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ucme's avatar

If your autobiography were ever to be written, which chapter would be the highlight?

Asked by ucme (50052points) January 24th, 2010

Just hypothetical curiosity on my part. I mean which period in your life do you believe would be considered most interesting to the reader? Oh just an afterthought, in which section would your book be categorised at the bookstore & would it be a best seller or thrown straight into the bargain bin?

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16 Answers

RareDenver's avatar

The bit where I discovered Fluther

aprilsimnel's avatar

Well, ages 0–19 would probably be the most shocking. And 38 on would start to get inspirational. Ages 19–37 would be just sort of bland and sad.

It’d be a best seller, but I wouldn’t write the tome. There are people who I’d have to write about where it would look like I was “throwing them under a bus.”

Jude's avatar

My coming out to my family/losing my grandpa/finally telling my family that I was molested—which all lead to depression (all happened within a year)—that time.

Autobiography and mediocre sales

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

My 15 years with the most wonderful lady in the world. Before that was 38 years of blah, the rest is just depression. There might be a good love story in it, but too painful to tell. Bargain bin stuff, but will never be written.

Cruiser's avatar

All my near death experiences especially the one where I was given last rites would be pretty riveting even by my standards.

tedibear's avatar

The highlight? The 37 minutes in 1985 when I was cute. Otherwise: ZZzzzzZzzzzzzz. Oh yeah, in the bargain bin for sure!

janbb's avatar

I’m kinda hoping the highlight hasn’t come yet!

filmfann's avatar

The war I had with The Worst Boss In The World would be the most interesting.
The five years following were my favorite. People were amazed at what I could do.

wundayatta's avatar

I know what my favorite time is, and I know what my least favorite time is, but the most gripping time for an audience? You know what? It could be any time. It all depends on how well it is written. In the right hands, a person taking a math test could be gripping television.

They say that sex sells—so there were a couple of periods in my life where there was a lot of that. Then again, if you’re going for the chick flick market, there are a few times that would fit that to a T.

I think I’d go after the emo market. In my early thirties, we were struggling to have children. Many adventures there. The end was very much in doubt. Many disappointments along the way. I won’t tell you how it came out. You gotta see the movie.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

This coming decade would be great, at the very least.

j3fr0's avatar

The last chapter because I’ll be goin’ out in a blaze of fury… =P

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

The one that describes my freshman year of college. It’d be something I want to read because I don’t remember more than ½ of it.

It’d go straight to BB. I’m not very interesting.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Probably the chapter that related the details about my career in the military. It has been one the most rewarding, successful, and fulfilling parts of my life (so far).

tinyfaery's avatar

The years between 14 and 23. Boy do I have stories. Ever since I went to college and married my life has been calm and steady, for the most part. It’s a nice change from the chaos of my earlier days.

Facade's avatar

The chapter about 2007: Graduated high school. Met and dated two great men. Picked one of them. Fell in love. Went to college. Became depressed, reclusive, apathetic, etc. “Date rape.” Essentially quit school while simultaneously “living with” my boyfriend. Pregnancy scares. Greatest and worst time of my life so far.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

My years in University and my academic career would be the most interesting and informative to others interested in pursuing an advance level of education in psychology or research.

My experience with love and marriage would be educational and in later parts maybe enlightening.

My difficulties raising children without a suitable spouse and with my own personal challenges would be sad, perhaps tragic but also educational.

In all, I doubt my autobiography should be written or published. It my life and most of the details are really just for me. I wish I could remember more of the names of people with whom I have lost touch over the years.

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