel good enough.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker You feel like that too? What a horrible feeling, I’m sorry you feel like that. I know I am not good for Paul, he is too good looking for me. I really am sorry you feel like that, I know how much it hurts.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Your being slated again.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Sorry for the delay. Yeh, self-esteem & me have never mixed well. For years I was convinced that there was just something toxic about my family that had tainted us all. I realise now, at least when I’m up, that it’s not the case, but you cant overturn a lifetime of believing something through logic alone.
I know it wont do any real good, but I thought you & Paul looked very well matched (asuming that was Paul in the photo yesterday). I hope someday you get to see yourself as others do :)

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker That’s ok, I’ve been out on a little bike ride.

Yes that was Paul in the picture, we do look good together. I said to Paul other day that I hope he sees us like I do. Because we really are well suited, I’ll never be enough for him though, if I were, he still wouldn’t like other womens attention as much as he does.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… It sounds to me as if he might have a few self-esteeem issues of his own going on there. I know alot of men who are terrible flirts, but who dont have the reflective skills necessary to work out why they behave the way they do. Most just try to cover it over with bravado.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker He is the worst flirt I know, and I hate it, because I don’t know where he will draw the line.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… trust is always a hard thing to come by, especially if it’s been broken in the past, & even more so if the person who broke it was a parent.
It’s a pity he doesn’t see the extent of the damage his behaviour is having on you. I know in the grand scheme of things flirting doesn’t rank as the worlds most heinous crime, but to someone with low self-worth it can be pretty devestating, especially if it’s repeated over time. I really hope he twigs it soon. You dont need something corrosive like that in your relationship.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Yea it does hurt a lot, but he doesn’t love me so it probably makes no difference to his life.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. I hope thats not true!!! But I can empathise with settling for a loveless relationship, I lost over half a decade in one, why would people like us deserve true love eh?! But the real truth of it is that we do desever it as much as anyone else….

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Sorry, I had to go yesterday. It is true, really, unless he does but have never said it!

How is your day today, I’ll be going around 10.30 today, but back on at 2.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. You don’t ever have to apologise to me, it’s pretty obvious you were having a difficult day yesterday, I just hope nothing I said made anything any more difficult.
& It’s quite possible he just finds it hard to say. Many men are emotionally… immature, & most people in today’s society suffer from self-esteem issues, which many men in particular struggle to talk about. After all, we’re men, we’re not supposed to feel things like that but be convinced of our animal magnetism & macho powers. & Saying ‘I love you’ leaves you in a very vulnerable place.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Wow, your good! I think you are very right in what you say, I guess if he didn’t like me a little he wouldn’t of put up with me for all this time. Did she stay last night then?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hehe, thanks :) & I think you’ve identified something very important there. I think, given time, & possibly a little cunning encouragement, he’ll say the words. Happily, she did. I say that as I wont get to see her this weekend. She’s got some old school friends (which I must say makes me feel a little bit old) coming up to visit.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I’m not trying to put ideas in your head or be mean, put will she be a good girl?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. I must say I hadn’t considered that aspect. I believe she will be. As far as I’m aware there wasn’t anyone between her last bf & me. & they broke up a couple of weeks after I started here.

Sophief's avatar

@I meant if they go into town? It’s just my suspicious head coming into play again. Sorry, ignore me. Thinking about the effort she put in to get you, then I doubt she would. And the effort I put in to help it along.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley….. Hahahahaha, thats what I meant too, although re-reading how I put it I can see why you thought that :)
Huh, I hadn’t really thought that someone would put in effort for me… rather mind-blowing!
Indeed, help that was very welcome as it made me do something very out of character.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Mind blowing! Pleased you enjoyed your night! Well I wouldn’t of cooked all that she cooked as soon as she did, that was impressive!

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Was a nice night. Didn’t get back to mine till after 7 so did a spot of dinner, then put a DVD on. Spent the evening on the sofa… luckily the cats seemed to like her too. She did go to some effort didn’t she. Just seems bizare to think, apart from her being younger than I’d normally go out with, I’d rather considered her to be way out of my league.

Sophief's avatar

We are so alike, that is exactly what I think of Paul (apart from he’s older). She went to so much effort, it was really sweet. I’m pleased your cats like her, that’s important, if they didn’t, she would soon know about it!

TheJoker's avatar

We do seem to share a fair few hang-ups dont we :)
Hahaha, yeh, they do make their feelings pretty well felt…. especially Lilly (the smaller yet older cat)

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker I had 3, Dibley, Fifi and Sophie. Fifi was crazy, she ran my life, she had me well under her little paw. She meowed all the time. When she wanted to go to be, she would stand at the bottom of the stairs and meow, only way she would stop is if I went to bed. Toothpaste turned her on, (seriously). While I brushed my teeth, she would practically have her mouth to mine, then after she would smell my breath and would dribble (from her mouth!) and then just flop, like she was satisfied.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hahahahaha, she sounded absolutely bonkers!

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Sorry for the short reply. Was mulling over my answer to the avatar question.

Sophief's avatar

That’s ok, I was dancing!

Sophief's avatar

I’m logging off now. Have a good weekend.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. & you too, keep :)

Sophief's avatar

Hi, how was your weekend? I was thinking, I don’t know where in Northampton you live, but are you anywhere near Graffam Water?

TheJoker's avatar

Hiya, yeh, was fairly quiet, but it’s always nice to be out of the office…. & my new phone arrived :) Funnily enough not that far away. I’d imagine it’s about than half hours drive from my house…. You in that vicinity?

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Don’t worry, no I’m not. We go there on the bikes quite alot when the weather is good. Bet it was nice to see Nadine today? What phone did you get in the end?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hahaha, & what might I be worried about :) Never been over there myself, but who knows, maybe I’ll give it a try this summer. Often go to Pittsford Reservoir or Stanwick Lakes for a walk in the summer, there’s just something cool about water.
Yeh, was nice, although not had the chance for a chat yet.
Oh yeh, I’ve ended up with an iphone… when I tried to leave T-Mobile they basically threw the kitchen sink to keep me… & I was persuaded.
How you doin today?

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker We went to Pittsford once, did 20.5 miles there, and I got an Ice Cream at the end, think we did 3 laps there but not sure, What phone is it then and I’ll google it? I’m ok today, just working up to going to the butchers, you? Actually, I’m still a little annoyed with my dad, he makes my blood boil at the moment.

Sophief's avatar

Never heard of Stanwick, is it quite large to cycle round?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. Pitsfords a giggle, love walking accross the dam. Stanwick’s great It’s about 4 lakes surrounded with cycle paths, a visitor centre & a cafe. You can basically go in the morning, think it’s about £3 for parking, & pretty much stay all day walking or cycling about, very relaxing…. anyway, thats quite enough advertising from me :)
I got the iphone 3GS, lots of fun,although took forever to set it up, you have to go on line & frig about with itunes, did my nut in, but worth it in the end.
The butchers eh?! Cant remember the last time I visited one…. no, tell a lie. It was last Halloween, the local butcher sells huge Pumpkins.
You need something to take you’re mind off him, give yourself a break from being angry for a few hours. If I can help in any way…. even if it’s just through stupidity, then just shout… although that being said I’m gonna have to nip over Daventry shortly :(

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Just looked up Stanwick, looks ok for me, but it looks quite flat, Paul likes to have some hilly bits. We go to Rutland quite a bit, our aim is to go round twice in one day, which is 46 miles! You sound like you work there! I go to the butchers in Pinchbeck, I was going an hour ago, I will go now, promise. When will you be back? I’ll tell you all about the situation, later. Beware though, it’s a long story, so back out now if you like.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Deffinately no hills I’m afraid… I suspect it might be too little of a challenge for you guys! Cant see me being any later that 1330hrs, I’ve got to pop into a couple of other units while I’m out, but they’re kinda on the way anyway so it’s no hassle.
You feel free to fire away. Cant promise there’s anything I can do, but I’ll do what I can.

Sophief's avatar

Take it your not.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Hiya, sorry bout yesterday. I ended up driving to & fro between sites for the rest of the day. My manager was in a flap about something. Hope you had a good day.

Sophief's avatar

That’s ok. Can I tell you my dad story now?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… Fire away.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Sorry Iwas a bit sharp, just a little tired. I’ll do it privately if ok?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… No worries.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker A bit f*cked up don’t you think?

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. Sorry bout the delay, I always edit & re-edit things I write until they read the way I want them to. Y’eh that not good at all… I dont know if you’ve seen an old comedy from the 90’s called ‘Parenthood’? There’s a beautiful line from a young Keanu Reeves in it that works well here… “You know, Mrs. Buckman, you need a license to buy a dog, to drive a car – hell, you even need a license to catch a fish. But they’ll let any butt-reaming asshole be a father”.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Hi, been to Sainsburys again! Yes I have seen it, don’t remember much about it though.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. Good film, if you’re in a family entertainment kind of mood.

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