Did anyone see the report on CBS Evening News about how Omega three prevents genes from mutating?
The report was on 1/19/10. I can not find it on the Internet. I checked under cbseveningnews.com .
Does anyone know where I can find more information about the new study that says Omega three prevents DNA from being damaged as we age ?
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22 Answers
I found it right here at sciencenews.org.
It explains that “scientists investigated the effect of omega-3s on telomere length. Telomeres are the strings of repeating DNA sequences at the ends of chromosomes that are thought to keep them from fraying during cell division. “In cells, telomere length is a big determinant of aging,” says cardiologist Ramin Farzaneh-Far of the University of California, San Francisco…after five years, participants who started out with higher levels of omega-3s had experienced substantially less telomere shortening than the others.”
telomere length is the ends of the chromosomes. A side effect of duplicating your chromosomes is that they get shorter.
That and a butt load of other things determines your lifespan
I eat 4 gm of purified omega threes daily – or at least I should. (Lovaza) – I need it anyway for trigs.
You better believe I’m going to put some serious effort into complaince (and weight loss as well).
I saw that report. My eye doctor recommends that I take it for my eye sight, so I have taken it for about 3 years. It’s interesting to know the other uses for this vitamin.
@chyna: Omega 3s are not vitamins, they’re fats. The name “Omega 3” refers to the final carbon–carbon double bond on the third bond from the methyl end of the fatty acid that defines the group. See wikipedia.
I’ve been taking Omega 3 gels caps daily for years for joint lubrication and general good health. Also a T of ground flax seed oil daily and 4000IU of vitamin D3.
@La_chica_gomela I couldn’t think of what else to call it, and I find it in my vitamin aisle.
@chyna: Okay, so ow you know! “Vitamin” is actually a very specific term that refers to a certain group of micronutrients, while omega 3 fatty acids, as fats, actually fall into the macronutrient category.
We all take the supplements in my family and eat walnuts but this is still exciting news .
Damn. Too bad it was on CBS News; now I’ll have to start disbelieving it. Son of a bitch. And I was taking Omega-3 caps, too.
I never considered taking them, but I heard that taking omega 3’s gives you bad taste/breath because it’s like fish… (I don’t know very much about supplements)
Brush your teeth afterwards. It’s fine.
My Omega 3 apparently come from “pilagic fish off the pristine coastal waters of Norway.” One of the best advertising slogans I have heard recently.
@sevenfourteen: You can get plenty of omega-3s by incorporating flaxseed into your diet. It’s a grain and has no fishy taste or smell.
I eat Salmon every week. I try to also have, Sapper or Mahi Mahi once per week. I eat walnuts and I take an Omega 3 supplement.
The study however said, the best source is fish oil . Do you believe that nuts and flax seed are not as good as fish?
@philosopher: When experts say that the “best” source is fish, they generally mean it contains the highest amount of the compounds either by volume or by weight. It is true that flaxseed and its derivatives contain less. This is easily remedied by eating more of them.
Regarding the high amounts of fish it sounds like you’re eating, I would caution you against “too much of a good thing”. According to experts, average adults should eat salmon no more often than one time per month, due to the dangers of mercury and PCBs. You can check the recommendations here for other types of fish.
The benefit of using flaxseed meal and oil as a source for omega-3s instead of fatty fish, is to avoid dangerous levels of mercury and PCBs, which can cause a whole host of health problems you can read about on that same website or by googling.
Do you work in Nutrition ?
The more I learn the more I feel unsure.
I never eat Tuna anymore because of the Mercury. This is becoming very difficult. I don’t eat fish twice every week; but I have been trying.
Thank you for pointing me to the chart. I eat no read meat, fruit, nuts, vegetables ,wild fish, and organic or minally processed chicken. I try to avoid saturated fat and maintain a low glyercimic index. I avoid excess complex carbohydrates. I avoid much sugar. I use agave and eat fruit over baked goods.
LOL I have to remember to Lurve you.
@philosopher: Yeah, salmon actually contains a lot more PCBs, which can cause neurological problems. Tuna is actually safer. It can be eaten safely up to once a week, while salmon should really only be eaten once per month. If you eat a smaller serving size, you can eat it more often. We usually only eat 4 oz, instead of 8, so we eat salmon about every other week. You can still get plenty of omega-3s without salmon, by just buying some flaxseed meal (keep it in the freezer to preserve the omega-3s because unsaturated fats break down very easily) and put a few tablespoons on your cereal in the morning, add it to smoothies, etc.
I, the laziest cook in the world, grind my own flax seeds in a little Krups coffee bean grinder, used only for the flax. I keep the seeds frozen. My grinder produces enough for several days.
You can add the meal also to all salads, oatmeal, soups, salsa, hummus, scrambled eggs, etc.
I take flax omega pills and I have also have taken fish oil pills because Cannon Ranch sells them. My Autistic Sons chewable Omega is fish oil.I have Flax in the refrigerator in a closed bag. I forget to use it . Is it still good ?
I read all I can .
I don’t eat some fish because I am not sure of their mercury contend.
Thank you both I will keep checking the chart.
Do you believe fish oil pills have excessive mercy ? How about shrimp or losbster ?
(Canyon Ranch is the most expensive game in town. Buy fish oil caps or liquid cod liver oil from a reputable health food store.)
I stay away from fish except for the rare wild Alaskan salmon filet.
Freeze your flax meal or seed. That way, you won’t have to worry about rancidity.
I appreciate your awareness.
I read a lot and attempt to sort out the facts.
I will never stop eating fish. I try to do everything in moderation. I get most of my vitamins from Costco, the Vitamin shop and health store.
Somethings are not set in stone or completely clear.
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