Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

Has there ever been a friendly relationsip on Fluther, that ended in a marriage?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) January 21st, 2010

I constantly read about people that flirt and hint at obscene suggestions to other people on the internet and Fluther. has there ever been a “cyberspace connection”, that actually ended in a happy marriage?

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11 Answers

BoBo1946's avatar

A friend of mine told me he had signed up with one of these on-line
dating services. I asked him the other day if he had had any luck and
he said he’d quit—seems they’d matched him up with his wife. .....

shrubbery's avatar

There has been a marriage proposal on Fluther,
But I haven’t heard of two people meeting on Fluther that have gotten together and got married, yet. There seems to be a relationship heading that way, but I won’t jinx it :P

john65pennington's avatar

Bobo…........his wife? that has got to be the rarest incident in history. some things are just meant to be or are they?

Shrubbery… about a hint?

BoBo1946's avatar

loll..just a good joke to make the day better John!

Merriment's avatar

I’m betting it has ended and/or damaged more marriages than it has created.

sevenfourteen's avatar

@BoBo1946 – I believe there was a song something like that, it goes something like “if you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain…” :P

john65pennington's avatar

Hotel California

shouldbeworking's avatar

I don’t know on Fluther… I just created this account.
My fiance and I met online, started out as friends and we are really happy now.

andrew's avatar

I met Dr. Jelly and now I am married to him. Or maybe it’s more like I birthed him and am married. Gross.

janbb's avatar

@andrew You mad gay incestuous devil!

eenerweiner's avatar

I am happily married to someone I met online. I got a ramdom myspace message one day from this guy telling me he thought I was “hella cute” and after a month of conversations and me telling him he could be a crazy psycho I finally agreed to meet him at a movie. Turns out he wasn’t a crazy psycho and I liked him alot. We got engaged a few months later and married this past Valentines Day.

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