Social Question

How do you feel about the American Family Association?
I honestly cannot understand how anyone in the universe could support this organization, and I highly doubt that anyone on Fluther supports the AFA. However, if you do, I am very interested in hearing why you support these ideals.
For those unfamiliar with the AFA’s positions, I’ll give a brief overview. As the name (unfortunately) implies, they are anti-gay, anti-choice, etc. But they’re not just anti-gay; they support the criminalization of homosexuality. And it doesn’t stop there. They extend their mission and primary lobbying efforts into additional realms that have absolutely nothing to do with “family,” namely, complete deregulation of the oil industry and opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act. Furthermore, they are not only anti-pornography but also supportive of extreme, ridiculous media censorship. While some of you may agree with that last position, what I really cannot imagine is how anyone is okay with this: The AFA opposes equal-rights and anti-hate-crime legislation!
And those are just the organization’s basic perspectives. They spend an average of $14 million annually in supporting their ideals. They’re also involved with these random gems:
– A video released after the Virginia Tech massacre in which “God” explains that this happened because he isn’t allowed to be talked about in schools anymore.
– Support of the absurd idea that AIDS patients should be quarantined.
– Anti-Semitism because Jews produce criminal children and are too supportive of gay people.
– Boycotting of every corporation that supports anything that opposes any of their views to the point that some of these organizations have bent to them because of their (somehow) enormous sway.
And that’s not all. I really wish this was a joke.
I’d like to discuss how people feel about the existence of this organization. Regardless of political and religious beliefs, how could a person support a group that is just so blatantly hateful? What, exactly, is the perspective of a person who supports this group, other than complete ignorance and hatred? Why are so many people donating money to support this terrible group?
The following companies are some of the AFA’s biggest financial supporters: Cinemark, Cracker Barrel, Domino’s Pizza, Dish Network, Exxon Mobil, Golfland Entertainment Centers, Insure, Salvation Army, Urban Outfitters, and Wal-Mart.
- politics
- religion
- labor unions
- family
- censorship
- non-profit
- Jews
- women
- Christianity
- corporations
- oil
- homosexuality
- gay
- equal rights
- abortion
- choice
- gay rights
- gay marriage
- pornography
- hate
- legislation
- hatred
- boycotts
- hate crimes
- anti-semitism
- perspectives
- virginia tech
- oil industry
- American Family Association
- anti-gay
- anti-abotion
- anti-choice
- deregulation
- Employee Free Choice Act
- anti-pornography
- terribleness
- extreme terribleness