Reality show commentary. Drivel? Am I too harsh?
Asked by
Trillian (
January 23rd, 2010
Some of the reality shows are kind of interesting. Lots of action from the police cams, random video taken from someone “on the scene”. What I can’t stand is the commentary going on because it seems like they ALL try to come up with something clever to say about EVERY DOGGONE THING!! If it weren’t for that, I’d be able to enjoy these shows a little more. Is it just me? Is anyone actually entertained by this? Do they have stupid commentary for other reality shows? I confess that I don’t watch other types, just the police shows.
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15 Answers
I find them all insufferable.
Contrived, exaggerated and, above all, utterly inane.
Why not stop wasting time, watching and criticising this moronic form of mass-entertainment, and follow more worthwhile intellectual pursuits?
Not only will your mind be enriched and expanded, but never again will you care one iota about idiotic voice-overs on meaningless, childish television broadcasts.
Au contraire, you’re too kind. ;-)
I can understand the interest in videos of police operations,
but seriously, like any television show, you could just use the internet and cut the crap.
They are one of the lowest forms of entertainment.
@The_Idler ooooooo. That hurt. I know for a fact that it’s pointless and childish. When I work my second job, it’s a residence and overnight too boot. I freely admit that I look forward to “Americas dumbest” which has at least some humorous commentary sometimes. Beyond that, I don’t know why I torture myself watching the other stuff. I will say that I can’t last with it for too long. I reach saturation in under half an hour.
I have no other defense. I Could be putting my time to better use. I know. I could be plucking my nose hairs, or contemplating my navel. Lots of things. It’s almost a compulsion, like looking at a wreck on the road.
Oh, and there is no internet available at the residence.
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities, you’re too generous to label it as entertainment. I have an uneasy feeling when I see the commercials for what passes as entertainment and am frequently reminded of Rome. What was it? Panni et circum? And we all know how that turned out.
I really cannot improve on @The_Idler Insufferable, contrived, exaggerated and utterly inane says it all.
@Trillian hah, I can see why people find these things so compelling. TBH though, I’d rather you took a graphic novel or comic…
At least there’s some art in there, to stop your higher brain from choking to death on the mundane monotony of actual every-day life =P
IME, ‘reality’ television has the fantastic ability to somehow make any situation yet more boring and depressing…
There really is not enough bad that one can say. Except: why do these shows have to be on TV at all?
@Marina That’s a good question.
They are broadcast on television, as part of the concerted effort of corporate interests and government, to distract the general population from the state of their own existence, and from that soul-destroying fact that almost everyone works their life away, because the establishment has constructed and organised this society to ensure that those, who do not subscribe to – and participate in – their carefully contrived system of exploitation, have as difficult a time as possible, just trying to survive and enjoy their time on Earth.
If they were to cut out all the bs the show would only last 10 minutes. I’ve never liked “reality” shows for the side dish… only the main course… if you know what i mean.
@The_Idler Is it really everyday life? Who acts like this in real life? Have you seen the ads for the courtroom stuff? people having outbursts, talking back to the judge, throwing stuff? Who acts like this for real? When did this bad behaviour become acceptable? And who in the name of god is entertained by it?
Talk about contrived. I see Ashton Kutcher on the TV guide channel for minutes at a time. I turn it down but I can still see him running his mouth and the over the top reactions of the people he sets up for his stupid pranks. Apparently lots of people like this sort of thing. I feel like I’m the only one on the planet who wishes he’d just shut up and go away.
I wonder if there have been any definitive studies done about reality tv and the people who watch it…./
ya kinda missed my point.
probably cuz it was all in one massive stupid sentence.
what i meant is, basically, they feed this contrived, larger-than-life bullshit to people, because they need to be distracted from actual life, which is unglamorous and dull in comparison.
That is why I consider them to be psychologically unhealthy.
kinda like benzos.
don’t worry about it though.
generally love of reality TV is inversely proportional to intelligence and consciousness.
OK, I guess if I let myself think about it too much I’ll go crazy. I don’t understand people who watch the stuff, like Springer, or Rock of Love, or the Kardashians, or That Lfavor guy with the stupid hats. I don’t understand the people who willingly get in front of a camera and act that way….My life sucks sometimes, I don’t feel better by seeing people acting (or not acting) like idiots.
My question made more sense to me last night when I saw the last ten or fifteen minutes of a caught on tape police show.
I wonder which person in the media made up the term “reality tv”, when its as far from reality as possible?
I’ve seen clips here and there that pals send me links to, and never an entire reality show, either in the US or the UK, so I’ve pretty much seen only the outrageous stuff, like Pete Burns telling off his housemates or that Snookie or Snoopie or whatever her name is being punched in the head by that guy in the Jersey bar.
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