Ovarian cysts, how common are they? Has anyone here had one and had to have it removed?
Asked by
Jude (
January 21st, 2010
My doctor found a Ovarian cyst when doing a CAT scan. I’m going to read up on it, but, would also like to hear from you ladies.
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11 Answers
I did have one on one of my ovaries causing me a great deal of pain. I had it removed by laproscopic surgery and never had any problems. Recovery time was about a week.
My aunt had one removed the size of a grapefruit when she had a c-section for her baby. It grew bigger because of all the vitamins she was taking for the baby. She was okay and has had a few since. After about a week and a half she is usually back to normal and can take care of her kids again.
I had a couple when I was about 17. They hurt terribly, but I never had surgery. My doctor told me to just rest and they would burst on their own…. It sounds worse than it is
I had laparoscopic surgery (thru the belly button) for what was supposed to be an ovarian cyst. It turned out to be a very small fibroid (size of walnut) that I already knew about. Nothing was done; fibroid disappeared when I hit menopause. No scar to speak of, surgery was day-surgery and OK. But I didn’t have anything removed so my experience probably doesn’t count.
i had one rupture a couple of years ago. I had never been told that i had them, they apparently developed after insertion of my Mirena IUD (5-year birth control). The pain was so sudden and excrutiating, I thought I had appendicitis. My boss actually took me to the ER. I haven’t had any trouble with them since that time, but that was a long and miserable day.
My best friend did. Hers had gotten so big that they had to remove one of her ovaries along with the cyst. The strange thing is that she never had any pain and the cyst was found by accident. She’s got a nasty scar from the surgery, but she was back to normal pretty quick. I’ve heard, though, that it’s more common for them to go away on their own.
No. I just go on the pill when my ovarian cysts flare up. I have a major problem with them rupturing..usually ending up with me in the hospital convinced I’m dying. I have never wanted the surgery (scared they’ll try to take my ovary out).
My good friend just had one taken out not too long ago. They told her it looked like cancer..turned out to be a simple ovarian cyst. Big one though. She has no scar that I know of.
The main pain you have from laproscopic is in the shoulder area, because of gas pain…from the air they push into you. That’s the main complaint I’ve heard of the surgery.
I would ask what type of cyst it is, how large it is, and what are the chances of it twisting. Twisting can be more dangerous than rupturing. A rupture hurts, but it’s not usually life threatening. I keep pain pills on hand for those special occasions. But, like I said..birth control pills can shrink an ovarian cyst quite easily.
An ovarian cyst is basically a pocket of fluid, like a small water balloon. If it’s a simple cyst meaning no debris floating around in the fluid and no fibrous partitions and it’s also less than 3 cm in diameter—it’s generally considered insignificant and not needing treatment or followup. Cysts less than 3 cm are also unlikely to cause pain, even if they develop rapidly.
A larger cyst can cause a lot of pain if it comes on quickly, because it will really stretch the nerve endings. If it develops slowly, it might get very big without causing any pain or other symptoms.
It’s usually called a “complex cyst” if there are particles floating around inside most often a hemorrhagic cyst because there’s been bleeding into the fluid or if it got those partitions I mentioned.
If a cyst is causing a lot of pain, they might go in laparoscopically to remove it, especially if they think the ovary might be twisted ovarian torsion. Otherwise, they usually check it again via ultrasound after 4–6 weeks – frequently, the cyst has resolved on its own. We sometimes do a blood test for CA125 to make sure we’re comfortable waiting that month and a half. @casheroo is correct that birth control pills can help it clear up. If it’s still there on recheck, then it’s time for laparoscopy so it can go to pathology. Cysts are usually benign, but if it’s persistent, you want to be sure.
My mum had one a couple of years ago and had to have it removed. She went to the doctor with pains and they called an ambulance straight away and sent her to hospital. Apparently it was the size of a 10p peice (I don’t know what US coin would be that size). Thankfully touch wood she hasn’t had any problems since and it was a fairly easy procedure apparently.
I’ve had them several times, and all have gone away on their own. Sadly, they just found two more via a CT scan when I went to the emergency room w/ extreme abdominal pain. (For the record, I don’t think they actually had anything to do with my pain.) I have to do a follow up ultra-sound in a few more weeks to see if they’ve gone. If not… surgery for me. :(
I’ve had these for years, and occasionally they burst. For me, the pain has been like the equivalent of a bomb going off in my pelvis but for others, it can just feel like a really bad period.
I had lap surgery to have one ‘untethered’ a few years ago, but it’s really a crap shoot since you don’t know when they’re going to pop up. If you’re open to it, you can go on the pill to get control over them.
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