General Question

nebule's avatar

Is there some official body that I can submit my new word to and get it in Dictionaries?

Asked by nebule (16472points) January 23rd, 2010

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9 Answers

dpworkin's avatar

Dictionaries record usage. They don’t take submissions. Use the word, write the word, get other people to use the word, and it will end up in the dictionary.

janbb's avatar

Use it three times and it’s yours.

If you can get others to use it, 500,000,000 times, it may make it into the dictionaries.

(Coo cook a choo!)

nebule's avatar

excellent news!!! I’m on it!!!

for some reason though I can’t seem to make any plimples today… must try harder!

that’s two!!

Austinlad's avatar

lexibomb (lex-uh-bom): the inability or failure to get an original word accepted or published by either a printed or online dictionary.

morphail's avatar

Lexicographer Erin McKean on how words get into dictionaries:

nebule's avatar

thanks @morphail that’s great info xx

CyanoticWasp's avatar

What @pdworkin said, as it applies to “real” (i.e., “legitimate”) dictionaries. However, you can submit entries to the Urban Dictionary. And that has a chance of actually popularizing your word someday—at least among perusers of the Urban Dictionary.

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