What do men desire in a woman? What is it do men find desirable?
Asked by
bean (
January 20th, 2010
So! what do men find desirable in a woman… ;)
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58 Answers
This answer is going to get you the same answers as your last question:
It varies.
Men do not come off of an assembly line with everything pre-programmed into our heads. All of our preferences come through experience.
I personally like a woman who’s into geeky TV shows and movies, power metal and industrial music, and computer games.
I don’t know why you ask these questions, if that is you in your avatar, you are really attractive. I’m sure your desirable to most men. But, to answer your question, I suppose all men are different, and I’m not male so I can’t answer really.
I could answer that for my own perspective, but I’m different enough from most men I don’t think it would be very informative and I do know I would have to disclose a lot of things I’d rather not air in a public forum. Each man is different. Find one that wants what you wish to give.
A nice rack, big butt and an easily shaped brain.
Sorry it sounds redundant, but yes…the answers will be the same. But one thing that is a constant….:Sex.
My personal interests though: A woman that is ‘like’ me intellectually. My girlfriend and I can talk about politics, religion and other topics and that turns me on that she is so smart. She has my physical preferences as well: A big butt and breasts and wide hips as well as long hair.
@Dibley awww, haha thank you :D thats kind of you but i’m just asking because i’m curious… is that you in your display as well? cuz your very pretty :) it’s a cute avatar
@bean Yes that is me. I’m not being mean and sorry if I come across that way, but I think there your question goes a little beyond curious. Has something happened? Do you not like yourself very much?
They like a woman who can tap dance.That’s it!:)
@Dibley I didn’t think you were being mean at all :S but truly, I’m just thinking too much about relationships at the moment so random things like this pop up in my head and I want to just write them all down…
Read @Dibley ‘s profile. THAT attitude is what I look for in a woman.
Someone that wants me is always a good start. :-)
@bean Are you with someone then? I think obviously men first go for looks and then when they get to know you, they are attracted to the inside, like if you have the same interests as them, same sense of humour.. They like a nice looking girl on their arm, but also want someone they can have conversations with.
@ChazMaz Hey, don’t bring me into this!! I thought that was normal, to love your man? I love my man more than anything. If he said jump I would say how high. I’m quite old fashioned and I just want to look after him and love him, and be his woman.
@Dibley – See you prove my point! :-)
@bean – I hope you are taking notes. :-)
@Dibley yeah, i was with some one and he is a nice guy, was my first boyfriend but sadly he worries too much about looks… he wants to be an actor but it’s too different to what i want to do… it was sought of tearing us apart as well as other things… but i sought of have some one else now… kind of… but it’s not as important to me anymore to find some one who i really want to be with.. at the moment… most people my age are not really comitting at the moment… they are looking for a good time, but i’m not… i’m looking for meaningful and loving… makes me feel..older? haha
I puppied around after him untill he broke up with me by txt message and ignores me for months… but overall, I just want him to be happy, so this is the best way, for me too
@ChazMaz haha, this is pretty educational for me….
I like a woman who is graceful, curious, educated, well-read, talented, committed, sensitive, caring, and sexy as hell!
@bean There is nothing wrong with wanting that, your only human. I spent 7 years of my life dating men I wasn’t attracted to, just because I don’t want to be lonely. Then I met someone who literally blew my mind the minute I met him. I’m so attracted to him I can’t even describe it, he makes me laugh, we make each other laugh and we can talk, have real conversations. Even sex is so more different with him. We clicked straight away, without sounding abit weird, sexually we fit each other like a glove. What I’m saying is, you have plenty of time to find the one and you will know when you have.
@Dibley i’m so happy for you :D i hope i find some one just as amazing… but don’t get me wrong… this new guy i’m kind of with is sweet as and caring and supportive, so hopefully things work out… thats what I desire at the moment… love, support, doesn’t just think i’m a pretty face… though i’m normal looking, I want a guy who i can fall madly inlove with, personality wise, but attraction is good too
@bean You will, you might already have.
@ChazMaz Do you not have anyone to love you?
from where I come from, from what I’ve seen guys want hotness for fun and pretty face and a brain for long term… but that’s what i’ve seen :S any one want to tell me anything different? or am I right?
@bean Though I am only 19 I prefer a woman with a mature attitude and enjoys simple things in life and indulge here and there. Specially to me arts,music,etc…I also prefer to be more romantic and fine dine her, then a hardcore party or some crap….but a movie or the such is nice too, so she needs to be for me a bit well balanced.
Really this whole going to clubs,smoking, and getting blasted all the time is redundant and boring to me…wheres the passion and love?Fun is one thing stupidity is another.
oh and VERY good sense of humor I like to joke about anything so if your too sensitives or too serious I doubt if I could be around her.I like to check out the local comedy shows and what have you.
Ill admit I would be a liar if I said looks do not matter but that is only to an extent before I look past it,and it also helps I am not a very picky guy.
but thats just me.
Depth, confidence, personality, a sense of humor, and a sense of wonder and exploration that just won’t quit. Someone who understands how to enjoy the moment, surprises, and just loves having my arms around her needs to be in there too. Physically attractive is always a plus, but I find that the closer a woman matches the above the more attractive she is. Oh and it helps if she likes me ^.^
@Steve_A good on you!!!!! :D
i never went to clubs, i don’t drink, smoke, I’m so quiet sometimes i feel like going to a club mayb just once… but at the moment astronomy is my main priority, it’s my biggest interest besides possibly starting a new relationship and having some one there for me :)
@bean What is wrong with having both. He obviously has to be attracted to you to be with you, and like your mind to stay with you.
@wonderingwhy “Oh and it helps if she likes me ^.^” Yes, that part does help a lot! lol :)
@bean Thats sweet I think, girls around where I live seem to be SO into it, I was very disappointed when I got to know one girl and after talking to her.
My impression of some girls are way off, once I get to know them…like I said disappointing lol…plus girls seem to find me a bit of a bore because I will talk about something intellectual or interesting. One even told me, Steve I am not in the mood to talk nerdy sorry lol….
@Steve_A It’s so good to hear for once that some one is 19 and doesn’t want to be a crazy party animal… where i come from all i see are people my age into parties, clubbing and hot sexy girls… and A LOT of drinking… it’s annoying
@bean So whats with this astronomy career you are pursuing, what is it you do exactly?
@Steve_A I just finished learning two languages, then when uni starts I’ll be studying science… so even more studying… yippi… but hopefully it all pays off and I become an astronomer but I’m taking up different jobs or volanteering work in science or at the museum… fingers crossed
@bean Wow thats good….I assume you like what your doing, so your on the right road as for me not so much.
curious are you from the USA I get the feeling your from somewhere else perhaps?
@Steve_A australia, but i wan’t to go to america some time…. i’m sought of a comic fan and enjoy marvel… and there happens to be alot of it in america haha!
what are you thinking of studying or persuing as a career?
@bean Thats awesome so you have a sexy accent too lol heh had to ask :D
but what I want to study/career is mainly science for the most part and minor is music of some sort as I play. But I have decided to join the Air Force and I already know I will past my ASVAB scores.
I feel confident that I will get it, HOPEFULLY, it is called bio-environmental engineering. but I figure if I don’t get they let you take the ASVAB again later.
I honestly I am little lost with my life at the moment hopefully the Air Force will help me…..
haha! more like no accent, I don’t think we have an accent, we sound pretty plain, but you sure have one, and thats sexy ;)
oh wow!!!! hahahaha! I had a moment in my life where i felt like joining the army because I felt i needed or was meant to do something bigger in life lol
science never fails! but the air force sounds interesting, you should do it!
@bean Sorry to interrupt, I think Australians have a wonderful accent, I don’t know about sexy, but I love hearing it. Ok, carry on…..
@Dibley haha, really? i think we hear our selves so much it sounds like nothing, I reckon going over seas you can pick up the difference
Where are you from?
@bean hahaha thanks ;) well If I find the girl attractive a lot of things can become sexy to me lol :)
but yes anyways if all goes well, which I am sure it will. I will be leaving in 6 months my recruiter said. I take ASVAB on the 25th infact and then I have a head to toe exam, as he put it.
then if it all passes I wait about 6 months he said….yep lol. I figure I would brush up my math and work-out for BMT. While I wait for the 6 months.
@bean I’m from England. We all think we don’t have accents, but just because, like you say, we hear ourselves so we don’t don’t know.
This is a potentially wide ranging question, so I’ll limit my answer to what I personally like. Physically I like a women who’s shorter than me, slim & athletic & not too big up top. Ideally with pale skin & I’m abit of a sucker for blonde hair. I started with the physical as that’s what anyone would first notice. Personality-wise I like a woman who’s down to earth, fairly emotional & quite girly. Now I don’t mean a push-over, but I really cant stand the whole ladette thing…. & kind, I struggle with harsh, mean women.
@Dibley no way! english accent, hot~
@bean Well good luck with all that bean, if anything I say it does not matter what these “guys” like or want but rather maybe you should find that guy who finds you desirable skin, personality and all.
Till next time…or next question haha :)
@Steve_ A haha, yeah thanks
i desire a woman that i can be me around. everything a woman has to offer i’ve experianced from money to beauty to love, ect… Me personally, i was always having to change things about me to make things work, which is my fault because i shouldnt be shallow, but now im in tune with myself and i realize i’ve i probably missed alot of opprotunities to make some damn good memories.
@life_after_2012 I agree, same with me… don’t change for any one that’s what i’ve learnt… because it tears you apart, you don’t act like yourself, there for you start to feel depressed… compromising is the best you can do
Hmmmmmmmmmm…truer words were never spoken!:)
I do!I gave up the trombone to learn the “zoo”.
The Kazoo…..gets’em everytime….everytime lol
find them attactive when they are barefoot, pregnant, and washing my dishes…loll..just kidding! <ducking>
Physically: slim, nice posterior, and a pretty smile!
Mentally: independent, smart, no drama, and the ability to compromise!
@lucillelucillelucille Alas I am just another one of your long list of “victims” it would be short lived anyway as my perfect woman would play the kazoo and River Dance…tap is good but RD and Kazoo??!!...WOOF!
They have to not remind me of my mother and be good with border gaurds.
Skill with explosives is a plus
I think we can’t generalize all men, right? But all people dislike fake-ness, maybe. So men, just like women, want someone who is genuine, who is aware of themselves.
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