Social Question

Jude's avatar

Can you take hydroxyzine (antihistamine) and Avelox (antibiotic) at the same time?

Asked by Jude (32210points) January 21st, 2010

About an hour ago, my allergies came on something fierce. I do have a prescription for hydroxyzine. The last few days I have been taking Avelox. Can I take the allergy pill while I’m taking the antibiotic?

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6 Answers

shilolo's avatar

Yes, you can (there is no interaction between them). For future reference, you can always use a free drug interaction checker like this one.

Jude's avatar

@shilolo Ah, thanks!

john65pennington's avatar

Not a doctor or pharmacist here, but when i had pneumonia, i took both at night and suffered no consequences.

AstroChuck's avatar

You can take any two medications together. The question is should you…?

VanCityKid's avatar

Yes, antibiotics won’t interfere with the antihistamine.

downtide's avatar

Yes. I’ve taken antibiotics and antihstamines together with no problems (although they were different ones from these). They shouldn’t interact though.

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