Where were you when?
Do you remember where you were the day JFK got assasinated, when the shuttle exploded, when the World Trade Towers were attacked? Or any other significant event as those were only a few off the top of my head. Please share. Hoping to hear from you all.
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48 Answers
I was passed out on a couch from jet lag on sept 11, 2001. I arrived in PHX the day before by airplane.
I was in class at my high school when 9/11 happened. The teacher of my 1st hour “Algebra 1” class was surprised by what she was told in another class next door, and stopped the lesson to turn on the TV.
I will always remember Mrs. Cynthia Zumbrunn as the first person ever in my life to inform me of the September 11th attacks.
Her page: http://www.usd473.net/Dist_Homepage/faculty/CHS/czumbrunn/index.htm
On 9/11 I was laying in bed and woke up in a sudden panic. I turned on the tv and watched it a bit. For a brief moment I thought it was a movie, but after I cleared my eye buggies and took a second look I realized OMG we were just attacked.
The week before I was out of the country and my friend was worried about terrorists taking over the plane. I calmed her down. I said the idea was way out there and re- assured her by asking her when was the last time that actually happened?
I was completely caught off guard probably like most people. I was sad even though I didn’t have someone close to me in this tragic event. I am still surprised it happened. My prayers go out to anyone who was affected.
I’ve answered this before… But I see that the Fluther search tool has not improved any
I remember driving to school the day the shuttle exploded. I was listening to KLOS, the DJ mentioned a tragedy but didn’t say what it was. I have a good friend who lived in Florida at the time. When the shuttle blew up she was stopped at an intersection and watched it through her front winshield.
When I heard John Lennon was shot I was lying in bed listening to KMET, I’m pretty sure it was Jim Ladd who shared the news. I remember being in shock. The next day at school tons of kids were carrying boom boxes blaring Let it Be or Imagine.
On September 11, 2001 I was home with my kids when I turned on the television and heard Matt Lauer talking about a plane hitting one of the twin towers. The newscasters had no idea how serious it would become.
I was a child when JFK was shot, but I remember watching his funeral and my mom crying.
I don’t remember where I was when the shuttle exploded.
I was at work listening to my radio when I heard about 9/11, and I work for a government agency. At 2 p.m. they decided that government agencies were the target and sent us home. I wanted to be home to watch the TV to see what was going on. I was glued to CNN for days after that.
Sorry for being redundant but other things have happened.
9/11 – Watching CNN in the staffroom with the others teachers. I’ll never forget it.
JFK got assassinated: I wasn’t born yet.
Shuttle exploded: I was in the 6th grade. My English class was interrupted and then we watched the news.
World Trade Towers were attacked: My college roommate woke up the wife and I to tell us. I remember running down the stairs and hurting my foot. That was a truly shocking event.
I’m also going to tell my children about the Berlin wall coming down and electing the first black president of the united states.
I was in first period, junior year of high school when the towers were hit. After that the lesson plans were all shot to hell. We basically had a free period all day to just talk and watch the news. That probably was the best thing for the school to do.
* In ‘62, I was standing in Times Square reading the news on the Times Tower revolving sign that a Russian ship was stopped trying to run the blockade to Cuba. We thought World War III was imminent.
* In ‘63, I was in music appreciation class at college in the Bronx when I saw students huddled around a radio listening to the horrifying news that JFK had been shot. I immediately went to the subway and headed downtown to the newspaper where I worked. I pulled the official news of his death off an AP machine.
* In ‘63, I was AT the Lincoln Memorial and and heard MLK deliver his “I Have a Dream” speech.
* On 9/11, I was stepping out of the shower when I saw the plane hit the second tower on my big-screen TV. It took hours before I believed what I had seen was real.
On 9/11 I was in my first grade classroom. We got an announcement saying “Pardon the interruption, but a plane has just flown into the twin towers.” I remember not understanding, but I don’t remember anything else that happened that day until I got home and told my mom what happened because for some reason I knew what had happened by then.
JFK – I was in my child mothers ovaries.
Shuttle Challenger – I was 1, no idea
9/11 – Shop class working on a project with my friends Toby and Miriam, second period, soph year of high school.
Shuttle Columbia – I don’t remember
I was in grade school when Kennedy was shot, home with a sick child when the shuttle exploded and getting ready for work when the planes hit the world trade center.
@fundevogel Same here!!
Except my last (7th) hour Art teacher gave a lesson that had nothing to do with 9/11, and I don’t remember a word he said that day. All the other classes let us watch the news.
With the Columbine High School massacre I remember being in Spanish class when it happened and the teacher turned on the news. Our school was on lockdown and we couldn’t leave the classroom. After three hours, they sent us home. This event made me feel that school wasn’t safe anymore.
My cousin had a gun pointed straight at her, but the kid looked at her and started shooting everyone around her. She said she was always nice to him, but the other kids picked on him. An angel was on her side that day and we were blessed.
@Chikipi your school went on lockdown because of a shooting at a different highschool?
Well, for the first two you mentioned, I was non-existent. :)
I was in the livingroom of my house when 9/11 happened. I remember it was on TV and my mom was watching it. When I got to school that day, there was a girl there who was telling everyone about it as they arrived because she seemed to know more about it than most people. Of course, it didn’t as strongly affect me because I was only 10. But I do remember seeing the footage on TV.
I actually do have vague memories of seeing the Columbine incident on TV, but I would’ve been 7, so I don’t have much of a memory of it.
When Michael Jackson died, I was at a Japanese market in SF and I heard someone saying “Michael Jackson died” on their cell phone, so I looked it up on my New York Times app. :)
@holden Yes. They wanted to take extra precautions and parents were in a panic calling our school.
@holden I guess hundreds of schools did. (If not thousands?)
Also, when Michael Jackson died, I was working at my temp job, and found out about it from a good friend’s status update on Facebook after I got home. Then I visited CNN and saw the headline: Michael Jackson rushed to the hospital
Then I saw a live feed of CNN video there (don’t have a TV in my apartment) and saw it all unfold.
Then shortly after I submitted the FML that Michael Jackson died to FMyLife.com, I saw that someone else’s already made it up there:
Today, Michael Jackson died. FML
When Obama was inaugurated, I was in our university’s student union, and decided to step into a forum hall where there was a huge retractable screen showing the inauguration in progress. I decided to snap some photos from my cameraphone that time. About 300 (or more) others were in that room as well.
When JFK was shot, I was a senior in high school, in the German classroom giving a sophomore some private tutoring. We all got sent back to our homerooms and sat there tensely awaiting further announcements. That’s where I was when the principal came on the loudspeaker and told us the president was dead.
When the Challenger exploded, I was at home working as a freelance editor
When the 9/11 plane went down in Pennsylvania, I was asleep in bed—that was the snippet of news that I heard when the clock radio alarm woke me up. I was instantly wide awake and shook my husband, and we rushed out to the living room and turned on the TV. We were watching it live when the first tower collapsed. My God.
In school for 9/11…. The whole sense of everything changed that day. There were no lessons – we just watched tv… In every class. I remember feeling hopeless & angry all at the same time. Heartbreaking
The only one I remember was when the world trade towers happened. I was at school, and they made an announcement. I was only on grade three, but we either were sent home early or all went to the gym or something. I also remember when I got home, my mum was upset, and we watched it on the news. Every channel was the news, and I didn’t really understand what was going on, or why they had been attacked.
September 11, 2001, early morning——I didn’t have to go to work that day, so I was really looking forward to going out in the country to a tree nursery to buy trees and shrubs for my new lot (I had just moved to a new house). It was a beautiful, clear, sunny day, cool and crisp, and the leaves on the trees were just starting to change to their autumn colors. I drove about twenty miles out of the city to a tree farm. It was so quiet and peaceful out there, a contrast to the city and my stressful everyday work. As I browsed around for trees, the owner of the nursery casually quipped to me “What a horrible disaster in the States, huh?” Puzzled, I thought he was referring to an earthquake or tornado. “You didn’t hear about the plane crashing into the World Trade Center?” I watched the news unfold on a small t.v. set inside the nursery owner’s cabin. That day, I decided to buy an American Linden tree as a living memorial to the victims of the disaster, and I planted it in my front yard, where it grows beautifully today.
We had the day off from school in Canada for JFK’s funeral. More important than MJ dying was Elvis dying. I was mad for a second at my husband for saying such a thing. There was a breaking in to current tv in canada when the shuttle blew up- I was stunned! I was driving to work when the news of the towers came on the radio. As nurses we couldn’t stop to watch but we had all the tv’s we could tuned to news so we could follow it. I’m very proud of all the eastern Canadians who opened hearth and home for stranded fliers.
I was 6 years old, watching Gilligan’s Island, when the show was interrupted with breaking news that Elvis had died. I really didn’t know who Elvis was at the time, I just wanted to know if the castaways were going to get away from the giant spider.
It was a tuesday so it was a school day for me. I was five and the only thing I remember was my dad saying some idiot just crashed a plane into the Twin Towers. I then remember grabbing some cereal and watching CNN for a half an hour then going to school.All through out the day I noticed that all the teachers were crying and looking sad (being five I didn’t really know what the Twin Towers really were or what had really happened)
I was in High School when Kennedy died – all the doors were open and every classroom had a radio tuned to the news station. I was in a mall when Challenger went. Suddenly all the TVs in the electronics store were showing that horrible explosion. And for 9/11 my ex-wife and I were at a hospital in New York City, waiting for her hip to be looked at, and the TV happened to be on. We watched the second plane hit the tower, and then the hospital locked down to receive all the injured, who never came.
I was on my way to get a haircut when JFK was assassinated.
On 9/11/01, I was on my way to meet my younger son for breakfast. My youngest daughter was still in NYC with some friends on a visit. She had been in Windows on the World reastaurant at the top of one of the WTC towers on 9/10, and was stranded in the City because of the attack on the WTC. When she finally made it home I grabbed her and would not let go. My sons had to pry me loose from her.
I’m too young for JFK. I don’t recall any shuttles exploding so that was probably before my time as well.
On 9/11 I remember walking out of my room and seeing my dad sitting on his bed watching the news (which is unusual because he was usually at work very early in the day, back then). I watched them loop the planes crash over and over again.
I remember going to school, I think it was 7th grade, and for the first 3 periods (English, Humanities and something else, everyone had those 3 periods in a row with their respective teachers) we sat there talking about it and seeing the news footage.
I was about 25 miles from NYC on Long Island teaching when I heard the first building was hit. It was one of those beautifully crisp days with a perfectly blue sky that are common in September. I was on break and gathered around a small television in the teacher’s lounge. The mood was somber but changed to incredible grief as we watched the second plane hit and knew it could be no accident. I don’t remember if I saw the second building fall live because I saw it so many times afterwards on video.
I remember driving home and seeing the smoke smoldering for days and the acrid smell of burning. I was overwhelmed with a flood of sadness.
When JFK was shot I was a freshman in college. I was on my way to the last class of the day, chemistry. Either later that day or the next morning I was crossing Wisconsin Ave. in DC when the ambulance with his body in and the entourage of cop cars etc. went past on the way to Walter Reed hospital. I also was at the capital when his casket was brought to in. It was terrifying, hordes of people pushing and shoving, I thought I was going to get trampled.
I remember the shuttle blowing up but I can’t remember where I was.
9/11 I was living in a small town in Queensland, my mate woke me up very early and said I had better come and see what was happening. I couldn’t believe it. I hate when I I see the NY skyline without them in it. And they’re still trying to blow up more planes and people.
When Challenger disintegrated I was in Kindergarten… When the towers were hit I was In Medical school (just starting out)... In my car on the way to school, stuck in traffic listening to the radio when they interrupted the music and gave a special report. I was in shock.
JFK was before my time, as was the Challenger explosion.
Sept. 11, 2001—I had come home from school a few hours before when they started playing the footage of the planes crashing into the towers. I remember that I was in my slippers, sitting in the spinning armchair. I didn’t really connect with the event -it upset me some, but not as much as my mother and sister. We got our dog the next day, as a result.
The Columbia explosion didn’t faze me much, either, unless the feeling has been muted by the years.
I was in high school when the towers were hit. I had just woke up and was watching the news. My mom was in the kitchen when the second plane hit. Before the second one it was like everyone thought it was a crazy accident and we were watching the news and oohing and ahhhing. I was telling my mom that I hoped they let us watch the news more at school that day. Then the second plane hit and I just rememer saying “I’m not going to school today” and my mom saying “ok” and we just sat there, we watched them smoke and eventually fall and it wasn’t teary and there wasn’t much conversation it was just awful and uncomfortable. I couldn’t look away. I watched all the footage I could for days.
I was in my B11th grade English class when JFK was assassinated.
I was at work for Pacific Telesis, in Canoga Park, when Challenger exploded.
I was getting ready to go to bed after my first date with my future wife, when the Northridge earthquake hit.
I was working for SBC and getting ready to go work, during 9/11.
I was swimming around in part of my dad’s anatomy.
I was in second grade when Kennedy was killed. I was a student at the Army War College when the Challenger blew up. My wife and I were grocery shopping when the planes hit the towers.
I was on holiday in Greece when Princess Diana died.
I had just finished school when I heard about the World Trade Towers and my friend came round to my house and told me to put the TV on where every single channel was reporting on it.
When the terrorist atacks in London happened I was at work and very relieved that my boss hadn’t gone to London on that day as planned.
When Michael Jackson died I was sat in bed talking to my boyfriend on the phone when I got a text from my dad tellling me that Michael Jackson had died. I thought he was joking.
I’m only 23 years old so I wasn’t around for many major events that shook the world and I can’t rememeber some of those I was around for.
On Sept 11th I was home watching it unfold on television. I had called in sick a few hours before the planes struck. I heard the supervisor at work was yelling out updates: “Tower 2 just got hit!”, “Tower 1 just collapsed!” Can you imagine talking to customers on the telephone with someone yelling that shit in the background?
When the Challenger exploded I was in the 4th Grade. It was such a big deal back then when a shuttle would take off, the teachers would drag a big TV into the hallway and we’d all sit out there and watch the shuttle take off. I remember being confused and sad when the Challenger exploded.
I was at work at a newspaper when 9/11 happened. They used to have this contest about where if you called in the best news tip of the week you won $25. This lady called and told the receptionist that a plane flew into a building in New York and she wanted to know if she was going to win the $25. My desk was close to the receptionist so I remember she and I chuckled about that lady wanting the money for something that happened in NYC. It wasn’t until a few minutes later that everyone started gathering around the TVs in the newsroom. Then we realized it was something really, really horrible. I didn’t get much work done that day, I couldn’t stay away from the TV.
I was at home, waiting for my favorite morning talk show to come on when the Oklahoma City bombing took place.
When the Operation Desert Storm started I remember my mom running in the house looking panicked and yelling “They’re shooting over there!!!!” she was so upset about it. She’d been on her way home from work and heard it on the radio.
When I heard Michael Jackson died, I heard it from my sister. I thought she was kidding. (She wasn’t)
JFK, not a twinkle in my parents eyes yet….
When the Challenger exploded I was with my boyfriend at Bates College sitting on his bed in his dorm room watching live, this was a horrific event in my life as I am sure it was for many….
911 I remember well, I was working Recovery that day in the hospital and when my patients had arrived that day the world was fine and as they awoke from their drug induced slumber naturally foggy and confused the world they left had changed forever!
My National Guard unit (Chemical Corps) was called up 12 hours after the twin towers fell and we were on almost continual deployment for 6 years afterwards.
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