Social Question

Is it time for affirmative action to go? I do, do you agree with me?
I say it is time to scrap affirmative action, do you agree? Yeah, yeah I have heard the argument, if we did not have affirmative action many minorities would not have had the opportunity they had; Judge Sotomayor, Collin Powell, President Obama, Oprah the list goes on. Back in the day it maybe was needed with the culture of Jim Crow politics and ‘old boy’ networking. But to still have it when we are suppose to have “turned a page” is kind of a lie, isn’t it? How can a person go in head high as an equal if you are given a crutch because it is believed you can’t succeed without a leg up or helping hand? Affirmative action makes victims out of those who may not be.
If I get a job, lose a job or whatever I would like to know it was by my own efforts or lack thereof. To be taken jobs paying in the high 7 figures, I’d be a hypocrite and look the other way on a job or work place because they had to “color it up” to make the feds happy is like an insult to me especially if there were smarter and more gifted candidates passed over. Like being that lousy kid at gym class the teacher make get picked by the better teams. What am I suppose to think? I actually WAS good enough to man that desk or work that piece of machinery when the only reason I was there was because I did not have blonde hair and blue eyes and had I another person would have been more qualified?
How can I say I am equal to another man if I am not even allowed to go against him head-to-head? If we were in a race and they take 3 hurdles out of my lane and give me 8 meters on him isn’t it saying if we started off on the same mark and had equal number of hurdles there is no way I would have or could win? And how is it fair to the person who happen not to be the technical minority but give this melting pot a few more years they might be outnumbered ?
For equality sake isn’t that worth the risk of Jim Crow sprouting up somewhere? It is not like you will ever get him out of the building, you can get Jim Crow to the lobby but someone else ALWAYS invites him back upstairs. I believe anyone conducting business like that would find it very unprofitable as many would not shop or do business there so it won’t have much effect at all.