How did you come up with your handle (screen name, interwebs I.D., ect..)?
I was just wondering, because I’m sure some people have seen mine and thought it was quite odd and why and how I came up with it. Mine is kind of like a nickname, but there a point of time where it originated.
I was interested in playing a game back in I think 2002 (maybe 2003). I’m not really sure, but the game was an MMO known as Final Fantasy XI
. My friend already played it and was telling me about the different classes and such. When I decided I wanted to play the game, I decided I wanted to be a certain class that could utilize a weapon in each hand. Axes to be specific. I often referred to it as making sweet axe music. Since the handle Axemusic was taken & being in AZ and having a lot of spanish friends at the time I added the A on the end.
Since the game, people have continued to give me the nickname Axe for short, due to my abilities with a guitar. So, it kind of stuck. In RL I’m referred to as Axe and digitally I’ve kept to the original handle. Axemusica
How did you come about yours?
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53 Answers
Mine is the initials of my name and my surnames. 17 is just my favourite number.
First thing that came to mind.
I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you. I will say that it is from a piece of (in my opinion) absurdist literature.
And two million points to anyone who can actually guess the reference.
Mine is a particular song title.
Usually pop culture references
Contrary to popular belief, I didn’t get this from Porky’s. It was from a joke my friends did on some foreign kid (They made him say the name out loud on a piece of paper). The funny thing was, he didn’t get it
Mine is so boring… :(
It’s my first name “Dominic” + “X” because it sounds cool when you say it.
@Mike_Hunt Your user name disgusts me! :)
@gailcalled I didn’t just mean fluther. Note the reason why I said “interwebs ID” since I’m sure people do visit other websites.
@DominicX That means I’m doing my job, then, QTπ
I used to be a fighter. Would fight everyone, big, small, whoever. It’s was normally for fun, and I’d ask first, but sometimes it was just to prove that I was stronger than everyone thought. I once sent a kid to the hospital because he called an ex a whore.
I’ve sense chilled out a lot, and found reasons to life beyond just physical power. For a while I tried to become a protector.
Thus, The Shield of Achilles.
when I thik of a screen name either I use my nickname or something that describes me : D
@DominicX You would be disgusted by it!
Well, Sarcasm, because I’m a sarcastic person.
In games, I go by Lysogen, or anagrams of it. Because it’s pretty badass.
All my usernames for public consumption are similar to my Fluther name.
@Snarp that’s the reason why I didn’t refer to fluther in the question. It’s kind of revealing, but you could google Axemusica and probably find everything I do, lol.
Please don’t stalk me. (>_>”)
It is to do with where I come from; Yorkshire is the biggest county in England and is known as the white rose county (as in the War of the Roses). It shows my pride in my area. Gods own county!
@Axemusica Well, if anybody found where I’ve been on the web from my Fluther name, I don’t think there would be anything surprising to Flutherites.
@Snarp when you put it that way… it doesn’t seem so bad. Ya know since, so much is said on fluther anyway, lol.
It’s my name…in uppercase letters…with a zero instead of an O…
I’m very creative.
I also use the name “jay-zero-eee” on quite a few sites. It’s a nickname I was given by a flutherite.
From the pc version of halo. I was batman cause i bez a huge nerd like that then me and a few friends made a clan named über also that nerd thing at play here so i became über batman and well i’ve been using it since.
This was asked a month ago :).
copy and paste
Our family has this tradition where before a celebration (birthday dinner, Christmas dinner), we would all hold hands and sing this silly Irish song (called “Jiggy-jig”). Something that my Dad loved to do, and my 6 year old niece and nephews loved, as well (though, when the nephews got to be teenagers, they cringed for a bit when we sang it :)) Anyhow, it’s just something silly that we did as a family.
My Mom passed away a little over three years old. So, Jmah, is short for “Jiggy-jig, Mah”. Now, when I sing the “jiggy-jig” song, I look up to her.
I have a fondness for old pony cars and love cruisin in them!
It comes from the name of a space ship “Lightlyseared on the reality grill” in a book by Iain M Banks
Counterstrike: emorangerr
Email: gogoemorangers
Those were from 9th grade when I thought I was creative and going through that stage.
Twitter: Maddixranger
Attempting to get out of the “emo” wording, but my CS guys called me Ranger, so I wanted to keep that. Also, Maddi/Madi is my nickname.
AIM Feel free to talk to me. About Star Wars.: xomfgz its youx.
I don’t even know. I made it in 8th or 9th grade.
So I just shortened it for Fluther.
It’s a long story, but it’s related to an inside joke that was funny to me and my friends around the time I joined up.
7th grade: sophster007 (007 was of course in, and now you can guess my name)
9th grade: kevinlasallylove (reference to an Onion article, strangely)
12th grade: sidwantsdiego (due to the at-the-time hilarity of the sexual tension my friend noticed in the movie Ice Age)
Last summer I changed it to sliceswiththings after seeing a menu in Portugal. All menu items were in Portuguese with an English translation. One delicacy of this restaurant translated into “Slices with things.” I still wonder what that could have been.
Oh, and I’m JLMelly on Twitter. (J – Jennifer, L- middle name Lynne. Melly – part of my last name (and my nickname).
And, jiggyjigmah at
needed a name, did not want any numbers in it. i thought i would think up some strange oxymoron or paradox/contradiction and this is what i came up with.
I mentioned it on the thread @gailcalled posted.
But, again, it’s a nickname for my son..his name is Cash. It’s weird now though, it’s more my name on the net now. (the nickname)
A long time ago I read an article about the death of the universe. It described how everything would, eventually, slow down and go cold, right down to the last spinning atom. At the time I read this I had just finished reading the “End of Time” books by Michael Moorcock.
So, I got to thinking that if we started out in a green, lush, Garden of Eden, perhaps we’d all end in a Garden of Entropy. I then used that name for the BBS (anyone remember those?) I was running. Since I needed a name for myself on my own board, I figured the caretaker of such a garden would be known simply as “Mr Entropy.”
I’ve been using MrEntropy and Garden of Entropy ever since. Unfortunately, some other people have been using MrEntropy as well.
Also, it was pointed out to me when I was using IRC (anyone remember that?) by Australians (evidently people who like short names) that MrEntropy, abbreviated, comes down to MrE. If you say MrE out loud it sounds like “mystery.”
@casheroo That’s the reason why I didn’t leave it to only fluther, as I said above.
I’m a bloke in Scotland….....and farty pants didnt sound right!
It is an abbreviation of my name.
Besides, I am the Chazziest and the Mazziest! :-)
Ok, I think it is time for my meds.
ElleBee: Growing up I didn’t fit in, was made fun of and always the outsider in my peer group. My Mum always said that I was special (classic, lol) and that I would eventually find where I belong and fit. The song No Rain by Blind Melon is my life’s theme song. The music video is a little girl dressed as a bumble bee, she is in a talent show and gets laughed at, the rest of the video is of her running past people, through places and not quite fitting. At the end of the video she comes to this big beautiful field that is filled with people dressed as bumble bees. My Mum has always told me that I am that little girl, her bumble bee. I have a big tattoo of a Bumble Bee on my shoulder, it symbolizes who I am and that I will always be proud to be me. My SO has kept that going for me but he calls me “Little Bee” or “LB” for short. I turned LB into Elle Bee for myself.
The symbolism of the bumble bee is so profound in my life. I have always stuck by this and now I have found so many friends that are quarky and bumble bees just like me.
@the100thmonkey : That’s so fascinating! Now I’m Googling the bananas out of that term! (Pun intended :P)
@Axemusica oh, I know. I was just referencing the fact that it’s no longer a nickname I call my son, my mother is the only one…it’s weird to me now, because it’s more my name than his (the casheroo part, not Cash itself haha)
Downtide was the nickname of one of my ancestors. He was a trawlerman from Norfolk in the UK (as were many others of my ancestors), and it was custom for all the fishermen of the area to have nicknames, mainly because back then, they weren’t too imaginitive about naming their kids, and in a small village with only three or four families living there, you couldn’t call someone “John West” because there’d be just too many of them. So they all took nicknames. Downtide was the one I liked best, so I took it for myself too.
@Axemusica: damn straight. There’s nothing worse than dirty potatoes. ;)
@ElleBee: it is a fascinating idea, although I’m sceptical of that particular example. I first met it in this book (although this is a more accessible work on a similar topic).
@the100thmonkey : Thank you very much for those links! Much lurve to you <3
Any handle I have is derived from characters that Michael Palin played in drag on Monty Python’s Flying Circus.
European Theater of Operations
Bletchley Park circa 1942
It’s what everyone calls me because there is not a day that goes by that I don’t wear my string of pearls my grandmother left me.
Because Chocolate rocks. and I didn’t want to have it be ChocolateRocks cuz that’s too generic and not very original (and not very Fluther-y – I was on here before. If you figure out who I was before, PM me!). So I did ChololateReigns.
Random name generator, it put a verb with a noun.
@ShiningToast really? Cuz, I kind of like your name, although, I am quite a random person myself and enjoy being random.
@Axemusica True story. It was Xbox Live, many years ago when I was a pre-teen :).
Being random is much more than it is cracked up to be, too.
I try to avoid having the same screen name for every account I have on the internet. It’s starting to test my creativity…
Anyway, Iphigeneia is a character from Greek mythology, who was sacrificed by her father, Agamemnon, so that the goddess Artemis would change the winds, allowing the Greeks to sail to Troy. I performed a monologue from Euripides’ play Iphigeneia in Aulis in my performance class once, and have been interested in the Trojan War for a number of years.
@iphigeneia That would test my memory more than my creativity, judging from the number of accounts I have on the internet.
@PnL That’s why I write them down :D
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