I started a new account after I deleted my old one. I had no expectation of being anything other than who I was in the new account. It was kind of interesting being new, since I found people saying things to me or dismissing me or not giving out lurve to answers I’m pretty sure they would have lurved had I been the old avatar and name.
Lurve does mean something. It tells you how often other people have liked that persons answers. This can be either because they say something people appreciate or because they’ve been around a long time or both. It’s a kind of imperfect algorithm for experience and seniority. Insofar as those things are related to quality, lurve also stands for quality.
Anyway, I was perfectly happy to kill off daloon because that’s not who I want to be any more. However, I was concerned that people would wonder what happened to him, and so I wanted to do something about that (which would have required his resuscitation). Also, because I do think the lurve means something that is very important to me—respect—I was interested in having the old account reopened.
Having earned respect once, I’m happy to earn it again. It’s not all that different from real life where it’s always “what have you done for me, lately?” I never expected to be offered a chance to resuscitate the old account and change it’s name. However, when that option was offered to me, I decided to take it. If it bothers people, I’d also be happy to give it back and kill it forever. I don’t want to be treated in any way I haven’t earned. I can’t say I have a particularly compelling reason for a name change. I certainly don’t think I should be treated in any special way if people don’t think that I’m special.
@cprevite I disagree that names are just circumstance. Online, we choose our names and they have special meaning because of that. If we no longer want to be associated with that name, we can kill it off and choose another name. There are consequences when people disappear and reappear and no one knows who they are, nor has a chance to know. There are people here who spend their lives, it seems to me, sniffing out banned people who reappear under new names and avatars. What a waste of time! I think that it makes it easier to track people if they can change names.
And I can’t believe you remember “rancid”! Hmmm. If you can remember rancid, then I think you’ll have no problem with other name changes. Sheesh! ;-)