Meta Question

ETpro's avatar

How do you avoid forgetting to give Lurve where it's due?

Asked by ETpro (34605points) January 23rd, 2010

It’s so easy to read a question or answer, and think, “Wow, that’s great!” I’ll answer this to the question, or I’ll comment that to the answer without ever thinking to click the little link that says “Great Question” or “Great Answer”. Have you developed a strategy to avoid doing that?

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12 Answers

spiritual's avatar

As you think great answer or great question, click it straightaway!

The_Clouded_Mind's avatar

I’m new to this so I keep on forgetting to give people lurve =S

ETpro's avatar

@spiritual Thanks. Good idea. @spiritual Welcome to Fluther. I just put @The_Clouded_Mind‘s suggestion to work for you.

ShiningToast's avatar

@spiritual Sums it up. If I like the answer at all, I click “Great Answer” every time.

filmfann's avatar

When I read the question, I think of what my answer is.
If I read someone saying the same thing I thought of, GA.
If I read a better answer, or something that makes me laugh, GA.
If I read someone being harshly attacked for their opinion, even if I don’t agree with them, GA.
If anyone refers to Kahlil Gibran, Mahatma Gandhi, or Groucho Marx, GA.
And if I see anyone with under 50 lurve, GA.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

To remember to give lurve, I think of the Mahatma Gandhi quote – ”Lurve is the strongest force the world possesses, and yet it is the humblest imaginable.”

That was for you, @filmfann ;)

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Lurve is free so I’ve no problem giving it out.
If I read a question I think is great, I give it a GQ.
If I read comments that are good or something I would have liked to write but now don’t have to, I give it a GA.
Absolutely witty or hilarious comments, I have a hard time resisting to spread some lurve.

Fred931's avatar

@ETpro If you ever feel guilty, just look around for a lurve party and click everybody’s GA button.

sjmc1989's avatar

Damn I thought this question was going to be about Groucho Marx…oh well!

I try to do it automatically when I think that it is a GA or GQ, it is as easy as that.

ETpro's avatar

@Fred931 Cool. I didn’t know there were such things.

augustlan's avatar

@ETpro I think @Fred931 is referring to the 10k and 20k “parties”. They are lurve-fests, for sure.

I used to forget to give people GQs a lot, while handing out GAs by the dozens. I’ve trained myself to really pay attention while reading the question, and giving a GQ right away if it deserves one. Even if it’s not a question I’m going to answer.

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