Do you vote?
Since I’ve been able to I’ve always voted, as I feel its a duty, but I know a few people who either don’t bother, don’t out of protest or don’t feel informed enough to vote.
Do you vote, and if not why not?
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46 Answers
Yes, in Australia it’s illegal for anyone 18 years or older not to vote. You can receive heavy fines from not voting without a valid reason, too.
I started voting the year of the Bush/Gore election (embarrasingly). I ran to register. My guy lost.
I voted in the last 2 series of X-Factor… does that count?
But seriously, I have voted in the last 3 elections, although I might not this time round as the choice in the UK of Lying Labour, Cameron’s Conservatives, or No-hope Lib-Dems doesn’t inspire much enthusiasm.
@davids wow! thats fantastic… presumably its a secret so you could always still wreck your ballot?
@TheJoker yeah its difficult, but i guess you have to look at your local MP… who will make the most effort and benefit your community?
@JLeslie ironically with that election i’m not sure who your guy was, from all accounts the guy who won didn’t become the president.
@Pcrecords For people who really couldn’t care less about the voting they’ll usually do a “donkey vote” which is where you just number them based on their order on the ballot.
You also get people who don’t vote them write on their failure to vote forms some pretty funny reasons: random examples
@Pcrecords…. thats a fair point, my current MP Sally Keeble has been pretty effective so far. It’s just the thought of voting Labour again… leaves a bad taste!
As Richard Pryor said in Brewsters Millions, “I vote for none of the above.” A policy which suits me fine.
@TheJoker but if she’s ok you shouldn’t feel bad.
I voted for Al Gore and learned forever that my vote counts for nothing except being called for jury duty.
I’ve voted in every major election since 1976 (for Gerald Ford). For the last 20 years I’ve been totally disgusted with both major US parties. I vote Libertarian.
@Pcrecords… yeh, I just dont want to do anything that might help Gordon Brown stay as PM.
@Pcrecords Disillusion at the options available in the UK at present. That, & not a little apathy.
Absolutely. Every time. I feel that anything else is free riding democracy. It’s a right and a duty. I am not sure I agree that not voting should be illegal as @davids mentions, but then again, fining people who aren’t doing their jobs as citizens doesn’t seem that wrong either.
@ucme ok, i can understand that.
Dracool , I voted for Gore, too, but that did not deter me from continuing to vote. I’m not cyncial enough yet to believe my vote counts totally for nothing.
@TheJoker Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t there more parties in the UK? A vote to them might not actually get you anything, but if one of those aligns better with your views then surely that’s better than not voting?
@oratio Fining people for not voting doesn’t prevent them from not doing their job as citizens. I prefer someone not voting over someone just numbering people based on their order on the ballot.
I always vote because if everyone like me decided their vote didn’t count on the same day, we would all quickly find out how much it does count. While the actions of any one individual are meaningless, each individual must act to add up to a meaningful number. Small donations to charity are another example, the Red Cross has collected at least $8 million in the form of individual $10 text message donations. If every one of those people had thought “my ten dollars won’t make a difference” then that would be $8 million dollars less to help the people of Haiti. Voting works the same way.
It would be nice if we had a national holiday for election day, and also secure, computerized, instant run off voting. And no results announced until they are certified. And an accepted nationwide standard for ballots and for recounts in all national level elections.
Never missed a single election for the past 29 years.
Sometimes I don’t feel informed enough to vote. I refuse to go in blind, vote randomly, and find out I regret it later on.
@Vincentt I agree with you. Democracy is so much more than voting. But democratic legitimacy rests on the people’s votes. I feel that 40 % voting is a big problem in some countries. I agree that fining might not be a good way, but I have no idea have to increase the incentive to vote. Bread and wine?
I can’t not vote. When I was first eligible to vote, right after my 18th birthday my Dad walked me round to our local primary school (where our voting station was located) and on the way round he told me all about the Suffragettes, about what they’d went through to get the vote for women. He made me promise to never forget to vote, no matter what else was happening in my life because “wee lassie’s like you died so you could dae it hen”. My Dad’s gone now and so, I vote for him. I have to admit to feeling a sinking feeling about our upcoming general election though. I feel sure of only one thing though and that is that labour have to be gone. They have taken this country and driven it into the dirt, and along the way taken away so many of our very basic civil liberties to the point where, well the name Orwell jumps to mind.
hugs all
Yes…I have not missed a general election since I turned 18
@Pcrecords Yes. And I blame nobody but myself for not being better informed.
Yes, I vote. I make every attempt to educate myself about the choices, too, when I’m not familiar with all the candidates. It’s why I like to vote absentee – gives me some time to make sure I’m voting for who I mean to be voting for.
I lived in New York till I went to university in Massachusetts, but stayed registered in New York because I know the local politics better and because I’m likely to end up back in New York next year when I finish my degree. I’m kind of kicking myself now because I could be voting in the special election, and I’ll be royally pissed off if Brown wins.
I vote each and every time, but all too often I feel my vote is as much going to try and keep the wrong person out of office rather than putting the right one in.
Well, I just registered over winter break (as a Democrat, to anyone who remembers that question I posted about registering to vote), so I’ll do it as soon as the next opportunity comes up. :)
I plan to vote as much as possible.
Yes, I vote. I’m from a very liberal, very politically involved town. Turning 18 was a big deal simply because you were allowed to vote in elections. At my high school, seniors who were 18 were allowed to miss first period classes if it was because they went to vote (as long as they brought in an “I voted” sticker).
It’s been instilled in me from a young age that voting is important. So yes, I vote.
Can someone describe or point me to something about registering to vote. We don’t have that here. Your on the electoral role and you pop down your polling station, your name is checked off and you vote. Pre registering seems a faff.
@ItalianPrincess1217 I wouldn’t blame yourself too
much. Politics simply isn’t a sexy subject and if it isn’t sensational it doesn’t much make the news. So you’ll hear about scandals and those corrupt politicians but daily governing tends to slip out of the picture.
Yes; it cost too much not to.
No because I know about the electoral college.
I vote and I also participate in trying to help educate other voters about the issues.
I always vote.
Anyone who fails to exercise their right to vote deserves the worst their government does and has not right to complain.
Widespread apathy and failure to exercise the franchise, contributes to corruption and misconduct by elected officials and the gradual decline of their country.
Speak up (VOTE) or Shut up (Don’t complain).
@Vincentt…. Thats very true, there are a plethora of smaller parties, but unless you’re actively involved in politics it’s tricky to know which one’s will be fielding candidates in your area.
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