General Question

kevbo's avatar

Uh... are skorts back?

Asked by kevbo (25680points) January 21st, 2010 from iPhone

Keri Russell wore a skort with a women’s suit thing on last night’s Late Late Show.

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25 Answers

gemiwing's avatar

I wasn’t aware they had gone anywhere. I see them all the time at the gym. It’s hard to find any anymore that aren’t shaped like boat shorts, but there are a few cute ones.

buckyboy28's avatar

I thought she was wearing a shirt with no pants on. Which is by no means an issue. She’s a babe!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Am I the only one who had to google to see what skorts are?

Dan_DeColumna's avatar

Nah, I did too. Although I found out that skorts came about as a way for women playing golf and tennis to have the freedom of shorts while still appearing to wear a skirt. Apparently, they never went away; they’ve been a part of womens’ golf and tennis uniforms for decades.


PandoraBoxx's avatar

Wow, skorts and clear plastic bubble umbrellas…this is sounding like the 1970’s. Bring on the avocado green kitchen appliances!

lovemypits86's avatar

i would hope not they are really ugly and confusing

rooeytoo's avatar

I always thought they were a dumb idea (and by the way @Dan_DeColumna I have never seen a woman play tennis in one, golf yes). It is like you want the comfort and modesty of shorts but think you have to be lady like and wear a skirt. It’s crazy! Like wearing half of a loin cloth over your shorts.

asmonet's avatar

Please god, no.

liliesndaisies's avatar

I avoid anything that looks confusing. So i hope not.
And even if they are back, i won’t be a fan. :)

aprilsimnel's avatar

I used to wear those when I was 6!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Um, I don’t know.
can’t imagine this matters to you

kevbo's avatar

^in your case, Милая моя, it’s just a ploy for attention.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@kevbo flattery will get you everywhere, my dear.

kevbo's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir, that’s good, because there are places I’d like to go. ;-)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@kevbo nice…you’re lucky my defenses are down because I’m so DayQuilled out

kevbo's avatar

lol… now I know what drink to buy you.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@kevbo awesome. though I’d rather you seduce me sober.

figbash's avatar

I’m starting to realize that pretty much anything goes these days. I’ve seen gauchos with legwarmers, anything (Spring dresses, tube tops) worn over a turtleneck for the winter, people dressed like anime characters and Dallas shoulder pads all within the 4 block radius of where I work.

kevbo's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir, well I will keep that in mind.

mammal's avatar

don’t know but glad you’re back x

rooeytoo's avatar

@figbash – That is true, you would be amazed at some of the crazy looks in Darwin, the shortest short shorts (distressed denim of course) with stilettos and a flannel shirt. Short shorts over those ¾ length tights with a halter top or a top that all but covers the shorts. It seems the stranger the look, the better.

Personally I stick with baggy boardies and a polo shirt, the height of haute couture!

Finley's avatar


anartist's avatar

if they are not, they should be. maybe for both sexes. I still have mine so I’m prepared.

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