Social Question
Do you think it would be difficult to teach a classroom-full of younger kids when you don't know their names?
Man. Today I got tossed into a preschool. About 15 three, four, and five year olds. The teacher was actually there, doing assessments. As the kids started coming in I asked about name tags. She said she had some, but they didn’t stick. I said, “Masking tape!” (I carry some in my briefcase, but I’d forgotten about it.) She looks at me a little dubiously and said, “Well, in the sub folder there is a sheet with a picture of them and their names by their picture.”
Do you know how difficult it would be to try and address a situation with a kid, a situation that needed to be addressed NOW and from across the room, but have to go search through the pictures to figure out who they are?
Anyway, after she said that she did dig out some masking tape, and I’m SO glad she was there because most of the kids couldn’t pronounce their own names in a way that I could understand!
Anyway, I deal with that every day. In the elementary schools, I just throw tape on the kids.
In the middle school and up, where they’re A) rotating through the room and B) wouldn’t stand still for “little kid nametags,” I can get away with addressing them according to what they’re wearing. Like, “Hey you! Kansas City!” or “Hey you! Big Purple Guy!” It’s fun actually!
How often have you been given an assignment of some kind, where the people giving the assignment take for granted that you know things that you can’t possibly know?