How much is too much masturbation? NSFW?
Asked by
gememers (
January 19th, 2010
I recently was told by an 18 year old female that she masturbates 3 times a day. Could this be considered unhealthy in any way? What are your thoughts?
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86 Answers
If it bothers her (either physically or mentally) it could be detrimental. That being said, everyone has their own regimen (for lack of a better word) and this could be hers.
When it interferes with your daily life.
When you use it as an anxiety reliever.
As long as it doesn’t interfere with her social life.
Any amount that prevents you from particpating in your life normally.
That doesn’t sound like much masturbation. I know women who have done it many more times per day. If it isn’t affecting your life in a negative way, there’s no problem. Masturbation also can be good as a way to relieve anxiety.
When your doing it at the dinner table, would be a big pointer that you’re over doing it a little~ Cum on, at least wait until you’ve had dessert.
@ucme… that would be an example of it intruding on normal life
It is unhealthy when you start smelling smoke.
My advise is to stop when your bits start to look like a gaping wound !! :)
Enough guys! All these attempts at dirty humor are giving me a headache.
@simplicity…yep they sure can do at a particular time of month anyway lol
Ok, she is 18. She masturbates 3 times a day.
Is she sexually active? Was she molested? Does she have long fingernails?
Is she ok with it?
Maybe we should take a raise of hands poll. Who didn’t do this at 18?
I think three times a day seems pretty normal. One in the morning, one occasionally in the afternoon or evening, and one to go to sleep. Don’t break your toys though.
Why not all three in one shot? After all, she is a she.
Obsession can be a problem… but 3 times in a day for a woman sounds fantastic. She will make someone very happy one day. XD
Just hearing the story made me happy.
Most women are capable of far, far more than just three orgasms in one day. Asking how many orgasms is “too many” orgasms is like asking “how high is up!”
I wonder what’s the most orgasms some of the women here have had in a day.
Years and years ago, my ex-wife and I lost count at 20.
The most I’ve masturbated in 24 hours was like 5 or 6 times. I love to masturbate. I’ve been doing it since I was about 5 years old. I think it’s healthy to do. I believe it becomes unhealthy if it disrupts your every day life, like you choose to stay home and masturbate rather than go to work. (Of course I was often late to work because I chose to stay home and masturbate…)
@jeanna…. did you miss work all together or just were late ;)
@sleepdoc I never missed work completely, just 15 minutes to an hour late.
Once a day is enough for me
@jeanna…. did that get you in much trouble?
@sleepdoc No, I wasn’t in trouble for it at all. In most of the jobs I’ve had, being late with the position I held was never a big deal.
@jeanna_ – Tell me more… So, ya say 5 or 6 times?
Do you use the same hand or switch up?
@ChazMaz I enjoy using both hands and my toys are splendid.
@jeanna_ – So, ya say 5 or 6 times a day?
Both hands,Toys? Sweet!
How long does it take you to get to orgasem?
@ChazMaz I don’t think this is appropriate for the question…. However, the time always depends; it can be 5 minutes or an hour. It’s all about my mood.
@jeanna_ – GA!
I am the same. But it usually takes me around an hour.
I’ve given women more orgasms in a row with words than I have with my dick. I don’t even want to know what that says about me.
@jeanna_ I helps if you add Nipple Clamps, the sensation will really take you there!
wow… going full bore there huh guys?
Might as well… Masturbation doesn’t have too many side effects except as Replacement Therapy for a partner…
Not a day… over about a two hour period. We were ( And this is the gospel truth ) trying to see how many she could have. Trust me… I needed my sleep! : D
Strange… she didn’t complain, not even once! : D
LOL! Yeah.
Most women, if they can learn to relax and relinquish a degree of control, can get to the point where all that’s required is a touch, or a word.
@CaptainHarley ; YEH!! My Wife too, just takes a nibble, a brush, a firm pinch and then I tackle her and it’s Randy time!!!
Not at all. In fact, frequency is never really an issue for females, unless, as previously stated, it interferes with other things. For males, however, going over 3 per day can cause a bit of pain.
I would probably do it three times a day if I had the time (and privacy). Doesn’t sound excessive to me.
Like others said, if it interferes with your life, then it’s too much.
The Wife does it 3X’s a day with or without me…But I have Caught her though…
@sleepdoc ; Catch yours, just listen for the noises…
Masturbated? Only Once… She should do it more, Practice makes perfect or at least- Better…
@phil once that she admitted to me
It’s like that Ruffles slogan. “Bet you can’t have just one.”
@sleepdoc Ahhh. She could be secretly practicing so she’s ready for a weekend with you and a stocked refrigerator…
@Allie ; Totally, A pair as a starter works for me!
I find it hard to believe that only 3x per day is unhealthy. does it interfere w/other things in her life?
not likely.
some people just have a higher drive than others.
I don’t think there is anything wrong w/that.
@sleepdoc Yes. I have the time for it at least once a day.
God was talking to Adam: “I have only two gifts left to give.” Adam: “What are they?” God: “Well I have this thing called a penis. It enables you to pee standing up and you can use it in sex with Eve.” Adam: “Great! I’ll take it!” God: “But don’t you want to hear about the other gift?” Adam: “Nahh! I’m happy with my new penis!”
Adam goes on his way happy with his new gift. Then Eve stops by.
Eve: “You gave Adam another gift?” God: “Yes. I gave him a penis.” Eve: “Are there anymore gifts left?” God: “Yes, but only one.” Eve: “Well, I guess I’ll take it then. What is it?” God: “Unlimited orgasams.” : D
3 times a day doesn’t sound like much for someone with no sexual partner. I’d say it would be a problem if it took up so much time during the day as to interfere with responsibilities during the day like school, work, or errands.
@hungryhungryhortence ; Do you think this is why MOM’s drive Mini Vans or S U V’s with roomy back seats for those finger emergencies…
@HTDC I agree with you that shes lying….. I seriously doubt shes doing it 3 times a day… maybe for a man this could be a little more believable, but not for a Woman
I strongly disagree.
@LethalCupcake You seriously don’t think a woman can and will masturbate 3 times a day??
@casheroo although I don’t think its impossible, I SERIOUSLY doubt shes doing it everyday like she says…. Honestly?? Shes lying/over-exagerating
@LethalCupcake Guess what, not every woman is like you. Shocker, I know. Just because you don’t masturbate regularly doesn’t mean every other woman in the world is just like you. Silly.
@jeanna_ lol – ok, well for 1. Im in a steady relationship = I don’t have to. and 2. When I was single on the otherhand, I did regularly – BUT not 3 times a day! Thats all im saying – 3 times a day continuously seems a bit much
3 times a week? I do it 7 times a week.
Once a day is totally healthy. Even twice. For any male or female past puberty.
@LethalCupcake Uh, I’m in a steady relationship too..called marriage. And I still masturbate pretty much every day. Has nothing to do with the other.
@gememers aw, I missed that. Thank you. 3 times a day is more than average.
Crap, I think I need my testosterone level checked. You guys make me feel like something is wrong with me. Ah to be young again.
Dudes, these guys aren’t keeping up with you.
I would say medically that there is a spectrum of libido out there, as long as you aren’t physically causing damage – (check for gaping wounds) the risk/harm is minimal.
It would be interesting to see if there were a family history of addiction. I cannot predict if this would be predictive of paraphelias later in life. Avoid fantasizing about things that a not mainstream – especially dead dictators.
Otherwise – as goes for the sport – you’re on your own.
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