How do you feel around guns?
I see people on tv and movies that get really nervous and antsy around guns in a completely nonthreatening situation (someone cleaning their gun on the counter for example) How about you? Do you get nervous around guns even in nonthreatening situations?
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58 Answers
I feel like Dirty Harry. I like guns.
I do not want guns around me or my kids. I think guns make mere mortals feel as if they dare hurt another. I also understand them to be necessary in extreme situations.
I don’t want guns near me
I have no problem being around guns.
I do have a problem being around dipshits with guns.
I’m quite comfortable around firearms. I was taught the safety precautions and marksmanship as a young child. I’ve carried firearms all my adult life (professional soldier). I’m a certfied Firearms Safety Instructor.
Safe. If the good guys have them.
I feel as though I want one.
I sleep very well, knowing there is one (or two or three) a reach away.
I grew up around guns, and my Dad taught me how to be safe with one. So, I feel comfortable around guns themselves, but I am nervous around people who aren’t safe with them.
Agree with @Blondesjon . Firearms in the hands of those who have no idea what they’re doing with them make me upset, too. But it’s not the gun but the person I’m worried about.
i live in the uk… so we dont have guns, i dont like them much, they kill things!
i suppose i should say the people who have them kill things….... but if the guns werent around then the nutters wouldnt be able to get them.
Feel? I wouldn’t be “feeling” around guns; they might be loaded! Keep your damn eyes open, I say.
I have no problem around guns in the hands of people that I know are trained in how to handle them safely. I am one of those people. I would not feel comfortable around a complete stranger with a gun, someone I knew to be irresponsible, or someone who I could see was not handling a gun safely.
I also can’t stand to watch other people use knives. Or chainsaws.
VERY nervous, especially in the hands of anyone other than law enforcement or military services—both examples of well regulated militias. I understand the appeal of firearms (ironically I’m a pretty good shot) but the risk of being around something capable of killing another person at a distance far outweighs any sense of recreational purpose. For self-defense it’s well known that gun ownership carries significant risk of being shot by one’s own gun.
If the 2nd Amendment (pardon my US-centric comments) grants unlimited gun freedom, then what is the meaning of its preamble clause?
They make up for my small penis
Guns don’t bother me. I grew up with them around, I learned how to use them and keep them safely. I only get nervous around people who are idiotic and think it is funny to play with them.
My fiance’s father loved guns. He had many he kept around his house. One day he took one out and started waving it around It made me very uncomfortable. When the gun is in another person’s hands, I’m uneasy. However, I wouldn’t mind having one in our home for personal protection.
I’m curiously conflicted. I have a certain appreciation for them as objects of craftsmanship. There are very few objects anymore that are crafted with the level of care given to the best firearms and, as a craftsman myself, I’m conscious of that. But at the same time I’m revolted by what guns are designed to do. That there should be so much care given to something intended to send a lump of lead ripping through flesh raises a highly dissonant combination of feelings.
In the same way, I’m utterly fascinated by the consummate craftsmanship in katanas (samurai swords), but that people saw fit to make a tool for cutting people in half makes me sad.
No. Quite used to guns of all kinds, and it’s fun to shoot. I don’t think anyone but the police and military should have them though. If there were strict control of arms sales, and the industry wasn’t allowed to sprinkle them all over the world, it would be very hard for anyone to get armed, including criminals. And as I see it, one of the problems is that they give you a false sense of safety. But then again, feeling safe is just as important as as actually being it. I think the whole gun ownership question is a circular problem. You get a gun because criminals have guns, and criminals have easy access to guns because they find it in peoples homes, or people just sell them off, give it away. Guns come from over the borders as well.
They make me distrustful of the person wielding them. They make me nervous, apprehensive, even fearful. Every gun owner is a potential murderer and someone I will not turn my back towards. The same with knives, or any other kind of weapon.
uncomfortable if i don’t have oner of mine with me
I feel the same way I do around cars. That is if someone else is in control of those things. I am deathly afraid of machines. Not because of a possible robot apocalypse, but because of the fact that they are made of metals and I am not. They have a higher kill rate than I, and it will probably stay that way for a long time.
@ragingloli By your logic, everyone is a potential murderer. If owning a gun makes you a potential murderer, and so does owning any other kind of weapon, then so does having hands. Or picking up a rock. Or owning a car.
@Snarp But everyone is a potential murderer. It depends on situation. Why make it easy for people to kill each other. In the words of Eddie Izzard “They say guns don’t kill people, people kill people. But I think the gun helps.”
“But I think the gun helps.”
Or a good Mexican dinner.
I own guns and am more than comfortable around them.
Hard to gauge, overall i’d have to say they bore me.
@oratio I don’t entirely disagree with you, in fact I think the U.S. could benefit from some sensible gun control. But I think that to distrust someone, or to think they are more of a potential murderer than someone else because they own a gun (or heaven forbid a knife) is small minded.
For the record, I own two guns, a small caliber rifle and a shotgun. I own more knives than I can count. Do my kitchen knives make me more or less of a potential murderer than my throwing knives?
Extremely nervous. I prefer not to be around guns, and in general, not to be around gun owners either.
When I went to Texas last year, I told my friend that I wanted to shoot guns. Terribly loud. And I think I’d do better in a firing range rather than an outdoor shooting area. It’s really really loud. I do feel quite nervous around them too.
@Snarp I agree that there should be a system of gun control and tracking, and I don’t see why it should be a problem for gun owners. It’s not a toy, and with it comes a lot of responsibility. We know there are many drivers out there that has the right to drive and to own a car. That is controlled and tracked. We know that there are many drivers that are not responsible and put themselves and other people in danger. Why would there be a difference with gun owners. I don’t see people getting upset with traffic control, calling it an intrusion of constitutional rights.
I like them. I have a modest collection of them. I feel comfortable around them because I know how they work and don’t work and I treat them with respect.
I am very comfortable around guns but then again it will depend on the situation. At the Sportsmans club or target shooting with people I know…I am very comfortable. There have been times at quarries with other shooters where things were more informal where I kept an eye out for unusual gun play.
Someone cleaning their gun is not a nonthreatening situations more people get shot with a unloaded gun, and a gun should never be pointed in the direction of anyone if this rule is followed I’m fine with them.
@germanmannn No one gets shot with an unloaded gun. Only with a gun they mistakenly think is unloaded.
I never really liked them much… and yet I’m in the military….. I know right?
I own two pistols and will soon buy a rifle… again. I feel very comfortable around guns, as long as I know who’s using them. I can’t imagine being afraid of them, nor can I envision the mindset of those who are.
I feel pretty nervous around them, to be honest. That said, I can think of maybe one instance where I actually saw a gun in person.
I’d guess the reason why I feel nervous around them is because I’ve been around them so little. My family doesn’t own any guns, and the one time I saw one was at my sister’s friend’s cabin and it was for hunting. But the fact that it was loaded and just lying there on the table freaked me out.
LOL! I used that same video on another question on here. : D
Only watching someone I’m not familiar with do I get nervous to see them handle a firearm. Other than that, I get antsy and excited around firearms because there are so many different kinds I’ve not handled yet and am curious about. The first time I took apart and put back together my own pistol, I was all sweaty jittery hands.
They’re fun to shoot with, but I will never own one. I might go overboard and kill someone like the mailman AHEM
I have been taught gun safety. My son is a licensed to carry security guard. Cleaning a gun is not something that is done in public, and it is not a casual family activity.
In my family, all members who chose to participate in gun cleaning would go to the work room, and carefully observe or help clean. The guns were then locked away, in their usual place.
If I was visiting in someone’s home, and I saw them taking out a gun, I would leave.
Every gun is an accident waiting to happen.
@flutherother why? is every circular saw an accident waiting to happen?
You should be careful around circular saws as well but their excuse is that they have a useful purpose.
Guns have a useful purpose too… self-defense, collecting, target shooting, putting food on the table, etc.
I live in the UK where nobody has guns and I hope it stays that way.
“I live in the UK where nobody has guns and I hope it stays that way.”
I could go in to the 100 houses nearest to where I am right now and if I found a single firearm I would be astonished.
You would probably be surprised.
I don’t think I have ever seen, touched, or held a gun. That being said, if I just saw one laying around someone’s house I would probably have a “WTF” moment. They make me nervous solely because of the fact that it is something that can injure or kill someone – yes this is true, however, if you really wanted to injure or kill someone it would not take a gun. You can do that with pretty much just about any household object. I don’t hate them unless in the hands of a sport hunter, I don’t have an issue with being around them. Honestly, I would like to learn how to handle and use a gun, and maybe own one or more. But I will always favor hand to hand weapons or older ranged weapons, like bows.
Nervous, anxious. I hate them. I’ve shot a gun before, but it was one of the worst feelings ever. I don’t like holding that much power in my hands.
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